Black Jack (TV)
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameBlack Jack (TV)
  • Official nameブラック・ジャック
  • Chinese name怪医黑杰克
  • Other namesBlack Jack / 怪医秦博士
  • PremieredOctober 11, 2004
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsSocial / Story / Source manga
  • Original author手塚治虫
  • Director手塚眞
  • Scenario森田眞由美 / 西田正義 / 千葉克彦 / 桑原智 / 竹内啓雄
  • Storyboard桑原智 / 杉野昭夫 / 西田正義 / 高柳哲司 / 宍倉敏
  • Co-director西田正義 / 青山弘 / 矢野篤 / 鈴木卓夫 / 牧野吉高
  • Studios手塚プロダクション
  • FamilyYoung Black Jack
  • Rating12+

Black Jack (TV)

Black Jack is an "unregistered" doctor with a clouded, mysterious past.

He works with his little assistant Pinoko (who has a massive crush on the doctor), dealing with medical cases not very well known, which can be strange, dangerous, or not known at all.

But he is a genius, and can save almost any of his patients' life (as long as they have the money for it, that is), and is known to many around the world, especially to those of medicine and science.

He's a man of science himself, and does not believe much until he has seen it, yet it is many times he is surprised by love and nature often overpowering the science he bases his life in.


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      PV EpisodesTiles view / List view

      Main EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • EP61 - The Two Pinokos

        Black Jack has a job in a small town near a factory, and tells Pinoko she has to stay home because of her bad cold. While on his way to his hotel, he meets a young girl who looks almost identical to Pinoco. How could this be? And she has a fatal lung disease, too.

      • EP60 - The Encounter Between The Two With A Past

        This karte is about two people, how their fates became intertwined when Black Jack saved the life one of the two.

      • EP59 - Black Queen

        This karte is about a female surgeon, the rumours say she is as cold as ice, that she is like a female Black Jack, thus the nickname she received at her hospital; Black Queen.

      • EP58 - The Old Man And The Big Tree

        There is a very old tree in a park in the next town, to which Pinoko and the others discover. This karte is about their attempts to protect this old tree and the life of the old man.

      • EP57 - Pinoko's Exam Diary

        Pinoko wants to get into high school, having received a middle school diploma through a mail-order service. When she goes to apply for the entrance exam, she's laughed off campus due to her young appearance. Finding Pinoko dejected and with the urging of her friends, Black Jack bribes the chairman into letting her take the exam. Sharaku and Watou enthusiastically volunteer to help her study, but Black Jack warns them not to push her too hard as her synthetic body tires as easily as a child's. Pinoko studies hard and gets to the exam, but collapses with severe stomach pain. Black Jack operates on her, confirming his suspicions that her body can't handle the stress that comes with a competitive high school environment. Pinoko then decides she'll try kindergarten next, but proves to be a bit too rambunctious for the little tykes.

      • EP56 - The Skin Donor

        This is the story of why the piece of skin beside the scar on Black Jack's face is a different colour. Black Jack is in Europe when gets to see his old friend Takashi, Black Jack explains to Pinoco that Takashi was the friend who gave him the most precious gift of all, a piece of his skin.

      • EP55 - The Platform Of Life

        This karte is the tragic life story of a model, how she became trapped in a marriage as somebody's piece of art, escaped but needed to be admitted into a hospital shortly afterwards. She flees from the hospital, fearing that she would be trapped again. Black Jack misses his train, and sees her collapse, he saves her at the train station saying that if she wants to repay him, she should buy him a bowl of ramen. But when she is well, she tells him that because he saved her, she fell in love at the hospital with the man that she married, she offers to pay Black Jack for saving her, but BJ says that he won't accept money from her, even in the size of a bowl of ramen.

      • EP54 - The Fortunes And Misfortunes Of The Deceitful Parent And Child

        A young man goes to a desert and falls to his death, but then returns to Japan a few months later. How can this be? Black Jack changed two peoples' faces and now each is deceiving the other. Will they find out each other's secrets?

