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Fushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeOVA
  • English nameFushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu / Mysterious Play OVA 2
  • Official nameふしぎ遊戯 第二部
  • Chinese name不思议游戏 第二部
  • Other names不思议游戏 OVA2 延续篇 / 魔幻游戏 OVA2 延续篇 / 不可思议的游戏 OVA2 延续篇 / Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play (1997)
  • PremieredMay 25, 1997
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsFantasy / Time travel / Adventure / For girls / Source manga
  • Original author渡瀬悠宇
  • Director亀垣一
  • Scenario吉村元希
  • Storyboard亀垣一
  • Co-director亀垣一
  • Studiosスタジオぴえろ
  • Producers渡辺繁
  • FamilyFushigi Yuugi
  • Rating12+

Fushigi Yuugi: Dai Ni Bu

Miaka and Taka return to the Universe of the Four Gods to try and restore Tamahome's memories to Taka.

This is not as easy as it sounds, however, when the evil Tenkou shows up to rain on their parade.

He manages to thwart most of their attempts at getting Taka's memories back, and uses his newfound power to summon the Gods outside the book.


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      • EP1 - Enchantment's Quickening

        Taka and Miaka have been together for eight months now. Miaka's new classmate, Shigyou, runs for President of the student council, while Yui also attempts to run for office. Meanwhile, Keisuke and Tetsuya have formed a club in their own school about the , which a new student named Ms Kamashiro shows interest in and joins. Back at Miaka's school, Shigyou watches from a distance, declaring that humans hold the true nature of evil deep in their hearts, and while weaker alone, together they would readily turn on those they deem weaker. Miaka is tricked into meeting Taka on the roofdeck of the school, but realizes that someone has tricked them both. A group of Miaka's classmates trap them on the roof, acting hostile and accusing Miaka of flirting with Shigyou despite being in a committed relationship, an act they deem punishable. Miaka is thrown from the school's roof, and Taka jumps after her to catch her, but they both seem to be headed for disaster. It's then that Suzaku, who has been calling to Miaka for help, arrives and saves them with a scroll of the before they can hit the ground. Yui, seeing the red light of Suzaku, runs outside to investigate, but runs into Shigyou and Miaka's classmates. After Shigyou wishes her luck in the coming student council elections, Yui finds Suzaku's red scroll on the ground, and realizes where Miaka and Taka might have ended up. Meanwhile, finding themselves suddenly in the book/scroll's world again, Miaka and Taka run encounter Tasuki, who Taka regrettably can only barely remember ever knowing. Chichiri later joins them, supplying Taka with an orb in Tasuki's possession that turns out to contain Tamahome's memories of meeting Tasuki. The reunited friends then head to Mt. Taikyoku for answers, where they are reunited with the spirits of Hotohori, Nuriko, Chiriko and Mitsukake. After Chichiri gives his own memory orb to Taka, who then remembers Chichiri and more of his life as Tamahome with Miaka, Miaka realizes that finding each Suzaku warrior's orbs and returning them to Taka would give him his memories back. Taiitsukun, however, informs her that it won't be quite so easy; conflict and evil are brewing, and it's up to Miaka and the Suzaku Seven to find a way to fight back and win. While this reunion happens in the scroll, in the real world, Shigyou has won the student council presidency, seemingly by default - Yui has not shown up to the election. He makes a speech to the student body about rising up against authority and being reborn. His speech hypnotizes the students, who applaud him, seeming to fuel his power, which causes a massive earthquake on Mt. Taikyoku. Miaka and the warriors don't have enough time to react, and Miaka finds herself in danger. Tasuki attempts to save her.

