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Cobra The Animation
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Cobra The Animation

Cobra the infamous space pirate decides to change his face and to clear all his memories.

He becomes a common guy, with a common job, and a very boring life, but suddenly he starts remembering his true identity and new adventures begin.


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      • EP1 - The Key of Shiva

        Planet Venus. Cobra's car is smashed to pieces by a truck pursued by the space pirates' guild. The truck's passenger, the beautiful woman Secret, is the spitting image of Dominique, Cobra's former lover. The young woman begs him to bring the Shiva Key to the planet Garon, and Cobra must once again face his old enemies, the space pirates, to protect her...

      • EP2 - The Golden Gate

        Professor Toporo explains that the mysterious figures accompanying him are Martian cave dwellers helping with the excavation. He theory is that the planet was a giant spaceship constructed by the ancient Galonians for their god Shiva who travelled the galaxy. Queen Shiva searched for a Golden Paradise but the Galonians were wiped out along the journey. It appears that someone recently activated the planet drive unit. The professor’s party enter the ruined temple and arrive at the Golden Gate. Before handing over the key, Cobra realises that the professor and helpers are actually Pirate Guild operatives and kills them. Pilot Blackborn and Zoros attack Cobra and Secret. Blackborn melts the key and captures Secret, saying the Pirate Guild’s plan is to crash Galon into the sun and destroy the galaxy. Zoros chases Cobra into an underground waterway, but Cobra finally manages to destroy him after Humanhead Sharks strip off his protective bandages. A sentient Humanhead Shark frees Secret and tells her that her own body is the key to the Golden Gate. She steps forward into the figure of a woman carved into the gateway.

      • EP3 - The Starless City

        Secret opens the Golden Gate and the Humanhead Shark tells Cobra to find the control system under a winged lion. Cobra and Secret find the control mechanism, but trigger a gravity barrier. Cobra tries to force his way forward, but falls through a trapdoor and finds himself in a foreign city with amnesia. He rescues a beautiful woman, Bonny, from some thugs out to collect on a loan from their boss Bogard. She proposes that they make some money together using his powerful punch. She offers Bogard a deal to repay her debt by entering Cobra in a fight club contest. Bogard pits him against Mohammad, the unbeaten champion. Cobra wins in three punches and the debt is repaid. When Cobra notices that there are no stars in the sky, Bonny explains that they are in an underground city on Galon. History says the Galonians were almost wiped out 3,000 years ago by biological warfare and the survivors escaped underground. Sights of the winged lion statue above prompts his some of Cobra’s memories. Bogard’s bodyguard offers Cobra a contest with Garcia, the man who killed Bonny’s brother in a dirty fight – he accepts. Before the fight a girl kisses Cobra and bites him on the lip. When the fight begins, Cobra feels paralyzed, cannot fight back and takes a heavy beating.

      • EP4 - The Ghost of the Golden Paradise

        Cobra looks likely to lose the fight, because the woman who kissed and bit him used a paralysis drug, the same as was used on Bonny’s brother. Cobra fears he will die here, not knowing who he is, but steels himself and defeats Garcia with one mighty blow. Memories come flooding back to Cobra and he remembers who he is, and his mission. He heads for the planet’s propulsion power plant, taking Bonny with him. They arrive and Bonny helps him rescue Secret who has been trapped under the gravity barrier for more than a day. Because of the gravity barrier, he cannot reach the switch nor use his Psychogun, however Bonny knows the location of the central control unit. They reach it, but access is difficult as it is over 30m below them. Bonny tell the story of Midora, a woman who threw herself down onto it a month ago. Cobra suspects that this restarted it, directing the planet towards the sun. Midora, now part of the machine tries to stop them from reaching the circuits below as her desire for suicide has been transferred to the central control unit. She uses illusions to stop Cobra from accessing the controls, but he uses the Psychogun to destroy her body, thus shutting down the propulsion power plant and preventing the plant’s destruction.

      • EP5 - Legend of the Wandering Beauties

        Treasure hunter Johnny retrieves a jewel ring from underwater but his boat is attacked and destroyed in an explosion. Cobra arranged to meet Johnny at the port, but no-one has seen him since he went near Baron Island. No fishermen will take him there, and a local boat captain tells him the ocean nearby is cursed with undersea wandering beauties. For a high price, he offers to take Cobra there in his old boat the next day. He tells Cobra that Johnny used to hang out at the Angel Kiss bar, owned by Baccus. At the bar, Baccus says Johnny had apparently found some treasure at sea, but others were also searching for it. Later that night, Cobra is held up by a member of the gang that killed Johnny but he kills him. In the morning he meets history student Ellis Lloyd who is also going to Baron Island. They find the captain murdered, so take the boat out themselves. They arrive at the island that 2,000 years ago had a flourishing civilization that apparently used to drown virgins dressed in precious jewellery and revealing outfits as offering to the gods. They dive and find Johnny, his boat, the ancient ring he’d found and coordinates of the treasure. While underwater they are attacked by another member of the gang, but Cobra kills him too. They head to the location and two more gang members follow them. At the site, Cobra and Ellis find the wandering beauties, their bodies unchanged because of an over-extremely cold water current.The cold current kept the fishes away from feeding on them,thus for 2000 years they have remained the same, with their unchanged dead bodies wandering the island in a circular path. On boarding the boat, Cobra is attacked, and kills two of the gang, but is surprised to find that Ellis is their leader.When Ellis dives into the water, wearing her two piece swimsuits, Cobra kills her, and her corpse joins the underwater procession of wandering beauties. Destined to circle around the island along the over-extremely cold current of water, Ellis's body will remain unchanged like the other drowned beauties & remain with them forever.

