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  • 快乐七人组 第11话
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Happy Seven: The TV Manga EP11 - The 'We Love You' of the Space Where Demons Cannot Be




After catching a cold, Amano is unable to go to school, causing the Seven to go gaga over Kikusnosuke, each of them becoming close to the "Virgin Vow of Chastity" they had made. While Amano was ill they decided to hold a contest for a date with him, Kuriya and Tamon winning. After shopping and a picnic Kikusnosuke suggests they to go "Happy Land" a theme park in the town over. Amano's friends, while leaving, see the three arriving and call her, causing Amano to speed off to the park. After Kikusnosuke falls asleep Kuriya and Tamon kiss him on the cheek, just in time for Amano to see, and she yells out, while mysterious red lightning strikes appear from her. Before the girls can explain Kikusnosuke wakes and a Magatsugam. Kikusnosuke apologies and says he had wanted to come to the park as he had known there was a monster here but hadn't wanted to involve any one else from the Seven. The reason is quickly revealed as Amano is struck, causing her to go into a "love daze" and she attempts to kiss Kuriya. The Magatsugam is enjoying the scene he caused, but forgets about Kikusnosuke, and is destroyed. Amano is soon back at school and forgives Kuriya and Tamon, telling herself that they must have been under the influence of the Magatsugam too, the girls agree, to frightened to tell her otherwise.


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