      • EP53 - Locker's Cradle

        A gang of rough high school girls steal a locker key from a woman on the street. They open the locker expecting something worth money, but find a baby inside instead. The girls panic and decide to leave it there, but the heart of the leader softens and she takes him to be seen by Black Jack when he gets seriously ill. Black Jack treats him, but says he is malnourished and needs to be seen in a hospital. The girl resists and leaves, sneaking out at night to care for the baby, until she is caught by her parents. What will happen to the baby? Did he die? Why did she care so much anyway?

      • EP52 - The Moment of Witness

        A bomb is detonated in a train station, in which BJ brings support to the injured. The investigation starts. There are four suspicious suspects, who are held for questioning. A young woman who lost her sight due to the bomb is the only witness. Since the eye was destroyed, any operation to restore her sight would only work for five minutes at most. Black Jack agrees to proceed anyway, with the patient's consent. The witness IDs the culprit, who is immediately arrested.

      • EP51 - The Infamous Acupuncturist

        Biwamaru, an acupuncturist, heals people with his needle for no payment, even curing a few of Black Jack's patients, much to the doctor's disgruntlement. He warns Biwamaru not to treat his patients anymore, though Biwamaru replies he goes where his senses tell him. The acupuncturist visits another patient of Black Jack, a young girl, and treats her using a needle and leaves. Black Jack rushes to the girl's house, bringing Biwamaru with him. He shows Biwamaru that the girl has an extreme fear of needles, causing her to have debilitating panic attacks. He treats her, telling Biwamaru that needles aren't always the way to heal patients. Later, Biwamaru returns the favor by using a needle to heal Black Jack's weak intestines.

      • EP50 - The Brothers that were Separated

        Black Jack is hired to act the part of a man's son to operate on his ill older brother. Reluctantly, Black Jack agrees. While waiting to meet with him, the story of the two brothers is told to Black Jack and Pinoko. As a promise to their dying father, the elder brother worked hard to send his younger brother to become a doctor, though he was obviously not cut out for it. Under the pressure, the younger brother ran away and started his own successful company, but his son is revealed to be studying in America to become a doctor. Black Jack refuses to operate immediately, demanding a week to prepare. When the time for the procedure comes, the suspicious elder brother identifies BJ for who he is and stubbornly refuses to be treated, as it is not his nephew. However, Black Jack had already gone and fetched the nephew from New York, and the operation proceeds after the two brothers reconcile.

      • EP49 - The Voice of a Distorted Face

        Sharaku scares Pinoko with a story from a horror book. But, there might be some truth behind the story after all. A man with a face wrapped in bandages comes to visit Black Jack. What is he hiding? He has Dissociative Identity Disorder with two personalities. An apparently violent one emerged when his face distorted from a carbuncle. Black Jack operates and restores his face, but it returns. After a second operation, both the carbuncle and personality are gone. Black Jack goes to collect the money, only to find the man waiting to kill him! What is going on? And will Black Jack and Pinoko manage to escape from this crazed man?

      • EP48 - The Robin and the Boy

        Pinoko notices money is mysteriously showing up at Black Jack's home. Soon, Black Jack and Pinoko discover a Japanese robin who is leaving the money, but why? They find out a boy is sick with from tumor, and the robin it trying to save him just like the boy had saved its mate.

      • EP47 - A Violin from a Snowfall

        The plane Black Jack and Pinoko are on crash lands during a blizzard, balancing precariously at the edge of a loose crevice. The passengers panic until a talented and famous violinist, Morozov calms them with his music. Rescue teams cannot get to them in the snow, so the captain leads them all to a barn 400km away. Because of the wind, passengers are prohibited from taking their luggage, including Black Jack. Morozov stubbornly refuses to leave his violin, tying it to him with his scarf. A passenger sneaks a flask with him, but drops it in the fierce winds. It knocks Pinoko in the head, and her small body is pulled by the storm towards the crevice. Morozov dives to catch her, but his violin is blown away from the effort. Devastated, he tries to reclaim it but is deterred. Black Jack tells him not to go out, warning him of frostbite. Morozov sneaks out in the night anyway. Black Jack finds the violinist unconscious in the blizzard, and his fingers frostbitten. Without his own instruments, Black Jack cannot restore the fingers and must amputate them back at the barn. Morozov comments they both now know not to let go of their most precious possessions.

