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  • 乌冬面之国的金色毛毬 第1话
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Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari EP1 - Bukkake Udon

Premiered: 2016-10-08

Duration: 00:23:00


After his father's death, Souta Tawara, a web designer who left his hometown in Kagawa prefecture to live in Tokyo, returns to the countryside where he grew up. His father ran a popular udon restaurant, but with no one to take over, the restaurant has closed down. Inside, Souta finds a child fast asleep in an iron pot—a shoeless, dirty, and absolutely starving child. But when Souta tries to take the lost tyke to the police, the rug rat grows an ears and a tail before his very eyes. This is no ordinary child—it's a tanuki in a human form!

PV Episodes

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Extra Episodes


Count: 0