Zipang EP20 - E-No. 21
Kadomatsu goes to the I-21 to consult about an approaching scout plane the Mirai has detected. Taki takes Kadomatsu prisoner and the I-21 submerges, leaving the Mirai’s crew confused and unsure about what to do as time runs out. The mystery plane is indeed American, but Mirai uses its ECM system to jam the radio waves and prevent the pilot from reporting back. Nevertheless, Commander Hutton correctly suspects that a distortion field that suddenly appeared on USS Wasp's radarscope is the work of the mysterious Japanese warship and recommends an attack. The episode ends as the USS Wasp launches a massive air strike against the Mirai.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP2 - Midway
Date: -
EP3 - Person Adrift
Date: -
EP4 - Mirai's Battle
Date: -
EP5 - Kusaka's Choice
Date: -
EP6 - Attack Order
Date: -
EP7 - Malay Railway
Date: -
EP8 - Pursuer
Date: -
EP9 - Deadline
Date: -
EP10 - Interchange
Date: -
EP13 - Country of Gold
Date: -
EP14 - Clash!
Date: -
EP17 - Zipang's Movement
Date: -
EP18 - Reunion
Date: -
EP20 - E-No. 21
Date: -
EP21 - 1 against 40
Date: -
EP22 - Warning
Date: -
EP23 - Sinking of WASP
Date: -
EP25 - Return