  • Official nameベルゼブブ
  • English nameBeelzebub
  • Chinese name别西卜
  • Other namesハエの王 / 苍蝇王
  • GenderFemale


An about 3,000-year-old high-ranking female demon, the Agriculture Minister of the Demon Realm, and Lord of the Flies. Chasing after Halkara after getting addicted to her energy drink- so that its production could be re-started- she challenges Azusa to a fight, but collapses from exhaustion and is nursed back to health by her and Halkara. After the misunderstanding was cleared, she leaves peacefully but vows to come back to settle her score with Azusa(which she ultimately loses) and get more of Halkara's drink, although she begins to settle in as one of Azusa's"family".


Count: 0
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