
Pokemon Sun & Moon EP18 - A Seasoned Search!

Premiered: 2017-03-16

Duration: 00:24:50


Mallow invites her classmates to her restaurant to taste her version of Alola's legendary stew. Unfortunately, her use of Pikachu's electric shock to cook it does not go over so well. It turns out that she is missing an important ingredient known as the rare Yellow Nectar. Ash and Pikachu decide to help Mallow gather some nectar. Their plan is to use an Oricorio to find it, but finding one is not so easy. Meanwhile, Ash's Rowlet seems to have developed feelings for Mallow's Bounsweet, but the feelings are not reciprocated. Team Rocket turns up once again, but this time instead of stealing Pikachu they plan to steal all of the nectar. However, their interference causes Bounsweet to evolve into a Steenee with a devastating slap attack.

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