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  • 快乐七人组 第6话
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Happy Seven: The TV Manga EP6 - The Third Twin




Tamon bought hair clips for everyone.The twins did not want one since the shapes were different. Before long a monster appears, called "The Mirror", the twins transform and attempt to attack it, but the monster changes form into Mina confusing Nami as she was forced to pick who was the real one, but she is attacked before she can. Once home, the twins have a fight, Nami realising that her and Mina had become too much alike after a chat with Kikunosuke. Upon returning home both twins declared themselves their own person, and put on the hair clips before heading out to fight again as some of the Happy Seven had been lured out and captured. Once seeing the twins, the monster proceeds to use the same tacit once more, however, Mina lets her hair fall out, the same side as the one she had the clip on. Tricking the monster, it is quickly defeated and the Happy Seven are freed.


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