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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Danball Senki / LBX: Little Battlers eXperience
- Official name:ダンボール戦機
- Chinese name:纸箱战机
- Other names:纸片战机 / 弹波战机
- Premiered:March 2, 2011
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Hot blooded / Combat / For children / Source game
- Director:日野晃博 / 高橋ナオヒト
- Scenario:山田健一 / 日野晃博 / 大武正光 / 樋口達人
- Storyboard:宮原秀二 / 高橋ナオヒト / 谷田部勝義 / 丸山由太 / 鈴木吉男
- Co-director:宮原秀二 / 遠藤晋 / 鈴木吉男 / 谷田部勝義
- Studios:レベルファイブ
- Family:LBX: Little Battlers eXperience
- Rating:9+
Danball Senki
In the year 2050, a new craze sweeps the world by storm.
LBX - Little Battles eXperience.
Collecting model robots may have just been a mere hobby, but LBX has changed that.
Now, these robots fight each other in a competition to determine who is the strongest!
Yamano Ban is one of the many youths enamored with LBX. However, due to his mother's disapproval, he has never tried his hand at it.
One day, a girl whom he had never met before hands him an attache case.
She quickly leaves the scene, leaving Yamano with these cryptic words: "Within this lies both humanity's hope and despair."
~ adapted and translated from official site by Cranston
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - Meeting With a Small Machine
Humanity had invented fortified cardboard in the year 2046.The fortified cardboard had revolutionized the world market. It also served a greater purpose for reviving the cancelled distribution of the miniature hobby, Little Battlers Experience (LBXs). 3 years later,the story focuses on Ban Yamano who was LBX battling alongside his best friends, Kazuya Aoshima and Ami Kawamura in the 2050 LBXs World Tournament,Artemis .The episode goes back in time before the event, when Ban was on his way to the Kitajima Model Shop.There, he saw a rare, unscheduled released armor frame kit, Achilles. Despite his low allowance and his mother's objections against LBX, Ban wanted the kit very much. Before going home, Ban comes across a mysterious woman chased by 3 unknown pursuers. The woman gives Ban a mysterious metal suitcase without any instructions. It is later revealed to contain an LBX model, AX-00.
EP2 - The Lost Achilles
After a recap of the first episode's events, Ban wakes up in his room and looks at AX-00 and a flashback occurs to when the mysterious woman gave him the suitcase. He then is seen eating breakfast and, expecting his mom to disapprove of his new LBX, he was surprised when she said that he was allowed to keep it so long as he becomes strong and doesn't lose to anyone. Ban then goes to the Kitajima Model Shop and is surprised that the store's owner, Kojirou, has never seen a model like AX-00 before. After conversing about how Ban got his hands on the model, the episode switches to the Innovator's hideout where Dr. Yamano talks to Eiji Yagami about the deathlock system-if anyone but the intended user of the LBX tries to open it, a poison will be dispersed, killing the infiltrator and destroying the hidden data. Thus, Eiji decides that he will defeat Ban and retrieve the data. Back in the model shop, the group discusses how they should handle the AX-00 information.
EP3 - Hell's Destroyer
Ban is challenged by Gouda to an LBX battle. In order to make it fair , Gouda lets him use the Achilles armor and confidently tells Ami and Kazu that they can battle against him as well as a handicap. Seeing that they have no other choice, Ban accepts his challenge in order to protect Achilles. It is also revealed that Gouda is doing this under someone else's bequest. While the trio are preparing for the battle against Gouda, they decide to use a hit-and-run strategy against Hakai-O since it specializes in close quarters combat. The plan seems to work for a little while, until Gouda shows them his LBX's true abilities by first activiting the Gao Cannon and swiftly destroying Kazu's Warrior. Without their teammate, Ban and Ami are in a pinch. The first blast from Hakai-O's cannon was a demoralizing tactic, but they don't give up. In fact, Kazu finds out Hakai-O's Achilles Heel.