      • EP2 - Child of Silence

        Just before a massive earthquake caused by Tenkou brings down Mt. Taikyou, Taiitsukun explains the memory orbs; Miaka and her friends must find the orbs and return them to Taka before the enemy gets his hands on them, or else Taka/Tamahome would disappear forever. As Mt. Taikyoku collapses, Taiitskun uses her power to protect everyone, but Miaka falls. Tasuki attempts to save her, and wakes up in a lake holding an unconscious Miaka. Despite not being a good swimmer, Tasuki manages to pull himself and Miaka to the shore of the lake, and resuscitates her with mouth-to-mouth. Upon reuniting with Chichiri and Taka, Miaka decides they should head to the palace to find their other friends or the orbs. Back in the real world, Yui asks Shigyou why he made her vice president. Unsatisfied by his answer, she leaves. As Yui heads down stairs, a glass window explodes, injuring her. Shigyou then reveals himself as a demon named Renkou, and declares Miaka his enemy. In the world of the book, Miaka and the group arrive at the palace. After explaining their situation to the prime minister, the group are taken to Empress Houki, who is revealed to have fallen ill after giving birth to her son, and has gone mute, seemingly deliberately/by choice. Hotohori, trapped in his spirit form and sent back to the palace by Taiitsukun's power, mourns the fact that he isn't capable of comforting his widow, who cannot see, hear or feel him. Leaving him with Houki, the group encounters Boushin, Hotohori's toddler son, and the future emperor of Kounan. They attempt to speak with him, but the prime minister reveals that he has not spoken a single word since birth, rendering him mute like his mother. To make matters worse, Boushin also cannot see or hear Hotohori, although he seems aware of his presence. They are suddenly attacked by a terrible monster hiding in the teddy bear that Boushin has been carrying around. The creature traps the mortals, who are hesitant to use their powers to attack the monster for fear of hurting the toddler. Fortunately, before the monster can hurt Boushin, Hotohori's spirit enters him and uses his body to defeat the creature. Realizing he now has a physical form, albeit that of a child, Hotohori runs to Houki, who recognizes him when he greets her, and speaks for the first time in a year and a half. Now reunited with her husband, Houki reveals that a warm stone entered her body while in labor, and feeling the warmth leave her body when the baby is born; they all realize that Boushin is in possession of Hotohori's memory orb. A second assassin creature, disguised as a servant preparing to feed Boushin, attacks the toddler. With the help of Tasuki and Nyan-Nyan, Hotohori is able to defeat the monster. This heroic act seems to reveal Hotohori's spirit to his widow and son, but when they attempt to embrace, Boushin merely passes right through Hotohori. Seeing the family's pain, Taka offers Hotohori the use of his body. With Taka's help, Hotohori is able to hold his son for the first time, and hears him speak his first word - Papa. This in turn gives Taka access to Hotohori's memory orb, and as he sees Tamahome's memories of Hotohori, Hotohori reminds him that Tamahome and Miaka's love has always been so strong that not even the world's most potent controlling potion could tear them apart. The touching reunion and moment is disturbed again, but this time by Suzaku's red light suddenly engulfing Miaka and Taka, taking them back to the real world. Meanwhile, somewhere else in Kounan, a young man with a familiar resemblance to another Suzaku warrior prays at an altar bearing a glass orb.

      • EP3 - Manifestation of Rebirth

        Miaka and Taka are returned to the real world, finding themselves in the bedroom of a bandaged Yui. Yui tells them of what happened, and warns Miaka not to return to the school until they figure out who Renkou/Shigyou truly is. Taka decides to speak with Keisuke and Tetsuya the following day. After their discussion, Taka tries to reach Miaka, only to realize she isn't home. The boys split up to find her, Tetsuya off to Yui's and Taka to Miaka's. He runs into Miru Kamishiru, the new member of the research club Keisuke and Tetsuya had formed with Taka. While introducing herself, Miru falls faint. When Taka takes her back to his place to tend to her, she bites his ear and paralyzes him with pain. She drops her demure act, laughing as she sarcastically hopes that he makes it in time. Miaka, meanwhile, has returned to school despite having told Yui and Taka that she wouldn't. At first, everything and everyone seems normal, but at the end of the school day, her mind-controlled classmates corner her again. They take her to Renkou, who tells her that she's about to be killed and that it will be made to look like suicide. Taka fortunately makes it just in time to save her before she can be harmed, and together, he and Miaka use the scroll to defeat Renkou. The scroll seems to become sentient, or controlled by Suzaku, dropping Renkou off the roof of the school as Miaka and Taka are taken back to the universe of the scroll. They find themselves reunited with Tasuki, Chichiri and the spirits of the others as they try to find a way to break into Nuriko's childhood home. Nuriko reveals that his older brother, in pain and bitter about the loss of both of his siblings, is refusing to give up a crystal ball that had once belonged to Nuriko, but now houses his memory orb. As Taka takes hold of the crystal ball, a creature, planted in Taka's body by Miru's bite, breaks out and attacks. Chichiri is able to keep it at bay and do his best to protect Taka, who falls unconscious but cannot be detached from the creature safely. The ruckus wakes Rokou, Nuriko's brother, who tries to leave with the crystal ball in an effort to protect one of the last of Nuriko's possessions that he has. Miaka tries to run after him on her own, only to be stopped by Tasuki long enough for him to offer her his help on horseback. After a brief argument stalls them, Miaka is attacked by a venomous snake. Tasuki jumps in front of her with his horse to protect her, and he and the horse are bitten instead. Although he's able to kill the snake, the snake's venom courses through him. Miaka saves him by sucking it out of his body. This gives Miaka the idea to try the same with Taka, as the creature seems to be attached to his blood. Nuriko, who has gone after his brother himself, finds them on the road and takes them back to the house. Because of Miisu's (the true identity of Miru) spell, which has created an idol made out of Taka's blood, Miaka's attempts to suck the poison out only serves to hurt him more. When Nuriko's attempts to convince his brother to help them by giving up the crystal ball fail, Chiriko attempts to possess Rokou's body, but with Rokou's heart being closed and unwilling, Chiriko fails. He tearfully shames Rokou for wallowing in grief, calling him a disgrace for being too cowardly to help. Rokou finally springs into action, giving his arm to a spasming Taka before he can bite his tongue off. Rokou speaks to Nuriko about being unable to accept his death and feeling as though he had never been a good enough older brother to him. Rokou's courage helps the warriors finally defeat Miisu's creature.

