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  • 秦时明月之诸子百家 第1话
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Qin Shi Mingyue: Zhu Zi Bai Jia EP1 - Chu Songs in the Turbulent Days

Premiered: 2010-6-23

Duration: 27:14


Years Ago, Ying Zheng, King of Qin Kingdom, sent his armies to perish Chu, the last one of his six enemy kingdoms that stopped him from uniting China. Xiang Family, the strongest power in Chu confronted Qin's troops. Xiang's young master, Shoyu, despite his young age, fought excellently. However, because of the fierce battle machines that Gongshu Family had made for Qin, Shaoyu and Chu armies were unable to withstand the attack of Qin troops led by Meng Tian, and were forced to retreat. Ying Zheng finally unified China, but he knew there were still enemies watching his empire. Days ago, he sent his troops and Directionist Wei Zhuang to destroy the Machine City of Mohist School.


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