Beast Wars Second Chou Seimeitai Transformers
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameBeast Wars Second Chou Seimeitai Transformers
  • Official nameビーストウォーズII 超生命体トランスフォーマー
  • Chinese name变形金刚:野兽之战2
  • Other names超级超能勇士 / Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers / 百变金刚 II
  • PremieredApril 1, 1998
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsScience fiction / Combat / Robot war
  • Original author今木商事 / Hasbro / タカラトミー
  • Director関田修
  • Scenario武上純希 / 大橋志吉 / 神戸一彦
  • Storyboard関田修 / 高山秀樹 / 山口美浩 / 小野勝巳 / 横田和善
  • Co-director行田進 / 高山秀樹 / 山口美浩 / 小野勝巳 / 横田和善
  • Character design大河広行 / やまだたかひろ / 小川浩
  • Music日本コロムビアレコード / 相良まさえ / 林有三 / 高橋秀雄
  • StudiosAshi Productions
  • Producersテレビ東京 / NAS / 葦プロダクション
  • FamilyTatakae! Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers
  • Rating12+
  • Resources+:

Beast Wars Second Chou Seimeitai Transformers

Beast Wars Second features a new cast of characters set many years in the future, who travel to a post apocalyptic Earth now known as the planet Gaia.

The Cybertrons, led by Lio Convoy, are sent to the planet to investigate an unusual change in the planet’s behavior and thus thwart the Destrons, led by Galvatron, who seek to consume the planet’s rich source of energy called Angolmois.


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      • EP1 - The New Forces Arrive!

        Responding to an SOS from a small planetoid somewhere out in space, Cybertron (faction) commander Convoy and his deputy commander Apache head through an asteroid field in two small, single-man reconnaissance crafts. Despite being cautioned by Convoy to be wary of the possibility of a Destron trap, the cocksure Apache zooms ahead, zipping around the asteroids at great speed. What he does not expect, however, is for the planetoid in front of him to start moving, bearing down on him on a collision course. Convoy streaks into action, opening fire on the planetoid, which explodes dramatically. Although Apache is hurled to safety by the blast, Convoy is sent spiralling off into the depths of the cosmos.Elsewhere, on the far edge of the universe, an asteroid tumbles towards the planet Gaea. As it hits the atmosphere, however, its rocky shell begins to crumble away, exposing the Destron insignia beneath—in truth, this asteroid is the Galvaburg II, a Destron starship commanded by the Emperor of Destruction, Galvatron. Galvatron picks up a strange energy signature from the planet below, although he has to clobber his brother, Megastorm, to get him to shut up so he can get the message across to his troops. The Destron trace the energy signal to a flare of light emerging from the planet's surface and set about harnessing its power, shrouding their ship from sight with a field of black fog. High above their heads, within the moon, Gaea's watchers, Moon and Artemis, despair over this wicked use of the planet's Angolmois energy, but Artemis expects the Cybertrons will arrive soon—after all, they usually do in situations like this!Elsewhere in the universe, at the Cybertron (faction) Space Station under the command of Convoy, Kid and Diver are attempting to play chess, only to be interrupted by the station computer, NAVI, informing them of the abnormal energy flare on Gaea. Kid dismisses the idea of going on the mission, as Convoy is still missing. Bighorn is willing to go regardless, but Scuba agrees that going without their Supreme Commander is pointless. When Kid claims that it doesn't look like Convoy will be back, Apache drunkenly refutes the notion, having drowned his guilty sorrows in oil. Bighorn takes charge and decides to take the mission, and everyone follows him aboard their ship, the Yukikaze. Apache doesn't quite make it, though, and trails along behind the craft on a cable, freezing solid in the void of space. The transwarp trip is a short one, and Gaea is soon in sight, but almost instantly, a heavy barrage of laser fire flies up from the planet's surface and blasts the Yukikaze out of the sky. As their spacecraft falls, the Cybertrons escape the conflagration in pods.Kid's pod makes a rough landing, and to make matters worse, his onboard computer quickly tells him that the atmosphere of Gaea will rapidly corrode the Transformers' bodies. To escape a rusty fate, he quickly searches for a local animal to scan, spotting an eagle and triggering his scanners. However, a Tasmanian Devil leaps into the path of the scan beam, and Kid scans its DNA instead, becoming Tasmania Kid . He is not especially pleased with this fact, but forgets his woes when the animal leads him to the edge of a nearby cliff and shows him the black fog, spreading across the landscape and rotting away nature. Thanking the Tasmanian Devil, Kid heads into the dying forest, but finds his way barred by a large body of water without a bridge or road in sight. A large frog pops out of the water and compliments Kid on his choice of a rare animal to scan—the frog is actually Diver, who carries Kid across the water on his back. As Diver is swimming along, the pair panic when they are apparently attacked by a squid… but it's only Scuba having a bit of fun. He carries the pair the rest of the way across the water at high speed, and they carry on through the forest, meeting up with Apache (who has scanned a mandrill) and Bighorn (in the form of a bison).Together, the quintet track the black fog to its source within a large crevasse, but as they argue about who's going to go in...