      • EP46 - The Bodyguard at the Festival

        The culture festival is here again for many high school. But wait, someone is wrecking them! Jaw a boy who think he is all that. But, He finds out he has a heart problem that will cause his death. He will not able to fight so he decide to protect people and the culture festival till he get better. But will he have a change of heart for others too?

      • EP45 - A Classmate who Loves to Laugh

        In this episode, we take a glimpse into Black Jack's childhood. Kuro Hazama's classmate from middle school, Gerra, loves to laugh. Kuro asks him why he laughs so much and his classmate says it is because he likes being happy and bringing joy to other people. Gerra then tries to encourage Kuro to laugh too. When Kuro visits Gerra's house, he learns that Gerra's parents abandoned him because they couldn't pay their debt. Then goons from the mafia came to his house and stabs Gerra in the neck with a dart. His injury was so severe that Gerra could never laugh again. Kuro promises to be a doctor so that he can cure him. When he comes to check on his friend during his college years, he finds him bedridden and still unable to laugh. Black Jack operates on him and it is successful, until he receives a call informing him that his former classmate has just died laughing.

      • EP44 - Pinoko was Born

        On Pinoko's birthday, Black Jack reminisces of how Pinoko came into his life. On a night some years ago, a group of doctors came to Black Jack with a masked woman who had a Teratoma--a cystic tumor caused when one twin does not develop fully but continues to grow inside the other. The doctors ask BJ to remove it, explaining all other attempts failed when the doctors seemed to go crazy. Intrigued by the 'curse' and how developed the tumor is, BJ agrees to operate but finds himself at the point of his own scalpel as a voice screams not to cut. Assuring the tumor he only intends to remove her, not to kill her, he's permitted to continue the operation, putting the contents in a culture for it to live. With synthetic skin, he fashions a body for her, supplying whatever organs she is missing. Though against his nature, he chooses to raise her, naming her 'Pinoko' and teaching her to walk, speak, etc. He sees a glimmer of himself in her, refusing to help her when she falls and encouraging her to get up on her own, knowing her endurance will make her stronger. A year passes. When the masked woman returns for her final check-up, he has her and Pinoko face each other. The woman is mortified, rejecting Pinoko as her sister. Devastated, Pinoko attacks her, calling her a fool and a murderer, sobbing that she could never understand. The woman quickly takes off, leaving Pinoko behind with Black Jack.

      • EP43 - Shrinkage!

        Black Jack was invited by his former mentor who is doing research in Africa. When he arrived at Africa, he was shocked by the plague that made him bizarre. He didn't leave immediately because he was also infected. He stayed for 27 days, and after waiting for an answer, Black Jack created the cure for the mysterious disease; however, he failed to give it to his mentor....

      • EP42 - Life's Wrong Diagnosis

        A doctor who was in the same medical school as Black Jack. Who is now in charge of a hospital. He is quite sure of himself and everyone believes he is a good doctor, save for one young doctor who believes something is wrong with a patient. The head doctor and Black Jack have been invited to a wedding. What should the young doctor do? What will happen to the patient?

      • EP41 - The Miracle of a Movie and of Operation

        A movie director wants to film an operation by Black Jack to save his son who has a severely compromised immune system due to a congenital disorder. Black Jack is the only one who can even attempt an operation on the very weak boy, and in the end saves the boys life. Although at first the powers that be refused to distribute the movie to other doctors because Black Jack was unlicensed, he reveals that he had made a second version of the film for doctors that made it appear that another doctor performed the miracle surgery.

