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  • 怪谈餐馆 第12话
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Kaidan Restaurant EP12 - The Changeling / Let's Go Together / Eye Spy a Heated Table

Premiered: 2010/02/16



In this episode the meals are presented by a Cyclops.

The Changeling

Mari's little sister is born, so she invites the others over to celebrate with her and her family. Ako, Reiko and Yuuma start wandering what they should bring as a gift for the newborn. Ako suggests a protective charm, but Yuuma tells her no-one passes that as a gift. Ako then asks Sho whether he knows about any related customs from overseas. Sho suggests a metal spoon, and when the others look at him puzzled, he tells them about a story he just read. It is a tale from Norway about a married couple raising their newborn son near the fields. They lived merrily and loved each other, making a black fairy, who lived nearby, utterly jealous. When the couple left the house for a short while, the fairy came and looked at their son. He found his face and his giggle so cute, that he decided to swap him with his own child. So when the mother called out to her son asking whether he was hungry, she found the changeling child instead. She ran out yelling 'he has a moustache', and his husband wondered why the child had the face of an adult. When it started crying, and they offered it some milk to drink, the changeling demanded beer and snacks. The parents then decided to consult the elder of the village. When the elder and other townspeople arrived, they too were astonished. The elder asked them whether the cradle has always been put to where it was now, and when the parents confirmed, he looked near the cradle and found the hair of the fairy. He then told them about the envious black fairy who's been living in the area, and that he had probably switched children with them. When the parents asked him about the fate of their own child, he told them not to worry, as the fairies treasure him in return. They asked the elder for a way to get their own child back, who told them to smear the changeling's feet with oil, and light fire near them, so that the scared parents would come for it. They lit the fire, and the black fairy appeared stating that humans are cruel. His child replied that so was him for leaving him with them, and they left talking about beer. The parents got their own child back, thanked the elder, who told them that fairies hate metal, and that they should always keep a metal spoon near the child. Sho tells the others that it's not impossible that similar fairies may exist in Japan, too. Eventually they brought sweets and treats with them, as metal spoons proved to be surprisingly expensive. When they arrive to Mari's house, they hear someone ask for beer, and the fairy tale comes to their minds right away. However, it turns out to be one of Mari's adult relatives.

Let's go together

The family visits Anko in the hospital, who's still sulking about not being able to go to Hokkaido. She wakes up at the middle of the night, complaining that she shouldn't have drunk that much juice. While wandering about, the lights flicker, and Ako sees light coming from one of the rooms. She goes there to check it, and is seen by a boy who invites her in. She asks him why he's still up, and introduces herself. Then she sees a bandage on his throat, and realizes that he probably cannot speak. He shows her a picture book of Hokkaido, when Ako tells him she was supposed to go there with her family. The boy forms an x with his fingers asking if it was canceled, and Ako tells him it was because her cold got worse. She tells him she wanted to go skiing. Then he shows her pictures of it, and Ako cheers enthusiastically. Then she hears footsteps, but the nurse passes them by and walks on. The next day she returns to check if he was awake, the lights flicker again and she finds the boy in his room. When he shows her more pictures of distant lands, Ako tells him she'd like to visit them. The boy then hands Ako a message saying let's go together. When Ako is surprised, he adds when we get healthy. Ako agrees. She keeps visiting the boy, waking up at 2 AM every day. However, her health deteriorates doing so, still she couldn't resist wanting to see him. In the meantime, the doctor tells her father that they cannot discharge her, as her cardiopulmonary functions suddenly dropped for an unknown reason. When the doctor tells them that Ako's life is in danger, and there is nothing else to be done than wait, the parents panic. It's 2 AM again, and Ako takes off her oxygen mask to go see the boy. Her mother sleeps on beside her bed, unable to stop her. The lights flicker, and Ako staggers on to meet the boy. Upon entering his room, Ako now finds a forest with white, leafless trees and a gray sky, where the boy stands with his bandage loose. He calls out for Ako, who remarks that he can now talk again, and invites her to go together with him. He tells her that now they can go see anything they want, from mountains to seas. He reaches out to her, and Ako, half-conscious, agrees to go together, and she starts walking towards the boy. Then, hearing her mother calling out to her, she turns around. Her mother is screaming desperately at a nurse that her daughter went missing from her room. The nurse tells her to stay where she is, while she will alert the staff to go look for Ako. Ako, however, doesn't seem to recognize her situation, turns away and walks on. Remembering her smile and seeing her mother's despair, the boy withdraws his hand just before Ako could place hers in it. He tells her to go back, and that she cannot come with him, and darts off as fast as he can. The trees turn black as he runs, and Ako, still staggering after him, tries to remember his name. She is then found by her mother, and collapses. While her mother holds her, she sees a flash of him, standing in the waves, looking at her. She then found out that the room she was visiting had been used by a boy, who died after an unsuccessful throat surgery. Hearing that he has always wanted a friend, before being discharged, Ako goes to the room saying goodbye.

Eye Spy a Heated Table

Ako tells a story about her dad, coming across a small shelter house in the forest. Hungry, he enters the house, greets the chef and spots a kotatsu, exclaiming how nostalgic it is. He asks for a maitake soba, and lifts the sheets of the kotatsu, just to see a pair of hairy knees with a pair of pink eyes staring back at him. He gets freaked out, and tells the chef what he saw, who replies 'Oh really? Were those legs.. just like these?', pulling up his pants, revealing the furry knees with their eyes blinking. Ako's father passes out, and later awakens to be found by a mountaineer, asking if he was all right. He says he could swear he saw a rest area there, and is told that there never was one. The man tells him he might have been tricked by a tanuki, and that some living in that area are pretty clever. He sighs, and thinks loud, saying those legs were really freaky. Then the man asks him, 'you mean these?' , pulling up Ako's fathers' pants, revealing that now his knees have the brown fur and pink eyes on them. Once again he passes out, with a silhouette of a kitsune with glowing eyes standing in front of him. Ako ends the story by saying my dad's really easy to trick, isn't he?

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