      • EP6 - Climbing Mt. Kagero

        A passenger plane carrying 20 tons of gold bars is blown up in mid air and crashes into a mountain killing the passengers and crew. Search parties found no trace of the plane, and no mountain exists in the area. During a snow storm, in a remote cabin, a group of eight strangers wait for a ferry and discuss the legend about Mt. Kagero that is said to appear every ten years. Cobra enters, calling himself Johnson, the group are; Father Sebastian, fur trader Jack, fishermen siblings Daisy and Bucky, explorer Leo, Linda Windsor and bodyguard Frank, and ferry owner Geronimo. However Cobra knows them as Leo the Killer, Crazy Mouse sibling thieves and con-man Lucky Jack. Linda Windsor acknowledges that they are all after the gold. Even though the storm hasn’t abated Geronimo takes them out in his boat and they agree to split the gold 8 ways. Eventually, through the flying snow they see Mt. Kagero, but a violent wave throws them into the sea. They use handy-jets to escape the water and get to the mountain base, but are attacked by snow sharks along the way. All except Frank make it to safety. Geronimo is leading the difficult climb up the mountain when a huge block of ice and rock falls towards them.

      • EP7 - To the Summit

        Cobra uses a piton to split the icy rock falling towards them and an exploding cigar to divert the following avalanche, saving the group. Exhausted, Bucky ceases to believe in the mountain so it disappears and he falls to his death. That night Linda tries to seduce Cobra but fails. During the night Daisy’s barrier-tent is sabotaged and she freezes to death. Linda reveals Cobra’s identity and con-man Lucky Jack tries to kill him, but Cobra kills him instead. Cobra reveals that Father Sebastian is really Bull’s-eye. They shelter from the storm in crevices. Later, Father Sebastian is founded hanged, and Linda is missing. She left to reach the summit alone, but hears a mechanical voice saying the mountain is an illusion and falls to her death. The rope holding Leo is cut by a mechanical arm and he falls but is saved. They all hear a voice saying the mountain is an illusion. Leo listens and falls to his death. Cobra then realizes the traitor is Father Sebastian, a cyborg. Sebastian then cuts Cobra’s lifeline, but Cobra doesn’t fall far. Father Sebastian reaches the summit, finding the wreckage and the gold, however Cobra also arrives and confronts him. Father Sebastian admits that he planted the bomb on the plane which gives Cobra reason to kill him. Only Geronimo remains – his reason for the climb being to prove his father had also reached the summit, but died there. Cobra’s reason, Armaroid Lady was on the plane. He finds her just before her systems shut down completely. They depart, leaving the gold behind them.

      • EP8 - Mandrad

        Cobra stops at an entertainment space station and encounters Bonny who now has her own bar. In the bar he meets a woman who has been waiting a week to see him. She introduces herself as Elizabeth Tucker who requests his help. He cannot refuse as she has Secret trapped in a prison. He travels with her to planet Nazca with three other men, The Eyes, The Ears and The Nose. She wants to find the seeds of a plant called Mandrad that has a human face, and when it matures has diamond teeth. They arrive on Nazca and find a Mandrad over 2,000 years old. To reach its seeds they must travel through a dark swamp where the specialist skills of Cobra’s three companions prove useful in avoiding the deadly inhabitants such as jet-piranha and exploding mushrooms. On the way, The Nose and The Eyes do not survive. They reach a seed pod but The Ears gets greedy and is shot by a seed, which grows and blooms into a Mandrad plant with diamond teeth - they need human bodies to grow. Cobra returns with a bag of seeds, but Elizabeth Tucker plans to kill him. However when she opens the bag, one fires into her body, killing her, growing a new plant, and freeing Secret.