      • EP40 - The Mannequin and the Police

        An extremely rigid police officer becomes obsessed with the welfare of a statue in the likeness of a patrol officer and begins taking care of it when a group of thugs that held a vendetta against him began vandalizing the statue. On his day off, the officer stayed hidden near the statue to capture the vandals red handed. He spots them, chases after them, but is seriously injured in an accident. Black Jack, who had encountered the officer before after being accused of running a red light, saves the officers life, and later has the statue repaired.

      • EP39 - The War Continues

        Luna, a boy from Iru, is suffering from a spinal cord injury and is slowly becoming paralyzed. Black Jack is called in to perform the operation at the behest of a seemingly inhuman mother who was forcing the boy to get up and walk every night, further injuring him. Black Jack discovers later that the mother had been acting so because she realized the house was under surveillance by the military of the country, which had already executed her husband for speaking against the war.

      • EP38 - A Challenge from the Unknown

        Sharaku, his sister, Black Jack, and Pinoco take a trip to a dig site where Sharaku's father works. They had uncovered ancient ruins. Sharaku's father had called for Black Jack, saying that he felt Compelled to do so. That night, Sharaku takes a staff that was recovered from the dig site and heads deep into the ruins, tailed by Black Jack, Pinoco, and Watou. A monk who was waiting for them in the ruins is mysteriously injured, with several foreign bodies appearing in his body. Sharaku, seemingly possessed, compels Black Jack to save the man. Black Jack is then guided deeper into the ruins where a group of aliens had been hiding. The aliens had been shot at by humans, their medical equipment was destroyed and one of them was in critical condition. The aliens eventually convince Black Jack to start the operation by using telepathy to show him a picture of his mother. In the end, Black Jack and the others agree to keep the whole ordeal a secret.

      • EP37 - The Dolphin and the Pirates

        Black Jack is kidnapped on his way home after a job and forced to operate on a thief who had been injured during a large job. The brother of the wounded man and the third member of the group take Black Jack out to see on a boat, but they become lost. With the wounded brothers condition deteriorating and the third bandit slowly succumbing to madness due to hunger and fear, a dolphin is brought onto the boat. Black Jack saves the dolphins life and lets it go, the dolphin in return guides the boat back to Japan, at the cost of its own life.

      • EP36 - The House on the Cape is Incomplete

        Pinoko becomes frustrated at the poor state of their house and begins pestering Black Jack to move. Black Jack instead tells her the story of the carpenter that had originally built the house. He insisted on being the one to renovate the house into the clinic that Black Jack desired, but ended up becoming the first patient due to leukemia, which at that time was still largely untreatable.

      • EP35 - Hijack the Hospital

        Black Jack is in the middle of an operation on a young boy when the hospital he is working in is taken over by armed men. They hold the patients and staff of the hospital hostage, threatening to destroy the hospital generator, killing the patients on life support. The leader also forbids Black Jack from continuing the operation, leaving the patient open and dying. One of the doctors recognizes the leader of the terrorists, and reveals that the terrorists son had died in the hospital. In the end, the situation boils over, and the generator is destroyed. Black Jack finishes the boys operation in the dark while the police restore the hospitals generator.

      • EP34 - Shaky Operating Room

        Black Jack visits a neighborhood, where he hopes to get payment for a previous job. However, he instead meets Hotch, a man who constantly complains about the shaking caused by the bullet trains that speed by and literally shake up his neighborhood. Black Jack performs surgery on Hotch's wife, but pauses in the middle to wait for the shaking fit to pass. When he tries to resume again, the train shakes again, until finally Hotch's demands to stop the trains are met and his wife can be saved.

      • EP33 - An Invader from the Sky

        A friend of Sharaku witnesses a comet fall from the sky and thinks it is a UFO. Soon he develops a strange lump on his side and is admitted to the hospital. Doctors, nurses and even his own mother has been acting strangely around him... growing paranoid by the minute, he begins to suspect aliens are conducting experiments on him. Black Jack arrives, clears things up and operates on the boy...

