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Mouryou no Hako EP7 - The Goblin Incident
Premiered: 2008.11.18
Sekiguchi reads more of "The Woman inside the Box," imagining himself as the protagonist. In it, he remembers being alone is the large house where he grew up. In the main storyline, Sekiguchi and Toriguchi continue to meet with Chūzenji. Toriguchi relates that the teachings of Onbako-sama are that mōryō gather in places that are enclosed. Chūzenji says that Terada has grasped the basic nature of mōryō. Toriguchi explains further that Terada convinces his followers that they must part from their impure materialism. Toriguchi wants to expose Terada as a criminal and believes Terada is involved with the dismemberment case, because all the victims are daughters of followers listed in the Onbako-sama membership registry. Sekiguchi notices that Shunkō Kubo is on the list of followers. Sekiguchi reads more of "The Woman inside the Box," imagining himself as the protagonist. In it, he sells the large house and rents a single room. He proceeds to fill the room with custom-made boxes.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP4 - The Kasha Incident
Date: -
EP6 - The Box Incident
Date: -
EP9 - Girl Dolls
Date: -
EP11 - Den of Evil
Extra Episodes
SP1 中禅寺敦子の事件簿 箱の幽霊の事