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- Region:Japan
- Type:OVA
- English name:Dirty Pair Flash 2
- Official name:ダーティペア FLASH2
- Chinese name:银河女警花 FLASH2
- Other names:搞怪拍档 FLASH2
- Premiered:June 1, 1995
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Funny / Science fiction / Action / Lily / Source novel
- Original author:高千穂遙
- Director:望月智充
- Scenario:鈴木良武(五武冬史) / 坂本郷(望月智充) / 桜井正明
- Storyboard:望月智充 / 石踊宏 / 篠幸裕
- Co-director:石踊宏 / 山本裕介 / 赤根和樹
- Studios:SUNRISE
- Production cooperation:スタジオガゼル / 佐藤郁夫 / 宮田周治
- Producers:バップ / サンライズ
- Family:Dirty Pair
- Rating:16+
Dirty Pair Flash 2
Always causing more destruction than they prevent, special agents Kei and Yuri face tough challenges while at an amusement park planet.
This anime set finds the pair facing off against an android hit woman, transvestite assassins, ghosts and more.
In addition, the Lovely Angels get into several wild adventures while tracking down a con man and giving love advice to the computer programmer they're protecting.