Zipang EP1 - The Mirai Sets Sail
The JDS Mirai sets sail from Japan as one of a four-ship squadron going to Hawaii to participate in a joint exercise with the United States Navy. In the vicinity of Midway Island they encounter a strange meteorological anomaly. The Mirai loses contact with her sister ships but finds herself sailing straight for what can only be the Imperial Japanese Navy battleship Yamato.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP2 - Midway
Date: -
EP3 - Person Adrift
Date: -
EP4 - Mirai's Battle
Date: -
EP5 - Kusaka's Choice
Date: -
EP6 - Attack Order
Date: -
EP7 - Malay Railway
Date: -
EP8 - Pursuer
Date: -
EP9 - Deadline
Date: -
EP10 - Interchange
Date: -
EP13 - Country of Gold
Date: -
EP14 - Clash!
Date: -
EP17 - Zipang's Movement
Date: -
EP18 - Reunion
Date: -
EP20 - E-No. 21
Date: -
EP21 - 1 against 40
Date: -
EP22 - Warning
Date: -
EP23 - Sinking of WASP
Date: -
EP25 - Return