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  • 快乐七人组 第13话
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Happy Seven: The TV Manga EP13 - All's Well That Ends Well




Kokuanten, seeing the Red Star, quickly flies to its location and absorbs some of its power, making her whole again. Before she can fight with the Seven however, a control panel in the shape of a flower appears, and pulls Amano to it, contesting her somehow, upon seeing Amano Kokuanten has a mixture of feelings. Suddenly Amano's eyes open, and she begins to explain the Red Star's purpose, and that it could wipe out a whole galaxy and that the aliens that had created it were coming to dismantle it, but wouldn't arrive in time before it fired, giving the Seven seven minutes to remove Amano from it, agreeing that if they did so, Amano would still be alive and survive. Unable to do it with their own powers, Shouju tells everyone to give Kikusnosuke their powers, and quickly does so, turning back into a dog before passing out. But Kikusnosuke tells them no, saying it wouldn't work unless they had "her" power, and looks at Kokuanten. Kokuanten fights with her emotions, her hate being spurred on by Tomoya whom wanted everything to end after his brother died. She eventually gives in and while the Seven give Kikusnosuke their power, Kokuanten does also, giving him enough power to destroy the control panel and free Amano, stopping the Red Star from firing. The aliens arrive soon later and thank them. After being teleported to safety, Amano wakes, and apologizes once more. It then cuts to a few months later, and Amano explains that everything was back to normal.


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