Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameSlime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita / I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level
  • Official nameスライム倒して300年、知らないうちにレベルMAXになってました
  • Chinese name打了300年的史莱姆,不知不觉就练到了满级
  • Other names打了三百年的史莱姆,不知不觉就练到了满等 / 狩猎史莱姆300年 / 持续狩猎史莱姆三百年,不知不觉就练到 LV MAX
  • PremieredApril 10, 2021
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsFunny / Fantasy / Lily / Adventure / Daily / Healing / Another world / Source novel
  • Original author森田季節
  • Director木村延景 / 富井ななせ
  • Scenario安永豊 / 髙橋龍也 / 福島直浩
  • Storyboard後藤廉徳 / 石倉賢一 / 北川朋哉 / 木村延景 / 小嶋慶祐
  • Co-director後藤廉徳 / 高田恭輔 / 粂田佳之 / 柏淳志 / 木村延景
  • StudiosREVOROOT
  • Production cooperationMADHOUSE / アゼータ・ピクチャーズ / 株式会社テディー
  • Producers高原の魔女の家(日本コロムビア / 博報堂DYミュージック&ピクチャーズ / SBクリエイティブ / 日本BS放送 / スタジオマウス
  • Copyright©森田季節・SBクリエイティブ / 高原の魔女の家
  • FamilyI've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level
  • Rating12+

Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita

After dying of overwork in the real world, I’m reincarnated as an immortal witch, and I spend 300 years enjoying a relaxing life. At some point, though, I end up at level 99! All those years spent killing slimes to make the money to pay the bills gave me a ton of experience points. Rumors of the level 99 witch spread, and soon I’m up to my ears in curious adventurers, duelist dragons, and even a monster girl calling me her mom! I’ve never been on an adventure, but I’m the strongest in the world… What’s going to happen to my relaxing life?!


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      • OP 『ぐだふわエブリデー』

        時は今!ようやっと手にしたのは夢のぐだふわ生活!この愛しき日々を誰にも邪魔されずに満喫したい…ああそれなのに!立ちはだかるトラブル!またトラブル!だがそれでも諦めない!夢に描いた悠々自適生活を取り戻すまでは!ぐだぐだぐだしていたいの 全人類共通項 / 食う 寝る あと何だっけ?あーあー聞こえないです / ヤダヤダもう邪魔しないで とっておきスローライフ / やりたいことだけ やって生きてたいわ / しかし穏やかな生活を目指そうとしてもまるで荒波のように / 次々と困難は襲いかかってくるのです!静謐 太平 我が家の安寧 / 兎にも角にも 安らぎ重視で / 平穏無事に暮らしてたい!叶えて私の Happy Days / おはようからおやすみまでまるっと穏便に / 余裕しゃくしゃく杓子もネコも / ふわふわ Why don't you そんな every day / 晴耕雨読で心穏やかな暮らし / きっと手に入れてみせるわ!

      • ED 『Viewtiful Days!』

        いっせーのーせっ!! で / 飛び込んだ Brand New Me / 躊躇ってたのに 嘘みたく思えてる / まだまだ 物語のページをめくろう / Oh Viewtiful Days!プレゼントな毎日を / 使い切るのが今の My Boom / 夜はすぐ寝ちゃう / きっとね 日々変わる / 君との景色が眩しくて / 備えちゃうんだ / 落ち込んでも / 割と気にしなくなれた / すべてはそう シナリオの一部なの / 喜びが引き立つように / 日進月歩!いっせーのーせっ!! で / 知らないうちに / 挑む自分を好きになった / いっせーのーせっ!! で / 飛び込んだ Brand New Me / 躊躇ってたのに 嘘みたく思えてる / まだまだ 物語のページをめくろう / Come on! Viewtiful Days!

      Main EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • EP1 - I Maxed Out My Level

        Aizawa Azusa, a corporate drone who died of exhaustion from overwork in her previous life, is reincarnated in another world, where she decides to live out a slow and uneventful life forever. But then, 300 years later, she discovers that the experience she earned by defeating slimes every day just to keep up her easy lifestyle has brought her to level 99 and made her the strongest in the world. The rumors begin to spread, and soon trouble comes knocking...

      • EP2 - Along Came the Daughters

        After becoming the strongest in the world before she even knew it, Azusa entered into a new lifestyle with her first pupil, Laika the dragon, and discovered fun and enjoyment in it that she hadn't known before. But then, one day, a young girl calling Azusa her mama shows up and proclaims that her younger sister wants to kill Azusa. But Azusa has no memory of giving birth to these two girls, or of becoming a mother at all...

