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  • 超时空要塞Δ 第13话
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Macross Δ EP13 - Passionate Diving

Premiered: 2016-06-26

Duration: 00:23:40


Just as the Macross Elysion enters Al Shahal's orbit, the Sigur Berrentz folds right in front of the full N.U.N.S. defense fleet within Ragna, but not before the Macross Elysion damages its sound wave system. The Aerial Knights scramble to defend their flagship until the system is back online. Right when the Sigur Berrentz hovers near Barrett City, the N.U.N.S. detonate a reactive bomb within the Protoculture ruins. The Windermerean flagship survives the explosion, while the ruins form a larger structure that merges with the ship, effectively amplifying Heinz's song and bringing Ragna under control of the Vár Syndrome. Chaos scrambles to evacuate as many of Ragna's citizens as possible while Delta Flight engages the Aerial Knights in a dogfight and Freyja unleashes her true potential.

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