EP4 - The Cursed Golden Knights
The episode begins with Takuya Uzaki and Ren Hiyama talking about AX-00 being equipped with Achilles and being under Ban's ownership and about the Innovators. The next scene shows Ban running in order to join Ami on the way to school. As they enter their classroom, they hear Ryuu bragging about his new LBX, Buld Kai, and about him beating Gouda. While they could have said that he was lying, Ban and Ami decide to play along, with Mika commenting on Ryuu being a lying braggart. As karma would have it, one of their fellow students requested for Ryuu to take back an LBX that Gouda stole. Ryuu responds by lying and saying that he'll do it after coercing from Ami. After school, Ami and Ban decide to look for Kazu. Meanwhile, Kazu is walking around, thinking about his destroyed LBX. He meets a mysterious merchant who offers to sell him a rare LBX, Egypt. Kazu is then hypnotized and controlled by Egypt.
EP5 - The Dark Assassin
The episode begins with a display of Kamiya Craft's newest LBX, Assassin, and its sniping capabilities. Yoshimitsu Kaidou, Tougorou Kamiya, and Muneto Sawamura are all pleased by the results of the small exhibition. They expect Jackal, the assassin, to perform his task without any trouble and kill the Prime Minister. Elsewhere, Takuya and Ren converse about the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Sousuke Zaisen. They decide to ask Ban, Ami, and Kazu for their assistance. Before they talk about the details of the mission, Kazu is given a new LBX, Hunter, sparking a glimmer of interest in his eyes. Ban and friends accept the mission, agreeing to the terms of it being a secret and that no one must find out about it. The next day, the trio show up to perform their task, but Kazu doesn't seem to be ready or in the right state of mind.
EP6 - Showdown: Sniper vs. Sniper
Although initially overwhelmed with the idea of finding an assassin in a large crowd of people, Kazu, Ami, and Ban review the plan for finding the fiend with Takuya in a van. The latter tells them that Seeker already has agents in the field. Thus, the trio search around by foot and with their LBXs, trying to figure out where would be an ideal sniping position. After carefully examining the options in such a crowded place, Ban realizes that it is probably for an assassin to snipe through a glass building. Thus, he and his friends approach the building that Jackal is in, only to find Deqoos blocking their path.
EP7 - My Name is
This episode begins wn the professor is kidnapped by the Innovators and the Innovators announce a fake news that the professor is dead.With a flashback 5 years ago; Professor Yamano and Rina were in an airplane that was supposed to be flying to the Neo Technology Summit. Back to the present,in Blue Cats Coffee,Takuya announce to Ban,Ami and Kazu,that the professor is not dead. The Innovator capture Professor Junichirou for his intelligence to make the Eternal Cycler. Eternal Cycler is a machine that gives Infinite energy to machines. If Eternal Cycler falls to the wrong hands, it can lead to the destructon of the world. As soon as Ban and friends leave the cafe, Takuya told Hiyama that he found where the Professor is. He was kept in Tenshi no Hoshi (Angel Star).
EP8 - The Great Labyrinth, Angel Star
Ban, Ami, and Kazu run into Inbit in the air ducts. When Inbit refuses to follow them around the corner Ban realizes Inbit must be an AI LBX. Achilles and Kunoichi distract Inbit while Achilles takes out his camera lenses, allowing Ban and his friends to win the battle. Kamiya sees what Ban has done and decides to come up with a new strategy. He has Dequoo R's continue to distract Ban and his friends in the air ducts while he goes and gets Kirishima. He takes Kirishima out of the control, but not before having Yagami plant a false location for Professor Yamano in the control room. Kagami then tells Kirishima that Tiny Orbit has sent Achilles in to steal their most confidential data. He is promised if he can destroy Achilles that he will be given the finds to restart his company. In the control room Ban and his friends find a hidden elevator and take it to the lowest floor. Meanwhile Yagami goes to Professor Yamano's room and gets ready to move him. When Ban and his friends make it to the lowest floor they get locked in a secret manufacturing plant. Kirishima comes out controlling the deadly tractor known as The Steel Monster Ijitesu. Kirishima scares Ban and his friends enough where they must send out their LBX's. Kirishima gets one hit on Achilles and knocks his controls loose. Kirishima aims the tractor at Achilles with one goal, running over him to win back his company.