      • EP32 - The Terror of the Azure Sea

        Black Jack and Pinoko go to visit a remote island and end up meeting a fisherman and his son. The fisherman wants his son to grow up and go to school, but when his son hears him talking about enrollment he runs away. After hours of searching, Black Jack finds him trapped by a huge clam. attempting to free the boy, Black Jack dives underwater and ends up getting stuck himself. After nearly drowning, Black Jack and the young boy are both free and not badly injured, but in the process Black Jack broke his arm.

      • EP31 - Intimidation in the Twentieth Year

        While Black Jack was operating on a patient, his hand suddenly became paralyzed and he didn't know why. It was 20 years after Dr. Honma operated on him and he remembers that he blocked his memory about a doctor telling Dr. Honma that the hand of Black Jack will not be able to move after 2 decades.

      • EP30 - The Operation at the Thunderstorm

        There is a massive strike of Doctors in a hospital, where a little kid asks a doctor to cure his father but due to the strike the doctor refuses. Then the kid finds a young lady that tries to get help. Finally trying to take the Kid's father to another hospital a thunder makes a tree to fall making impossible to keep going, while they find the doctor who refuses the operation. Black Jack enters in action and decides to operate the sick man in a countdown before a Tree falls on them. A Tree fell on the Doctor and he asks help from Black Jack who says, Sorry, but I'm on strike starting right now, and after the doctor admits that what he did was wrong, Black Jack agrees to operate on him.

      • EP29 - Arranging the Flower of Life

        Black Jack takes on a case of Sono, a young girl who is sensitive to light and has a weak heart. Her father wants her to become better at all cost so she can become the head of the family. The family's main focus is ikebana so Sono is pushed to the brink of death to make the ultimate ikebana for her recital. When Sono almost dies trying to go outside to see wildflowers in their natural beauty, Black Jack tells her father she is being pushed too hard. Sono tells Black Jack she will die anyway so why give her the surgery. Hearing this BJ tells Sono that flowers and human are both beautiful because they live. He states he has seen patients far worse than her including Pinoko who struggled so much to live. Black Jack states if she is not interested in living the operation is off. Later Sono states she wants to live and Black Jack goes ahead with the operation lengthening her life.

      • EP28 - Wilderness Epidemic

        Black Jack and Pinoko investigate a mysterious plague in Australia. They become separated; Pinoko befriends an Aussie, Black Jack walks for days. Black Jack contracts the deadly plague, and realizes it is actually a parasite (an Echinococcus, a tapeworm, which causes echinococcosis or hydatid disease). He removes it by performing surgery on himself inside a plastic tent.

      • EP27 - Tragedy of a High Technology Room

        Black Jack, Pinoko and several rich men are trapped in an underground, disaster-proof bunker, where the oxygen is being sucked out. BJ breaks through the wall with a scalpel and cuts a wire, finally releasing them when all were on the verge of death. The men had promised him money to free them, then tried to renege. Fortunately, Black Jack has their promise on tape.

      • EP26 - Abacus Genius

        While hearing Pinoko talk about the abacus, Black Jack remembers when the teacher and father of Eiji, a boy, came to see him a long time before. Eiji dreamed of being an abacus champion, but he couldn't move his hands. Black Jack operated to fix them, but when his hands cramp up in a competition, reverts to using the abacus with his tongue.

      • EP25 - Abacus Genius


      • EP24 - A Challenge Called Nadare

        A genetically-enhanced deer, Nadare, is attacking forest workers. In the past, the deer was befriended by a young doctor and treated as his own sibling. Wishing Nadare was intelligent enough to talk back, the doctor convinces Black Jack to move Nadare's brain from his skull to his chest, allowing it to grow and make him smarter. In the present, the doctor who owned the deer must stop Nadare who, out of control from his own intelligence and emotions, attacks his fiancé. They drive Nadare off, and Black Jack operates to save the woman's life.

      • EP23 - Love in the Storm

        Black Jack meets Kiyomi, a pretty young physician, and the only doctor on her island. Kiyomi falls in love with Black Jack, but he knows he's not worth her giving up her life on the island with so many people depending on her. Then, Kiyomi is injured in a landslide and is saved by Black Jack, only to wake up and find him already gone.

