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  • 怪谈餐馆 第15话
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Kaidan Restaurant EP15 - It was you / I Can't Dance Without You / Empty Seat

Premiered: 2010/03/09



In this episode the meals are presented by Baku.

It was you

Ako and Sho go visit an abandoned library, and bump into Reiko. Sho then tells them that, according to the occult, books can have their own spirit, to which Reiko retorts they are just paper and ink. A book then falls off the shelf seemingly by itself, and when they check it they see it is about clairvoyance. Shou says it wanted them to read it, Reiko protests that it was just a coincidence but Ako already found a page about finding your future love. It says one must hold a comb in the mouth, look at a water surface and the image of their future spouse would be reflected, if done at the Hour of the Ox. Reiko remarks everyone would be doing it if it worked, but when she wakes up at night to find the book in her room, she decides to see for herself. While waiting for the reflection to appear, she almost gives up, but then she is startled by the image that forms on the surface - she accidentally breaks a mirror, and the razor-sharp shards fall into the water...

I can't dance without you

Everyone is staring at the poster for a new ballet performance, talking about how important good chemistry between the dancers is. However, a tight relationship might lead to dire consequences, explains Sho with a rigid complexion. He tells the tale of Sylvia and Andre, two young Bulgarian ballet performers who had been dancing together from an early age. They gained the silver trophy of an important competition near the Aegean sea, and promised to train day and night to win next time. One night while practicing, a loose chandelier fell from the ceiling. To save her love from certain death, Sylvia pushed Andre away and she herself got caught under the chandelier, falling into a coma. Andre ditched ballet afterwards, but was convinced by his trainer to dance for Sylvia's sake. He teamed up with a girl, and actually won the gold trophy this time, but he felt nothing but emptiness. That night, when Sylvia's mother stood vigilant by her side, a sudden gust of wind blew the curtains open. Sylvia opened her eyes, stood up and went to the window, to see Andre dance in the full moon. She called out to him, and he clasped her hand and pulled her into the moonlit night sky, to dance with him among the stars. When Sylvia's mother woke up, she found her daughter passed, smiling... and later it turned out that Andre passed away that same night too.

Empty seat

Ako tells the story of a girl, who just couldn't wait to start high school. She was accepted into an all girl school, and was raring to get to the opening ceremony. She wasn't paying enough attention, and was hit by a truck at the intersection, dying on the spot. By the time the school was notified, the opening ceremony could not be called off. But the students were not notified of the accident, and only the immediate classmates were told why there was an empty seat in their room. But when the teacher was about to say she could not make it, the empty seat started shaking furiously, and then fell. Ako ends the story saying Kayo really was looking forward to being there, didn't she...

Ending: The Ruins

One late evening, a man was hopelessly lost in the forest, when he happened upon old stone ruins. When he entered the ruins, he heard marching.

*thump thump, crackle crackle*

The odd sounds were headed towards the ruins. He then remembered an old battle that was fought there, and that they said it was still fought by the dead.

*thump thump, crackle crackle*

It sounded like clanking bones! The man turned around, and then saw them...

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