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  • 乌冬面之国的金色毛毬 第7话
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Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari EP7 - Ritsurin Garden

Premiered: 2016-11-19

Duration: 00:23:00


Souta's made his decision: he's quitting his job and moving back to Kagawa, where he'll work freelance while taking care of Poco. What with all the cooking and trying to keep his little charge out of too much mischief, though, he quickly remembers that parenting a small child is easier said than done. Thankfully, he has a "senpai" to turn to in Manabe-san. Can Souta handle a trip to a Gaogao-chan show in Ritsurin Garden with both Poco and Manabe-san's daughter in tow?

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Count: 0