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Macross Δ EP2 - Audition with Death

Premiered: 2016-04-10

Duration: 00:23:40


Having arrived on planet Ragna with Hayate, Freyja marvels the Ragna City and the base of the Delta Flight. To her dismay she is first denied entry into the audition, but shortly afterwards she receives a "special permission" to do so. Meanwhile, Hayate is recruited by Delta Flight, who had witnessed his skills in the previous battle. Hayate is hesitant at first since he doesn't like fighting and doesn't like following orders, but eventually agrees so that he can have the chance to fly again. Freyja is told that she failed her audition, and on the train ride back to the city, one of the passengers contracts the Vár infection. Freyja immediately uses her song to calm the infected passenger, and it is revealed that the entire event was a ruse set up by Walküre as part of her final test. Having passed, Freyja becomes an official member of Walküre.

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