      • EP3 - Along Came an Elf

        Just as peace is beginning to reign in Azusa's home, a young elf named Halkara shows up pleading for her help. Halkara says that an energy drink she made angered a terrifying high demon, Beelzebub, who is now out to kill her. Azusa would prefer to avoid anything that might ruin her slow life, but she can't just leave the poor girl to die, so she reluctantly agrees to shelter her...

      • EP4 - We Went to a Dragon's Wedding

        Laika's older sister Leila is getting married, so Azusa and her friends set off to visit Mount Rokko, the home of the Red Dragons. The mountain is bustling with the many Red Dragons who have gathered for the ceremony. Azusa congratulates Leila and the ceremony carries on in peace... until the Blue Dragons, a tribe with a long-standing grudge against the Red Dragons, attack in full force!

      • EP5 - A Ghost Appeared

        Halkara has built a new Nutri-Spirit factory in a nearby town and is now regularly going there from the cottage in the highlands, but she comes home exhausted every evening. It seems rumors have spread saying there's a ghost showing up at the factory, so she's had to do all the work alone since all the locals are scared to go there. Azusa doesn't deal well with ghosts at all, but she can't bear to let Halkara work herself to exhaustion, so she summons Beelzebub to help and heads to the factory late at night.

      • EP6 - Along Came a Leviathan

        Azusa receives an invitation from Beelzebub to attend a ceremony in the land of the demons. It seems she earned a favorable reputation with the demons after stopping the conflict between the two Dragon clans in Laika's homeland. Azusa invites the whole family along for this high honor, but there's one problem: Rosalie, the ghost, can't wear a dress. But Rosalie is part of the family, and Azusa wants to help her dress up like the rest of them, so she uses the power of her maxed level to create a magic spell...

      • EP7 - We Beat Up a Demon King

        Halkara's knack for inadvertently causing trouble led her to knock out the Demon King Pecora, and now she's locked in a dungeon. As Halkara's execution draws nearer with each passing moment, Azusa rushes to make a potion with her family's help and, with Beelzebub's guidance, takes it to the first-aid room where Pecora is. After tricking the demons guarding the room, Azusa finally reaches Pecora, but then...

      • EP8 - A Fake Witch of the Highlands Appeared

        Laika and Flatorte, the newest member of the family, are constantly bickering. Their tribes do have a history of conflict, but it seems the fact that they haven't been eating as much meat lately is contributing to their irritability. Just then, Natalie from the guild arrives and tells them about a quest to get rid of a massive number of longhammer boars, the perfect quest to fill their hungry bellies...

      • EP9 - My Daughter Turned Into a Slime and Couldn't Change Back

        Falfa woke up in the form of a slime! Of course, that's not too shocking since she's a slime spirit, but her sister Shalsha laments that this has never happened before and she doesn't know how to change her back. So Azusa sets off with Shalsha and Beelzebub in search of an unusual slime who might know a way to change Falfa back...

      • EP10 - A Minstrel Came to Town

        One day, a girl with rabbit ears comes to the village of Flatta. This nameless, unpopular minstrel, who strums her lute fiercely with her bare fingers and sings with a death growl, is known as Schifanoia. When she passes out in the middle of her concert, Azusa is reminded of the sad stories she's heard of young men who moved to Tokyo hoping to make their major debut, but instead turn into job-hopping middle-aged men playing in bands that never make any profit. So she invites Schifanoia to live at the house in the highlands for a while, but when she just keeps making excuses and refuses to see reality, Flatorte loses her patience...

      • EP11 - I Ate a Mushroom and Turned Into a Child

        Halkara throws a mushroom-grilling party, or shroompa for short, and accidently includes some poisonous mushrooms that cause anyone who eats them to shrink... and Azusa eats one. This leads to everyone ridiculing her—or rather, fawning over how cute she looks. Even her daughters are in on it! Azusa is determined to change back to normal, so after a tip from Pecora, she heads to the World Tree along with Fatla and Vania to find a pharmacist who deals in every kind of medicine. She expects a dungeon with 108 floors to fight through, but...

      • EP12 - We Opened a Coffee Shop

        Festival season has come to the village of Flatta. The festival has been held there for the past 250 years, but as the only person who knows its entire history since it was started, Azusa has distanced herself from it to let the villagers keep their independence. But her family has shown interest in it and seems excited to see it, so she makes up her mind to change the way she interacts with the village tradition... and thus the one-day-only coffee shop, The Witch's House, was born. Will the villagers enjoy this little shop Azusa's family has created?

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