Zipang EP4 - Mirai's Battle
The Mirai narrowly escapes the American sub’s torpedoes. A panicked sailor in the CIC launches an ASROC. Captain Umezu considers sinking the sub but, at the last moment, self-destructs the ASROC. The Americans escape with knowledge of a new Japanese ship with incredible capabilities. Kusaka learns that the ship is from the future. On board the battleship Yamato, Admiral Yamamoto summons Lt. Tsuda, a naval intelligence officer, to investigate the strange warship flying hinomaru that mysteriously appeared and quickly disappeared in the midst of the Combined Fleet just before the Battle of Midway.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP2 - Midway
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EP3 - Person Adrift
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EP4 - Mirai's Battle
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EP5 - Kusaka's Choice
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EP6 - Attack Order
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EP7 - Malay Railway
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EP8 - Pursuer
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EP9 - Deadline
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EP10 - Interchange
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EP13 - Country of Gold
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EP14 - Clash!
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EP17 - Zipang's Movement
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EP18 - Reunion
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EP20 - E-No. 21
Date: -
EP21 - 1 against 40
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EP22 - Warning
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EP23 - Sinking of WASP
Date: -
EP25 - Return