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  • 蜘蛛侠 第一季 第2话
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Spider-Man Season 1 (1967) EP2 - Sub-Zero for Spidey




On a blistering hot afternoon, Peter is walking to the house of a brilliant scientist, Doctor Smartyr, when suddenly he notices that the sidewalk and most of the neighborhood is turning to ice. Hearing desperate cries for help from Smartyr's house, Peter changes into Spider-Man and breaks through a laboratory window to find the frightened scientist being menaced by a towering ice creature. It leaves, and Spider-Man finds a giant iceberg in New York Harbor. He returns to Dr. Smartyr, who deduces that the ice creature comes from Pluto; however, more ice creatures arrive, freezing him and Smartyr and kidnapping the scientist. The ice creatures actually do turn out to be 'Plutonians' and are not hostile. They are seeking out Dr. Smartyr for a way to help them get back to their home planet.

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