
Pokemon Sun & Moon EP53 - Rescuing the Unwilling!

Premiered: 2017-12-07

Duration: 00:24:50


On the other side of the Ultra Wormhole, the gang finds the captured Lusamine, but are shocked to find the Ultra-Beast is controlling her mind and she wants nothing to do with them! It's up to Ash, Lillie and friends to rescue her. Their Pokémon spring into action—but so do Lusamine's Pokémon, who are also under the Ultra Beast's control. Lillie gathers her courage and reaches out to her mother's Clefable, recalling the fun they had together long ago. Her reassuring persistence pays off, and Clefable breaks free of the Ultra Beast's control. Meanwhile, riding on Solgaleo's back, Ash races on to find Lusamine—and the Ultra Beast.

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