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  • 铁臂阿童木 第37话
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Astro Boy: Tetsuwan Atom EP37 - Atlas Strikes Back




The wreckage of Atlas, which was wandering in space, was recovered by a crooked dealer and passed on to Dr. Pavlos, the former deputy director of the Ministry of Science. Dr. Pavlos implants an omegachip, which can be used to control robots, into Atlas's head and turns him into a violent robot. Atlas is going out of control, and the only way to stop him is to destroy him. Dr. Pavlos's goal is to implant the omegachip in every robot in the world and make them do what he wants. Of course, Atom is no exception. Atom is under attack by Atlas. Unable to destroy Atlas, Atom finally runs out of power and ends up in Dr. Pavlos's hands. Atom is determined to resist. However, Atlas, under Dr. Pavlos's orders, attacks Atom, and he is in desperate straits.

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