      • EP22 - Pinoko's Grown-Up Plans

        Pinoko meets Tinq, a boy her age, and tried to have an adult relationship with him, much to Sharak's horror. Tinq has a strange condition, though; his organs are reversed, and Black Jack with Pinoko's help undertakes an operation to save his life. It turns Pinoko has been trying to make the Doctor jealous, as he is the one she truly loves.

      • EP21 - Hints of Spring

        Kumiko loses sight in one eye due to glaucoma. Black Jack implants a cornea, and Kumiko starts seeing the donor's last sight; a man reaching towards her. Pinoko thinks the man is a murderer and begins a rescue effort, but it turns out the vision is of the donor's fiancee in his last, desperate attempt to save her.

      • EP20 - Yamanote Tetsu

        Tetsu, the owner of Black Jack's favorite cafe, tells the story of how he was a famous pickpocket chased constantly by a police detective. The detective desperately wanted to catch Tetsu red-handed, but during a chase, Tetsu is injured in an accident involving sheet glass and loses two fingers. The detective blackmails Black Jack into performing surgery to reattach them, hoping to continue as before, but Black Jack covers for Tetsu, and in the episode Tetsu returns the favour when the detective tries to arrest Black Jack for unlicensed practice.(source: Wikipedia)

      • EP19 - The Tale of the Kowa Clinic

        Black Jack is forced to take Pinoko to a local clinic for digestion medicine, and comes to assist Dr. Kowa, a country doctor, in a thyroid operation. Black Jack is extremely impressed by the friendliness and respect Dr. Kowa is treated with by his patients, especially since he can tell Dr. Kowa is an unlicensed doctor. In the end, Dr. Kowa goes back to school.

      • EP18 - Friendship by Mail

        Although Jun is in wheelchair, he tells his Internet friend Tom he can play baseball. He did this because he was envious of Tom's stories of living on a ranch and helping out with all of the chores there. When Tom is about to visit, Jun asks Black Jack to heal his weak heart. The price is too high, and Jun breaks off his friendship with Tom instead. When Tom finally arrives, Jun learns that he is the young, blind inheritor of a large company. Tom offers to pay Black Jack's fee for healing Jun, at the expense of his own eyesight. Black Jack heals them both.

      • EP17 - The Voiceless Idol

        Rei is the school's star vocalist, until a polyp on her vocal cords causes her to lose her voice. Black Jack operates, but she can't remain silent for two weeks and reinjures her throat. Forced to be silent for three months, she becomes depressed, but befriends Sharaku's sister Wato, and eventually is able to regain her voice.

      • EP16 - Gone Pinoko!

        Pinoko befriends a burglar who has lost his job and family. She goes with him to help him, and they begin a long journey on foot to find his family. However, Black Jack believes Pinoko has been kidnapped, and gives up a chance to have his medical license reinstated in order to search for her. After he and Largo locate them the man takes a tumble off a cliff. Pinoko not only persuades Black Jack to save the man, but also to help him get a job and reunite with his family.

      • EP15 - The Fake Wedding

        Michiru is a teenage girl dying of cancer. Her dying wish is to marry the next man she sees, and in walks Black Jack. After he cures her, she wants to continue the marriage. Black Jack declines and gives her a pep talk about living her new life.

      • EP14 - Solomon, Move!

        Pinoko is saved by Musashi, a lifeguard/animator, and becomes interested in his animation work. Musashi wants to make anime that truly appears to live, despite being constantly put down by his successful friend Kojiro. However, when Musashi becomes sick, Black Jack saves him in return for his animation cels.

      • EP13 - A Pirate's Arm

        Ichinoseki is a local star gymnast. He loses an arm to gangrene, and Black Jack replaces it with a metal pincer. Ichinoseki becomes depressed, but his arm talks him into playing competitive shogi. He wins the championship, and the arm turns out to be voiced via transistor by his long-suffering friend Toshie.

      • EP12 - Give My Brother Back To Me!