      • EP2 - White Lion, Run!

        Escaping into the jungle after their battle with the Destrons, the Cybertrons are instructed by Apache to follow the white lion that saved them. The lion leads them to the crashed remains of their ship, the Yukikaze, where they are greeted by the still-active NAVI and transform back to robot mode in the safe, sealed atmosphere of the ship. The lion stalks into the control room, terrifying Tasmania Kid and Diver, but Apache has already deduced the truth that is then revealed—the lion is, in fact, their missing commander, Convoy, or as he is now known, Lio Convoy! After a happy reunion, Lio Convoy explains that he crash-landed on Gaea after the explosion in space, and when he regained consciousness, his body had already been crippled by the harsh atmosphere of the planet. A white lion discovered his injured form and carried him to a cave bursting with Angolmois energy, which restored him to full heath, after which he took the lion's form. Now that he's back in command, Lio Convoy prepares to take the fight to the Destrons…but first, he has NAVI prepare a special steak. The other Cybertrons think that a party is in the works, but it's for the lion that saved Lio Convoy's life, much to Tasmania Kid's disappointment.Meanwhile, the Destrons have landed the Galvaburg II atop some ancient ruins deep in the jungle, beneath which Angolmois energy has been detected. Investigating, Galvatron and Megastorm discover an ancient computer containing information on machines and creatures from Gaea's past. Galvatron scans the two most powerful entities the computer has to offer, only to immediately collapse, unconscious. Megastorm is initially distraught, but when he fails to rouse his brother, his tune quickly changes and he declares himself leader of the Destrons. Using the computer, he outfits the four Autorollers with destructive vehicles modes that they quickly put to use razing the landscape to prepare it for construction of a base of operations. Next, the Combatrons are given aerial vehicle modes, and instructed to track down the white lion responsible for the Destrons' earlier defeat (unaware that the beast was actually Lio Convoy). Starscream suggests to BB that they try to capture the lion themselves to get one up on Thrust and Dirge, and as they break off to investigate on their own, they spot the real white lion. BB opens fire, scaring the animal off and causing no end of amusement for Thrust and Dirge, who speed off to get the lion for themselves. In response, BB blasts them with a smokescreen, causing them to crash into a mountain.As Artemis freaks out over all this up in the moon, and Moon pays little attention, NAVI alerts the Cybertrons to the destruction in the jungle and they head out to deal with the situation. Tasmania Kid, Diver, Bighorn and Scuba tackle the forest fire, with Bighorn enthusiastically beating the flames back while Kid has a go at peeing on them. Neither tactic works especially well, but Scuba saves the day by locating an underground river and causing it to erupt in a geyser that douses the inferno. Lio Convoy and Apache, meanwhile, go to help the injured white lion, and the enraged Lio Convoy decides to take the fight to the enemy. Allowing himself to be captured by Starscream and BB, he is brought before Megastorm (who has scanned himself a tank mode in the meantime) and promptly breaks free. Transforming to robot mode, he unleashes a hail of missiles upon the three Destrons, forcing them to retreat aboard the Galvaburg. As the smoldering ship lurches off over the horizon, Lio Convoy happily affirms the success of their mission, and thanks the lion for all it has done.

