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  • 怪谈餐馆 第8话
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Kaidan Restaurant EP8 - Room 31 / Don't Turn Around / The Broken Photocopier

Premiered: 2009/12/08



The meals are introduced by the Wind-up Old lady.

Room 31

Anko meets a family friend on the way back from school, who is on her way to the temple with her husband to celebrate her mother's 7th death anniversary. Anko, who also knew her well, tells her she thought of her mother like she was her granny. She also tells her she wants to bring her favorite snacks when she was alive, and will offer incense, too. On her way to the store she bumps into a shady man who drops his wallet. Anko follows him to an old apartment, and sees him enter room 31. But when she tries to give the wallet back, an old lady opens the door claiming she lives there alone. She speaks kindly to Ako, but when she lingers too long, she suddenly snaps at her and sends her away. That evening a murder is announced on TV. Anko realizes that the murderer was the man she was looking for. Anko and Sho go back to the apartment the next day, but nobody knows about the old woman. Anko later drops by to the anniversary, and is shown a younger picture of the deceased. It turns out she has been protecting her all along...

Don't Turn Around

Reiko came down with a cold. Sho invites Anko over, and tells her about an Italian book he has recently read. An orphaned boy called Giovanni lives alone with his Grandpa, who has a heart condition. One night he turns ill, and Giovanni must go through a mountain road called Demon's Pass to get to the doctor in time. When he informs the doctor about what happened, he hurries over to the cottage right away. Giovanni, however, refuses to go with him not to slow the horse down, and once again takes Demon's Pass to return home. On his way, he hears his father speaking to him, telling him that he cannot ascend to Heaven unless he turns around. Giovanni resists the temptation and goes on. Then he hears his grandmother's voice, claiming that she has to wash clothes in a cold stream eternally if he doesn't save her. But once again, he remembers the promise he made to his grandfather and walks on. Then his mother's voice speaks to him, telling him to look at her to finally know how she was like. Giovanni bursts into tears, but keeps to his promise and runs up the hill. When he reaches the top, he turns back and saws a rooster with hooves, the devil itself. It praises Giovanni for not turning back, tells him he could've taken his soul if he did and leaves. Giovanni's grandpa survives the night. Sho asks Ako if she would have the courage not to turn back when hearing the voice of someone she knows. And then on her way home, Anko hears a familiar voice calling out for her....

The Broken Photocopier

Ako tells the story of the ghost of a famous model, who committed suicide. She has appeared at the building ever since, where she lost her job because a fellow model slandered her and snatched her opportunities. But when she tries to make a copy of her picture, the printer seems to malfunction... Ako ends the story by saying And it was her face.

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