      • EP9 - The Black Bullet

        Cobra enters a car race and competes against the reigning champion Pamela Lee. He wins the race but crashes his machine into a tunnel. Everyone thinks he's dead, but he changes to a tuxedo suit and walks away. Later, he appears at a bar and meets Pamela Lee who is unsurprised that he survived the crash. She tells him that during the race, power was cut and a thief stole $4 million from the vault. Cobra disagrees, saying it was only $3.5 million. She asks him to stop the Black Bullet. While in the bathroom she screams and disappears out the window. Later Cobra is arrested after stopping a runaway police car, apparently controlled by the Black Bullet. The lady police officer explains that the super fast and armour plated Black Bullet has destroyed more than 100 cars and 200 people. Police manage to trap the Black Bullet but it escapes, and is unaffected by Cobra's Psychogun. Cobra meets the inventor of the Black Bullet which he says he made for Pamela. But after her sister died in a care accident, Pamela developed a split personality and an extreme hatred of all vehicles. Cobra sets a trap for Pamela and the Black Bullet which sees them both destroyed.

      • EP10 - Galaxy Knights

        In a town called Gizla, a group of characters receive invitations to recapture Shiva Castle. The Shiva royal family was wiped out by the Chaos Army 20 years ago. They have a slim chance of success to kill the Chaos king, and even less of returning alive. The invitations also contained the mission plans and a spade playing card. They decide to use the card numbers as their identities. The Queen of Spades is a professional killer. She quickly identifies two others as Chaos agents and kills them. Cobra is the last to join the group, holding the Ace. Suddenly a hoard of Chaos Beast Mechas attack and only four of the original group survive, escaping on the roof of a train. A man called King is trapped in a prison. To maintain his sanity, his soul mate the fairy Ellis is kept in a nearby cell. He is to be the thirteenth member and their guide. To complete the mission, they must rescue him from a slave trader’s mansion. The Queen of Spades enters his mansion alone in a cocktail dress instead of her battle attire.

      • EP11 - The Thirteenth Man

        The Queen of Spades enters slave trader Zaru's mansion by the front door, while the other members of the team enter by other means; Cobra the Ace, the Jack of Spades, and the Seven and Eight, a two headed cyborg. Cobra is attacked by a Zoraian prisoner and kills him, so he has to take his place in a fighting match. His opponent is a giant green Guldonian, Hercules of the Hell Desert, but he fells him with one punch. The Guldonian is then fed to a sea creature. His next opponent is King, the one he came to rescue. During the fight Cobra explains his mission and they agree to fight until the others create a diversion. When the diversion starts, they escape into a cavern. On the way, Seven releases the prisoners who take their revenge on Zaru.

      • EP12 - The Devil of the Temple

        Using Zaru’s submarine, they travel to the island of Shiva Castle, a place where Cobra has been before. They arrive at the town of Saldora and Fairy Forest, Ellis’ birthplace. They encounter a frog race who are against Chaos. They seek a temple which has an underground waterway to the castle. Unfortunately it is closed, so Ellis uses her powers to find a way to open it. Meanwhile Seven and Eight continue bickering - they are husband and wife entities inhabiting the same cyborg body. While Seven sleeps, Eight tries to form an alliance with Cobra, and tells how they were once safe-crackers, but after an explosion destroyed their bodies, they can only exist within the cyborg. Ellis is captured and King rushes off alone to rescue her so the others follow. They split up to find King, but they find he was captured and taken to the temple. In the temple, Ellis is about to be sacrificed, so Cobra gets Seven and Eight to create a diversion so he can initiate a rescue. They manage to rescue Ellis, but the doorway to the waterway requires human blood to open. They slay the head priest, Engola, whose blood triggers the doorway, but behind it is an energy dragon holding King. They free King and head to the basement, but are met by Chaos Beast Mechas. They fight their way to the submarine, followed by the Mechas, but the frog race partisans come to their rescue. King is badly wounded, but slowly starts to regain some memories.

      • EP13 - Distant Memories

        King’s remembers when he was King of Shiva with Queen Romila and the Chaos armada of spaceships attacked the castle with superior weaponry. Chaos was assisted by a figure with a left arm gun who shot at him, killing his wife - the group suspect it was Cobra. They confront Cobra about the past, but before he can answer, he is attacked by the energy dragon. The Queen of Spades fires and Cobra and the dragon fall into a pit below. The dragon dissipates in the water, and Cobra finds what look like the mother ship of the Chaos army with a large glowing sphere at its center. The others open the vault and find untold treasures which the Queen of Spades claims it as her own. She shoots Seven and Eight, then kills the Jack of Spades with a gun attached to her left arm. She admits she is a Chaos Trooper and that it was she who shot King in the past, but before she can fire at him, Cobra shoots her with his Psychogun. He had suspected her from the beginning and as the sender of the invitations. The energy dragon reappears and absorbs the Queen of Spades - it manipulates the Chaos Troops and absorbs the life force and knowledge of its victims. Before it can attack him, Cobra detonates an explosive that destroys the Chaosian life support sphere, ending their colonization plans. Cobra only takes a large ruby necklace for his trouble and leaves, giving it to Eight, forlorn as her husband Seven had died. King sees a wanted posted for Cobra with his old face and realizes that he was a thief whose life he spared many years ago.

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