      • EP3 - Bighorn's Fury

        As Tasmania Kid and Bighorn wander through a field beside the Yukikaze, Kid plucks a flower from the ground and shows it to Bighorn, commenting that he thinks the whole field is a bit on the gaudy side. The red hue of flower sends the pent-up Bighorn into a rage, and he repeatedly headbutts a rock wall as he roars about the current lack of action. Meanwhile, aboard the ship, Apache and NAVI report to Lio Convoy that they are unable to get a fix on the Destrons' ship. Lio Convoy arranges for an on-foot search of the planet, and Scuba and Diver go outside to inform Kid and Bighorn. Bighorn roars with delight and immediately stampedes off, followed by Kid; Diver turns to suggest that he and Scuba go in the opposite direction, but Scuba has already gone off on his own.Elsewhere, aboard the Galvaburg II, with Galvatron still unconscious after his experience with the ancient Gaean computer, Megastorm continues to command the Predacons toward his own ends. Megastorm instructs the Combatrons to find Lio Convoy, to merely report his location, so that he can destroy the Maximal leader himself. The four jets head out, and Starscream and BB soon come across Bighorn and Tasmania Kid in a forest. Bighorn takes offense when they try to ignore him and go on with their mission, so BB distracts him with a barrage of bombs so that they can go on their way. Up in the Moon, Artemis watches the whole thing, agreeing that Bighorn is right to be so annoyed after being ignored.Somewhere nearby, Thrust and Dirge have taken Megastorm's mission less than seriously, and are sitting around complaining about him when Bighorn comes charging towards them. They sidestep his charge, realising that he can't turn very well, but once he transforms to robot mode, a hail of missiles suddenly comes streaming down out of the sky, collapsing a cliff on top of all three of them. This is, of course, Starscream and BB's doing: they're out to take Thrust and Dirge out of the running and get all the credit for finding Lio Convoy, and they fly off before Bighorn can dig himself out. Emerging from the rubble, Bullhorn is met only by the sight of Kid, teasing him that once again, the bad guys have left before he can fight them.Ultimately, it is Diver who strikes it lucky, coming across the Galvaburg II berthed in a crevasse. As he radios in his discovery, Megastorm emerges from the craft to search out Lio Convoy himself, and immediately spots Diver hiding behind some rocks. Diver flees as Megastorm opens fire, but the Destron pursues, seeking to capture the Cybertron and force Lio Convoy's location from him. Diver radios for help, and his transmission is picked up by Kid and Bighorn (who has been busy plucking flower petals to see if he can or cannot go on a rampage). The pair quickly arrive to help Diver, and Bighorn body-slams Megastorm, who is not especially happy that he's being confronted with minions, instead of Lio Convoy himself. Starscream and BB show up and are ordered by Megastorm to deal with Bighorn, but the fighting-mad Cybertron takes them both down by returning the favour and collapsing a cliff on them. Enraged, Megastorm transforms to tank mode and prepares to fire his cannon, but it takes so long to charge that Bighorn is able to slam into him before he can open fire. Megastorm is content to weather the beating and wait, and once his cannon reaches full charge, the blast tears up the surrounding landscape, with even a glancing blow sending Bighorn flying off into the distance. Lio Convoy and Apache arrive as the smoke clears, and Lio Convoy tells Bighorn that he can stand down, but Bighorn refuses. BB and Starscream burst out from under the rocks and try to take on Lio Convoy, but with a little help from Apache, he takes them both down, leaving Bighorn to face off with Megastorm again. Bighorn calls out to Kid to give him a hand, instructing him to pull on his tail. Kid is confused, but as Megastorm's cannon nears full charge again, Bighorn insists, and Kid complies. Tugging on Bighorn's tail activates his special ability, the Buffalo Missile , which blasts Megastorm off into the sky...

      • EP43 - Farewell!, Lio Convoy

        Fatally wounded, Gigastorm apologizes to Galvatron for failing him before dying. Galvatron swears to get even and attacks the Green Warrior, causing him to spilt back into Lio Convoy and Lio Junior. Before they go to contniue their fight, Scuba appears and tells them he's rigged Nemesis to explode. Galavatron takes off and Lio Convoy and Junior chase after him to finish their fight. Elsewhere, Aretmis's control center starts falling appart from the energy exposure, while Dirgegun and Thrustol destroy the Seacons. Max B and Hellscream fight Santon and Skywarp, before killing them. In another part of Nemesis, Galvatron has grown gigantic due to exposure to Angolmois and continues his fight with Lio Convoy and Junior. They merge back into the Green Warrior, and start filling the place with good Angolmois to counter the evil. Nemesis begins to shake aprat, so Scuba decides to steal the Destron ship to rescue the other Cybertrons. Gigastorm reawakens after a jolt from Angolmois, and the Destrons hop on him to escape the destruction of Nemesis. After a fierce battle, Green Warrior has defeated Galvatron and has started sealing the Angolmois in capsules, to prevent it from fallling into the wrong hands. Galvatron still has a trick up his sleeve, and threatens to activate a self destruct in his spark. They continue their fight, when Galvatron seriously wounds the Cybertrons. As the Green Warrior, they manage to thrust theor sword into Galvatron which causes a huge explosion. Nemesis is destroyed, along with the Lio Conovy and the rest of his Cybertrons. The survivng Destrons float in space, arguing.

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