EP9 - The Steel Monster Ijiteus
Achilles manages to dodge the Steel Monster before being run over. At Blue Cats Takuya and Hazami pull up computer readings and see that Achilles, Kunoichi, and Hunter are involved in battle. Takuya runs a computer scan and sees they are at Angel Star, so the two depart immediately to rescue them. The Steel Monster quickly shows how it got its name. The tractor is enforced with heavy armor that the LBX's cannot penetrate. It is also possessed with a laser eye system. Hunter accidentally shoots a cloth down over the camera of the Steel Monster, and Ban realizes that camera is the Achilles heel. The three change their targeting strategy to the camera, and when they take out the camera Kirishima switches to manual view. Manual view at least slows down the Steel Monsters response time. A mysterious silver colored LBX then appears. It distracts the Steel Monster and points out the large crate above it. Hunter switches his target to the crate, which comes down and crushes the Steel Monster. Kirishima escapes unharmed. Ban is then told over the Loud Speaker that Professor Yamano has been removed and the only way he can get more information is by winning Angrivisdas. An escape hatch opens revealing Hazami and Gouda. The two lead Ban, Ami, and Kazu out safely before taking them back to Blue Cats. Once back at Blue Cats Hazami reveal they are back to square one, though this time they really have no idea where he is being kept.
EP10 - The Mysterious Transfer Student, Jin Kaidō
Ryuu overhears his teacher and the principal saying an exchange student is coming in, so he runs and tells the entire class. When the teacher comes in and tries to take attendance Ryuu asks her about the exchange student. She admits they are supposed to get one that day, but he has not arrived yet. A jet fighter then flies up to the school. A boy climbs out of the jet fighter and into Ban's class. It is the exchange student. He introduces himself as Kaidō Jin and says he has nothing else to tell the class. When Ryuu asks him about LBX's later on he ignores him. Instead of trying to make friends Ban, Ami, and Kazu head for Blue Cats. Hazami tells them Angrivisdas is an unsanctioned tournament with no regulations. This year however the winner will receive permission to enter Artemis, the contest that determines the best LBX player in the world. Takuya takes the group to a secret door in Blue Cats that leads down to Angrivisdas and lets them watch how the fights are. To their surprise none other than Jin is in the arena, and he easily crushes his competition. As he leaves the crowd yells that they hope his The Emperor gets crushed during Angrivisdas. Ban and his friends head to Kitijima's where Kitijima trains the three on increasing speed with a newly customized Gladiator. It takes a full week, but Ban is finally able to defeat Gladiator. As a reward Kitijima rewards Ban with the new Sigma D chip, a chip made to increase LBX's speed. As Ban and his friends prepare to leave none other than the Four Devas appear. They block Kitijima's shop entrance and have been told to take Ban and his friends to visit Gouda and to not take no for an answer.
EP11 - Magician in a Box
While leading Ban and his friends to where Gouda is the Innovators agents ambush Ban and company. At first the group decides to walk away from them, but they tease him with the knowledge that they might know where his father is being held. Ban agrees to battle them, but they say they will only reveal where his father is being held if he can beat them 3-on-1. Ban and Achilles battle the Innovators Dequoo's. During the battle Ban learns his first finishing move, Lightning Lance, and is able to overpower them. The Innovators agents retreat without telling Ban anything, and the Four Devas remember how Gouda revealed to them that they would soon be fighting the Innovators. Afterwards the group goes into a nearby arcade where they find Gouda has lost in a LBX battle to one Sendou Daiki and his LBX Joker. Gouda is about to hand over all his territory to Daiki when he realizes there is a catch. Daiki can only claim Gouda's territory if he is the first one to defeat him. That honor went to Ban. Now the only way Daiki can claim the territory is by defeating Ban in battle. Ban and Achilles battle Daiki and Joker, but Ban relies to much on his finishing move, Lightning Lance. As a result Achilles is slow and cannot hit Joker. Daiki begins to use Joker's speed and causes what appears to be clones to appear. Before Joker can finish Achilles though the Emperor intervenes. Jin says they should finish their battle at Angrivisdas since they are both competing, and Daiki agrees. Ban is given a list of everyone competing in Angrivisdas by Gouda. He takes this list back to Kitijima's where Ami, Kazu, and Ban come up with strategies to defeat each competitor. As time runs out the group heads to Angrivisdas. Welcoming everyone to Angrivisdas is none other than the legendary LBX fighter Lex. Lex announces that each LBX battle will be unlimited regulation, meaning anything goes. When Lex finally turns toward Ban we see it is none other than Hazami. After the intro the tournament officially begins, and Ban meets his first opponent.