      • EP4 - The Flame of Friendship

        Taka is reunited with his/Tamahome's memories of Nuriko's strength, and the group spend the night in Nuriko's home. Before they can rest, Miaka and Taka are interrupted by Miisu, who paralyzes them both and reveals her spell and motivation. She attempts to control Taka into killing Miaka with his bare hands, but Taka uses a reawakened life force power to destroy the idol Miisu had made from his blood, revealing that his true power and motivation lies in loving and protecting Miaka forever. Tenkou then reveals himself, trapping Taka and Miaka alone with himself, Miisu and Renhou's unconscious body. With the rest of the Suzaku Seven unable to reach the couple, Tenkou steals the memories that Taka had already managed to recover, and Miaka can only watch as Tenkou destroys them. Before leaving, triumphantly feeding on Miaka's rage and pain, Tenkou displays more of his cruelty by disposing of Miisu and Renhou, who had outlived their usefulness to him. The next morning, both Taka and Miaka are distraught over what Tenkou's victory has done. Tasuki, who has been navigating some new feelings about Miaka that he is yet to understand, wonders how and why Miaka would stay with someone who seems to cause her nothing but pain and tears. While wandering alone with his thoughts, Tasuki is attacked by a mysterious rush of water. Taka, after an encouraging conversation with Nuriko about his love for Miaka, finds Tasuki in the woods, only to be attacked and incapacitated by Tasuki, who angrily shames him for hurting Miaka before threatening to take her for himself. In the real world, Yui suddenly falls to her knees, weak and intoxicated, and realizes Miaka is drinking alcohol. In the scroll, Yui's realization is proven to be correct; Tasuki has taken Miaka to a tavern and supplied her with plenty of food and drink. He later takes a drunk Miaka to a private room, where he tells her of his feelings for her, and his anger at Taka for always making her cry. Tasuki attempts to force himself on her, stopping in shock when he realizes she's crying. Taka arrives just then, and although he tries to talk Tasuki down, Tasuki attacks him, determined to keep him away from Miaka. More tears from Miaka, who tells him that she cries for Taka out of love for him, shocks Tasuki back to his senses. Refusing to give in to betraying his friends, Tasuki ashamedly turns his on himself, unintentionally breaking the spell he was under, and is saved by Mitsukake. Although Miaka and Taka readily forgive Tasuki, he apologizes profusely, telling everyone of the water in the woods. Before he can explain any further, the water returns, abducts Miaka, and traps everyone.

      • EP5 - The Transience of a Water Mirror

        Trapped in the raging magic floods, Chichiri calls out the name Hikou, demanding he show himself. The group is then shown a memory of a terrible event in Chichiri's past that resulted in the death of Hikou, Chichiri's best friend. Hikou reveals he has arrived to take his revenge on Chichiri by taking away everything he cares about. He leaves with Miaka and renders Chichiri unconscious. Upon waking, Chichiri confirms the memory that was shown to his friends, revealing that he and Hikou had loved the same girl, a young woman Chichiri would have married if she hadn't turned from him in shame after being unfaithful to him with Hikou. The great flood that had ravaged the town had taken the lives of both the girl and Hikou, and although Chichiri had tried to save Hikou, he was injured by a log, resulting in the scar in his eye and causing him to let go of Hikou, who drowned in the flood. Because of this, Chichiri is unsure he can face Hikou and the past he had left behind. Mitsukake encourages him by revealing that he too had lost family in the great flood, and had been strengthened by Shouka, his beloved. His regret in being unable to save her from death twice had reminded him that he was given powers to protect people, and gave him the strength to let go and set himself free. When Taka offers to go find Hikou and Miaka himself, Chichiri decides he himself will go. In Hikou's lair, Hikou reveals he has become a demon god, and is using Miaka's body to put pressure on the other world with his powers, robbing people of their reason and turning their baser desires and passions against themselves and each other. He demonstrates his power by trying to use his power on Yui while she bathes, attempting to make her reveal her bitterness about Miaka and her selfishness. But Yui, not even knowing that Miaka can hear her, proves that her love and concern for Miaka and Taka are sincere. Angered, Hikou fills Miaka's bubble with water, slowly drowning her. Chichiri, along with Tasuki - who still feels shame and wants to atone for what he tried to do to Miaka and Taka, and vowing vengeance on Hikou for doing that to him - and Taka, arrives to save Miaka. Despite Tasuki's and Taka's best attempts, they cannot defeat Hikou. Chichiri decides to trap Hikou himself, using his own body and magic cloak to trap him while demanding that Tasuki set fire to them to release Miaka. Tasuki, at first, cannot do it, as he is plagued by memories of Chiriko's selfless sacrifice and death. It takes encouragement from Taka for Tasuki to find the strength to do as Chichiri asks, and Taka finds a way to both defeat Hikou and save Chichiri. Miaka is freed from her water trap, while Hikou and Chichiri reconcile; Hikou apologizes for what happened with Chichiri's betrothed, and Chichiri apologizes for the events that resulted in Hikou's death. As Chichiri promises Hikou that he will always be his dearest friend, Hikou dies and returns to water, begging Chichiri to forgive him. Miaka, Tasuki, Chichiri and Taka return to the others, where Taka and Tasuki fall asleep out of exhaustion. While those who are awake discuss, a demon god named Yousue attacks, including the sp and traps them, including the spirits, in nearly invisible threads. Before worse damage can be done, a bolt of red energy kills Yousue. Their savior is revealed to be Tamahome, much to everyone's shock.

