
Black Jack (TV) EP47 - A Violin from a Snowfall

Premiered: 2005-10-31



The plane Black Jack and Pinoko are on crash lands during a blizzard, balancing precariously at the edge of a loose crevice. The passengers panic until a talented and famous violinist, Morozov calms them with his music. Rescue teams cannot get to them in the snow, so the captain leads them all to a barn 400km away. Because of the wind, passengers are prohibited from taking their luggage, including Black Jack. Morozov stubbornly refuses to leave his violin, tying it to him with his scarf. A passenger sneaks a flask with him, but drops it in the fierce winds. It knocks Pinoko in the head, and her small body is pulled by the storm towards the crevice. Morozov dives to catch her, but his violin is blown away from the effort. Devastated, he tries to reclaim it but is deterred. Black Jack tells him not to go out, warning him of frostbite. Morozov sneaks out in the night anyway. Black Jack finds the violinist unconscious in the blizzard, and his fingers frostbitten. Without his own instruments, Black Jack cannot restore the fingers and must amputate them back at the barn. Morozov comments they both now know not to let go of their most precious possessions.

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