EP12 - The Battlefield of Darkness: Angrivisdas
Angrivisdas begins and Ban battles Head Hunter Gatoh and his Buld. Gatoh seems to dominate the pace with his rocket launcher, forcing Ban to continually dodge and run around in circles. Eventually Kazu reminds Ban that he needs to turn the battle in his favor through pace. Ban charges straight at the Buld and begins getting in multiple hits. Gatoh decides to cheat and use a stun grenade. With Achilles stunned Gatoh breaks out an axe and chops at Achilles shield. The axe has gun powder hidden in it and sends Achilles flying. The shield falls to the side and allows Gatoh free access to Achilles right arm. He begins attacking Achilles right arm continually, hoping to chop it off. When stun wears off Achilles is able to dodge again, but he loses his right arm in the process. Once again Ban is forced to dodge, but while he's dodging he's moving in closer. Ban decides to use his shield to block one of Buld's missile launches, and in the process he learns Sword Cyclone. Achilles tosses his shield aside and picks up the sword. He uses sword cyclone and advances to the semifinals with the win, thanks to his second round opponents eliminating each other at the same time. Afterwards Kazu, Ami, and Jin all advance with victories. The quarterfinals begin and Kazu and Daiki advance, setting up a Daiki vs. Ban semifinal match. Afterwards Ami tries to move in quickly and strike Emperor in the legs, where she thinks he is vulnerable, but Jin dodges the attack and finishes off Kunoichi in one strike.
EP13 - Joker: The Attack of the Evil Clones
Gouda brings down his Haki-O's right arm and has Achilles use it during the semifinal match vs. Daiki. At first Daiki seems like he dodges every attack with ease. He quickly reveals that while Achilles has more strength with Hakai-O's arm, he has also left himself highly vulnerable because he is off balance. Ban tries to correct this by turning the lance into a battering club, but Daiki continues to have Joker dodge and cast his mirage again. With 3 Joker's on the field Ban begins to take hit after hit and seems to be losing with ease. Ban tries to create a smokescreen to see which Joker is real, but they still manage to come at him from two sides. Achilles gets knocked down to 25% power and once again enters V-Mode. With V-Mode active Achilles once again gains strength and begins to bludgeon the Joker's with ease. One of the hits reveals that there is not 1 Joker on the field. Instead there are three. However Ban cannot control V-Mode, Daiki realizes that V-Mode runs on a computer controlled AI attack pattern and begins to dodge the attacks and get hits on Achilles. Just then Ban receives a message from the stands. A man has appeared in the stands with the white LBX that saved them at Angel Star. The LBX's name is Pandora. It sends Ban a code, and Ban gains control of V-Mode. Takuya also sees the man and runs towards him, seemingly recognizing him from some other place. Despite Ban having gained control of V-Mode, his power has drifted to less than 10%. Joker only needs one hit to finish Achilles off. While still in V-Mode Ban remembers The Emperors beheading of 3 LBX's at one point in the arena and realizes he can use the same strategy. Achilles runs to a cliff wall that's a dead end. Daiki thinks it's so his LBX's will face Achilles one-on-one and sends them into the air so they can attack at one. Realizing his plan has worked Ban runs underneath the Joker's and releases a Lightning Lance when they are lined up as one. The Lightning Lance destroys all 3 Joker's and sends Ban to the finals, right as V-Mode wears off. After the match Ban asks Daiki is he was the spy, and Daiki says he works only for himself. Takuya arrives where the man was in the stands, but the man has disappeared. Takuya says he would not let this mystery man get in his way and ruin his plans. As Daiki leaves Gouda tells Ban good job but says he cannot fight in the finals that way. He supplies Ban with the right arm of Achilles, fully repaired. Up next Kazu faces Emperor and Jin in the second semi-final. Kazu realizes The Emperor has more speed and strength than him, so he gets distance and tries to take out The Emperor with long-range shots. The Emperor dodges the attacks and forces Kazu to use Hunter's Stinger Missile attack. The attack merely causes a smokescreen for The Emperor, and The Emperor gets one quick ax strike to the neck of Hunter finishing off Hunter. The final has been set. Ban will battle Jin for the right to move on to Artmeis as the champion of Angrivisdas.