      • EP6 - To Be With You Tomorrow

        Taka and Tasuki awaken, only to realize that Taka has no reflection in a mirror. Taka, frightened of what this could mean, begs Tasuki not to tell anyone, especially Miaka. Things get worse when Chichiri alerts them of trouble.In the real world, a military ship crashes into an island form that has seemingly appeared out of nowhere. The impact releases a strange light from the island-like form, which destroys the ship and sinks it.Back in the scroll, Tamahome tells Miaka and the Suzaku warriors how he has come to be with them; having sensed that Taka's form would not survive much longer, Suzaku awakened Tamahome's sleeping form, and had ordered him to return to Miaka. Tenkou's power, apparently, has gotten far too strong, and although the plan had been for Tamahome and Taka - his phantom replacement - to eventually merge, this would no longer work, and Suzaku requires Tamahome's strength. Taka is distraught by this, feeling as though everything they had done for him to be reborn to join Miaka and for him to become who he once was has been for nothing, since Suzaku has decided to wake Tamahome anyway. Although the warriors see how this is plausible, they are somewhat reticent to accept this, although they voice that they do. Miaka, in shock and confusion, faints. While she's unconscious, Taka makes the decision to leave, feeling as though there is no more reason to stick around. He returns Tamahome's keepsakes to him, asking him to take care of Miaka. The Suzaku Seven try to convince him to stay, reminding him that he, not Tamahome, had gotten them where they are now, from lending Hotohori his body so he could hold his son, to believing in the goodness and courage of Tasuki, but Taka refuses to stay - his presence will just confuse and hurt Miaka. He is taken back to his room, where Keisuke confronts him for giving up and walking away after everything he and Miaka had been through.Back in the scroll, Miaka has awakened and realized that Taka is nowhere to be found. She searches in vain for him, while Tamahome decides to tell Miaka everything. Before accomplishing this, however, he appears to Taka in a mirror in the real world, and reveals his true nature to him—that he had been the phantom, until Tenkou stole all of Taka's memory orbs, including those that hadn't yet been found by Miaka and the others, and planted them in Tamahome, reversing their roles. Horrified and angered, Taka wanders the streets alone.Tamahome finds Miaka and tells him that Taka had made a hard decision to leave, knowing he couldn't stay because he was only a shadow. He tries to convince Miaka that he is the Tamahome she has always loved, and she needs to forget about Taka. Despite his best attempts, however, Miaka cannot forget Taka, and she can sense that there is something wrong with Tamahome. Taka, finding strength in his love for Miaka, calls her to him, and she is returned to him in the real world by the real Suzaku's power. While the lovers happily reunite, a news update reports that the island that had appeared in the Pacific is headed to Tokyo. While Tetsuya and Yui discuss whether they should warn the authorities of Tenkou's impending arrival, Keisuke realizes that Tamahome is up to something.Tasuki and Chichiri ask Tamahome where Miaka has gone. Tamahome, angered that Miaka has left her, attacks his former friends as Tenkou reveals himself and his control over Tamahome. As Tasuki and the Suzaku warriors decide to challenge Tenkou and Tamahome in the name of Miaka and Taka's love, Taka and Miaka make plans of their own in the real world. They bid goodbye to Yui, who belatedly realizes that the couple mean to go back into the scroll to fight, and may never return.Taka and Miaka are brought directly to Tenkou's lair, where Tamahome, as the demon god Yousue, immediately traps and wounds Miaka. Tamahome challenges Taka, blaming Miaka for hurting him by choosing Taka over him. Taka, in turn, accuses Tamahome of being jealous of him, and momentarily breaks through his resolve. This only serves to anger Tamahome further, who then declares that he refuses to lose to Taka to himself...

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