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Mouryou no Hako EP9 - Girl Dolls

Premiered: 2008.12.2



Shunkō Kubo is the gloved man. "The Woman inside the Box" is more a diary than a work of fiction. In flashback, Enokizu and Sekiguchi are on their way to talk to Yoriko. Sekiguchi notices he forgot his copy of "The Woman inside the Box" at Chūzenji's. When they meet Kubo by chance in a cafe, they show him Kanako's picture. He is shaken and says he might be able to help find her. After they meet Yoriko and she leaves to meet Kubo, they break into Yoriko's house to find her mother attempting suicide. They tell her that she must protect Yoriko if she returns. Rejoining the timeline, Yōko tells Kiba that Mimasaka tried to cure her mother's myasthenia. Chūzenji has read "The Woman inside the Box." After Sekiguchi tells him that Kubo wears gloves, he deduces that Kubo is the perpetrator of the dismemberment case. Aoki stops by to say that Yoriko's severed arms have just been found.