        Pinoko befriends the actor inside a monster suit. The actor has a lymphatic problem that Black Jack treats, but the actor's brother Yukio thinks Black Jack is part of the TV show and has kidnapped his sibling. Pinoko comes up with a plan; the actor saves Yukio from Black Jack and they escape.

      • EP11 - Gift from a Killer Whale

        Black Jack tells Pinoko about how he befriended the killer whale Toriton. One day at the beach, Black Jack discovered the injured Toriton. He patched him up, and again each time he was injured. Toriton is falsely accused of attacking a fisherman, and Black Jack tries to end their friendship, but the whale turns out to be innocent, and Black Jack rescues him just in time.

      • EP10 - Legend of the Phoenix

        Black Jack and Pinoko fly to Asia to treat a 200-year-old man. Miriam, the man's descendant, wants him to live long enough so he can tell her how to find the phoenix, a glowing bird whose blood supposedly grants everlasting life. Black Jack cures the old man, but the legend turns out to be a hoax. The man gained his long life from sheer will power, and the phoenix is really just a bird covered in luminescent bacteria.

      • EP9 - Drawing Water

        Pinoko and Sharaku befriend an old lady who is staying at her son's hospital. Her doctor son kicked her out of the room she was living in so it can be used by a patient. After being rejected by several friends, she opted to spend a few days at a rundown summer house she owns. But heavy rains cause a mudslide, and Black Jack rescues her. He forces her son to decide what's really important to him.

      • EP8 - The Miracle Arms

        A skilled sushi chef, Taku, wants to make the best sushi in Japan and to feed it to his blind mother. But he is hit by a truck and loses his arms. The truck driver Akira then learns to be Taku's arms and to make sushi. They form an unlikely friend- and partnership, until Akira is then injured with third degree burns when saving a child from a fire. Akira dies in the hospital and tells his wife to give his arms to Taku.

      • EP7 - White Lion

        The white lion named Luna Luna, at the local zoo is sick. The lion's keeper begs Black Jack for help, but he refuses. It turns out the lion's illness is caused by a brain tumor which also caused his fur to turn white. After the operation, the now-gold Luna Luna is taken by Black Jack as his fee and released to the wild.

      • EP6 - A Teacher and a Pupil

        A boy who is afraid of his teacher, Mr. Muramasa, is hit by a motorcycle when forced to go to school. Muramasa hires Black Jack to save the boy's legs. When the teacher learns of the boy's fear, he leaves the hospital in a daze and is struck by a car. He offers Black Jack his life insurance to pay him for his student's operation, but the doctor saves them both.

      • EP5 - The Sixth-Magnitude Man

        Black Jack meets Dr. Shiitake, a skilled but unnoticed doctor. He works at Manaka Hospital whose chairman has just died and whose embezzlement case concerning two of their best doctors arrested for bribing doctors to vote for them using hospital money. When a man is injured by fireworks, Black Jack's fee is too much for the hospital, and the underestimated Dr. Shiitake is given the chance to show his real skills. Eventually, he becomes the new director.

      • EP4 - Playing Doctor

        Kong's sister Chako has an unusual case of tuberculosis. Chako, having heard about Black Jack, begs her brother to have him take her case. Kong can't find the doctor, so he gets Keaton from the drama club to pretend to be Black Jack and help raise her spirits. But will it save her?

      • EP2 - The Ant's Legs

        A handicapped boy is inspired by a book to walk 400km from Hiroshima to Osaka, by himself. Black Jack follows the boy, to his annoyance. Will the boy succeed?

      • EP1 - The Order of Operations / The Missing Needle

        A ferry trip goes bad, and Black Jack saves an Iriomote cat, a baby, and a politician, in that order. The politician sues, but Black Jack saves him from cancer, and he relents.Pinoko saves Sharaku from Kong, a bully, and they become friends. Then, Sharaku becomes sick and Black Jack operates on him, but a runaway gurney causes an IV needle to break off in his vein. Black Jack fails to extract the needle, but by a miracle it comes out on its own.

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