EP14 - Decisive Battle: The Emperor
Ami realizes that since they did not know who the Innovators spy was, there was a good chance it was Jin. A recap of the fights and the LBX's being used in the final is shown. Then Jin and Ban get ready to begin their battle. Jin promises to tell Ban the coordinates of where his father is at if he can beat him. Ban does not waste anytime time. He attacks head on, but The Emperor dodges most of his attacks. Ban decides to use Lightning Lance to force The Emperor to attack. Once The Emperor jumps into the air Ban activates Achilles V-Mode and does some serious damage, or so he thinks. In reality The Emperor suffers about 20% damage, and Jin decides to reveal his true strength. The Emperors eyes go from black to white to a blood red. His speed increases, and no one can keep up with Jin's hand control movements. Jin uses his finisher, Impact Kasier, to bury Achilles, but Achilles manage to dig his way out and starts blocking all of The Emperors hands on attacks. Jin continues to increase the speed of his commands, and it eventually burns out the control chip inside The Emperor. With The Emperor's functions ceased Ban and Achilles are declared the winners. Jin tells Ban Professor Yamano is located at coordinates 579–934. After everyone clears out the group returns to Blue Cats where Lex enters the coordinates and finds out it's the mansion of Kaidō Yoshmitsu. Takuya reveals that Yoshimitsu is the head of the Innovators, but no one is sure how they can infiltrate until the mysterious woman from episode 1 reappears. Her name is Rina. She is revealed to be Professor Yamano's assistant, and she just happens to have data on the Kaidō's mansion that they can use if they let her work with them.
EP15 - The Power to Save the World
After bringing them info on Kaidō's mansion, Rina asks if there is any place they can decipher it. Lex decides to take all of them to a location the kids will recognize but that will take on a new meaning when they arrive. At first Gouda says Ban, Ami, and Kazu should not be taken to that location yet, but Takuya reminds him they will likely need all of their bases. In the van on the way to the location Lex reveals that Rina, Takuya and himself were all part of the Tiny Orbit R&D team that created LBX's, and all 3 of them were Professor Yamano's assistants. However Rina, Professor Yamano, and himself were taken by the Innovators five years earlier. One year before Lex met Ban Professor Yamano realized what the Innovators planned on using the Eternal Cycler for and tried to escape. Only Lex was able to escape. The kids recognize Tokio SIA, a major mall that they are approaching, but when they arrive Lex takes them into a secret elevator shaft that goes under the mall. The kids are introduced to The Seekers, an anti-terrorist organization that is set up beneath Tokio SIA. When they get to the base they find out that the Four Devas, Mika, and Ryuu have also all been recruited by the Seekers. The Seekers decrypt the data on Kaidō's mansion and decide to infiltrate with three teams. Team 1 will be Ban, Ami, and Kazu. Team 2 will be Lex, Rina, and Takuya. Team 3 will be Gouda, Mika, and Ryuu. The rest of the Four Devas are to be held in reserve at Tokio SIA in case something goes wrong. The groups then head to Kaidō's mansion to try and save Professor Yamano.
EP16 - Infiltrate the Black Stronghold
Rina opens up a secret passage that leads to the yard of the Kaidō's. After they arrive in the yard, the Seekers groups breaks into sets of 3 to infiltrate the house. Lex, Rina, and Takuya head to the control center to open the door while the other two groups await to get in. Rina lets them in, and they decide to go to different ways hoping that one of the two groups can make it to the room Professor Yamano is supposedly being held in. As Ban, Kazu, and Ami travel they are seen by security and pursued. Just before they are to be captured when Kazu decides to tackle them down a set of stairs. Instead of being captured they roll into a secret entrance into the bedroom of Jin. Jin challenges Van to a rematch with his new LBX, the Emperor Mark 2. When the Emperor Mark 2 and Achilles both use their finishers, they knock each other temporarily unconscious. Jin is shocked that he cannot seem to defeat Ban, even with a new computer processor. Ban and his friends are able to leave Jin's room and arrive at the room Professor Yamano is supposed to be held in. When they arrive Van calls out for his father, and instead of his father Yosihmitsu appears. Yoshmitsu says if the group can manage to defeat his LBX he will give up Professor Yamano once and for all. A 3-on-1 battle is held, and Yoshimitsu wins with ease..
