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Macross Δ EP3 - A Stormy Dogfight

Premiered: 2016-04-17

Duration: 00:23:40


Hayate becomes a cadet in Delta Flight under Mirage's wing and learns the basics of Valkyrie piloting the hard way. After weeks of slacking off training, he is issued a challenge by Mirage in a mock battle, where he must score a hit on Mirage before the time limit or he will be expelled from the unit. Meanwhile, Freyja is also struggling in her practices with Walküre, unable to find the proper motivation to sing. In order to encourage her, the Walküre members show footage of Hayate's mock battle with Mirage. Upon seeing Hayate struggling against her superior piloting, Freyja begins to sing with purpose, which seemingly also gives Hayate the motivation he needs to finally score a hit on Mirage. Mirage is shocked at how Hayate was able to beat her, but Hayate, having been impressed with Mirage's flying skills, promises to start attending her training sessions from now on.

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