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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Mayonaka Punch
- Official name:真夜中ぱんチ
- Chinese name:深夜重拳
- Other names:深夜中的一击 / 深夜冲击 / 深夜 Punch
- Premiered:July 8, 2024
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Funny / Lily / Fantasy / Source original
- Original author:動画投稿少女
- Director:本間修
- Scenario:白坂英晃 / 望月清一郎 / 鈴森ゆみ
- Storyboard:古田丈司 / 出合小都美 / 本間修 / 坂田純一 / 浅井義之
- Co-director:宮田政典 / 古田丈司 / 太田知章 / 土田駿 / 佐土原武之
- Character design:ことぶきつかさ / 有間涼太 / 合田真さ美 / りお
- Music:ハートカンパニー / tepe / 樂 / dugout / 飯田里樹
- Studios:P.A.WORKS
- Production cooperation:プロダクション・グッドブック / マカリア / サンシャインコーポレーション
- Producers:「真夜中ぱんチ」製作委員会
- Family:Mayonaka Punch
- Rating:12+
Mayonaka Punch
Masaki's career on NewTube ends abruptly when the Harikiri Sisters decide to kick her out of their group during a livestream.
With her bad reputation, Masaki has a slim chance of returning to popularity with a solo channel and she is plagued by comments of hate.
Masaki soon meets Live, a vampire who just woke up from her slumber in which she dreamed of Masaki and developed an obsession with her.
Believing this discovery will be the next internet sensation, Masaki forms a pact with Live: in exchange for Masaki's blood, Live will help her reach the milestone of a million subscribers.
Now, with the other vampires in Live's house on board with Masaki's ambitious plan, she and Live work together to film videos and restore her to career glory.
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
OP 『ギミギミ (Gimme Gimme)』
わーちゃっちゃっぱやぱや もっとちょうだいちょうだい / ちゅーちゅっちゅっぎみぎみ だってみっないみっない / わーちゃっちゃっぱやぱや ほんとちょうだいちょうだい / ちゅーちゅっちゅっぎみぎみ みっどないと(ぱんチ!)そろそろ起きなきゃ 真夜中ですから / 都会の喧騒とプラマイゼロのノイズ / わーちゃっちゃっぱやぱや もっとちょうだいちょうだい / ちゅーちゅっちゅっぎみぎみ だってみっないみっない / 陽の目を見たって 燃えて灰になっちゃうなら / 今宵気ままに ハイになっちゃえばいいよ / さぁ…良い子はおやすみ 早く寝なくちゃ血を吸われちゃうかもよ / さいせいちゅう / 生きている実感 / さいせいちゅう / 実際何時間?さいせいちゅう / 寝てる間がもったいないなら / 一緒に遊んでMidみnなiいght?You!Tune Up!承認欲求より強いヤバい渇き 後悔より先に立っちゃうのなら / 自由に遊んで構わない場所 提供してあげるこっちおいで はやく!正反対も映んないミラーいらなーいじゃない / 正真正銘どうしようもないままで / 朝まで騒いでわちゃ What are you gonna do?はいじゃあ、あなたのやりたいこと Give Me!わーちゃっちゃっぱやぱや ほんとちょうだいちょうだい / ちゅーちゅっちゅっぎみぎみ みっどないと
ED 『編集点』
…さて / あれ、USB…あった、…カメラ繋いで、と。ファイルまるっと、…OK。じゃあ、…はじめますか。カーテン開けたら朝日が目を突き刺してきた。…痛っ。なに、私のこと燃やしにかかってんの?「おやすみ~」夜行性のあいつらが眠って、知らん誰かが起きる時間。私の映ってない「楽しい」をひたすら繋いでく作業。まわりが静かになったら、頭ん中がうるさいんだわ。これを見るかも知れん連中の声が邪魔する。『存在価値、なし』『ムカつく』『はよ消えろ』わかりましたよ。で、どうすりゃいいって?だってあんたには関係ないじゃん。わがままなのは個性だろ。やりたいようにやらせろよ。真夜中だって照らしてやるよ。朝と夜の間をもっと、繋いだりカットしたいんだけど / 面白いこと何もないよな 余白は邪魔だから / 増えてくノイズ 遠く聞こえて また今日が始まったけど / 私にとっては たった一人きりの 編集点 / あっ、ここつまんどこ。ここテロップいるわ。はい完成、じゃあアップしま~す。
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - The Canceled Girl and the Sleepy Vampire
After an on-stream altercation, Masaki is unceremoniously booted from her group NewTube channel. Now her fate lies with a vampire who has just awoken from a deep slumber.
EP2 - Starting a Channel! Good Morning From the Dead of Night!
Masaki begins uploading videos to a new channel with Live, Ichiko, and Fu. However, their meteoric rise to NewTube fame attracts some unwanted attention.
EP3 - A New Member Joins! DEAD or ALIVE
While struggling with content creator's block, Masaki comes across Tokage, a vampire strapped for cash and looking to strike it rich through NewTube videos.
EP4 - The Star of the Next Video Is Who?
Masaki discovers an old cassette tape that could lead to MayoPan's next big hit; however, it also holds memories for Fu that she'd rather not remember.
EP5 - Blood-or-Die! Desert Island Survival
Annoyed at their lack of commitment, Masaki sends Live and the others to a desert island to spend a week thinking up and filming their own video.
EP6 - Ichiko's Wish
A rowdy night of drinking ends in massive property damage. Now it's up to Ichiko to talk Mother out of tearing down Banpai Manor, their beloved home.
EP7 - Your Faves Are Adorbs, Hit That Subscribe
With only six months to hit a million subs, Masaki struggles to grow the channel. Meanwhile, Fu enters a parasocial relationship with an unlikely pair of content creators.
EP8 - Starring in TSUMA FES Extreme!
Mayonaka Punch are invited to take part in a NewTuber festival. Masaki soon finds out, however, that a live stage event won't go as planned so easily!
EP9 - Welcome. This Is Your New Family Home!
A family emergency brings Masaki back home to babysit her little sister, leaving the members of MayoPan to their own devices in shooting new videos.
EP10 - Rampage x Fateful Showdown!
A cryptic video hinting at a future new member goes up on the Mayonaka Punch channel, prompting Yuki to make a sudden visit to Banpai Manor.
EP11 - Annoucement: Gone Missing
The cat's out of the bag about Masaki's involvement with Mayonaka Punch, and the ensuing online reaction leaves Masaki at a loss for what to do.
EP12 - The Last Live Stream
With Live still nowhere to be found, the only hope for Mayonaka Punch is to bet it all on hitting a million subscribers in a single night!