EP17 - The Fated Reunion
After Yoshmitisu's LBX Gekkōmaru defeats Achillies, Hunter, and Kunomichi, Ban holds on to the hope that one of the other groups can arrive and defeat Yoshimitsu. That hope is quickly dashed as Yoshmitsu has the other teams brought in and reveals they have also been captured. Finally he has Professor Yamano brought in. Professor Yamano is mad at Lex because he had told Lex not to come back. Takuya manages to slip his guard and takes Yoshimitsu hostage, or so he thinks. Rina grabs a gun and makes everyone think she is helping Takuya until she points it at his back, forcing him to let Yoshimitsu go. When asked why Rina reveals that Yoshmitisu is the only man who can allow a certain medical procedure to be used. She needs this medical procedure to save her sisters live. Just as Yoshmitisu is about to have everyone killed Professor Yamano laughs and reveals that even if Yoshimitsu has Achilles, it does him no good. The decoder for the Platinum Capsule has been hidden as the prize for the Artemis Tournament, The only way to use its technology is to have both together at the same time. Professor Yamano then triggers some explosives hidden in Yoshimitsu's house, allowing the crew to escape. However Professor Yamano heads off in a different direction, saying he has some other business to take care of. After everything is finished Van is dropped off at home. Just before his mom can scold him he reveals his father is still alive, and Van's mom decides to reveal how she found out Professor Yamano was still alive years before. Ban then vows to win Artemis at all costs. As the episode ends we return to Yoshimitsu. He has entered some sort of strange lab, and he is downloading some sort of program into a mysterious young man.
EP18 - The Opening of Artemis
There is one month left until Artemis starts. Ban, Kazu, and Ami decide they will enter Artemis to keep the Innovators from gaining the Metanus GX. However Blue Cats coffee is closed, so they move their training to Kitajima's and to Gouda's hideout. Ban, Kazu, and Ami practice as often as possible and against as many players as possible leveling up their battle skills as well as fine tuning their best moves. Maintenance is done daily to their LBX's to keep them also in top fighting shape. At school it is announced that Jin has had to transfer to another school, and at a secret lab we see Yoshimitsu continue to experiment on the mysterious young man. With roughly a week left until Artemis begins Ban gets a message from Lex. Lex has him meet in a secret location where he teaches him a new finisher Super Plasma Burst. The new finisher should allow him to defeat the top class fighters, but it is to only be used when the timing is right. Gouda reveals that he is entering Artemis as Lex's battle partner, meaning The Seekers will have two teams competing for the prize. The day of the tournament finally arrives. Ban, Ami, and Kazu make their way to Artemis stadium. Ryuu comes to Artemis Stadium with a special banner he has made for the occasion. At the stadium the group sees many of the world's best champions arriving. They also run into some familiar faces in Daiki and Jin, and they see the mysterious boy climb out of the car. For some unknown reason the mysterious boy begins to follow Jin when Jin is not looking. Eventually Jin confronts him and learns his name is Yuuya Haibara. The name seems familiar to Jin, but he cannot place where it is from. The episode ends with the Artemis Opening Ceremonies.
EP19 - The Fierce Fight: Jin and Rex
Artemis officially gets underway with Block A. 16 teams make up each group, with 5 groups total competing. In Group A Lex and his G Rex are teamed up with Gouda and his Hakai-O while Jim competes with Emperor M2. The mysterious Yuuya is watching the matches from his room and looks like he is absorbing the data, similar to what a LBX does. Jin continues t dominate with his split second killing while Lex and Gouda merely overpower the competition. The two teams make it through the first two matches and end up meeting in the semifinals. Looking for a split second kill Jin uses Impact Kasier, but G-Rex stops it with his fists. Gouda begins attacking The Emperor M2 full throttle, but once again Jin seems to be able to dodge everything. Lex uses his GRex's finishing function on The Emperor G2 to cause some serious damage, but the Emperor M2 quickly rebounds and slices Gouda's Hakai-O in half to eliminate him. G-Rex has a shot at a quick attack to finish The Emperor M2, but for some unknown reason Lex hesitates and Jin gets the win. After the match Lex goes outside and tells someone on a phone call that everything is going according to their plan. Over at Tiny Corp Takuya decides to return and confront his brother Yuuya. He reveals that Yuuya is the man that was in the stands at Angrivisdas with Pandora. He asks Yuuya to help him restore the seekers so they can get revenge for their father. Apparently Yoshimitsu is responsible for the series of events that led to his death, but what those events are is untold. Yuuya refuses saying they cannot use Tiny Corp's resources to hel them get revenge, but that does not mean there are not other ways they can do so. Back at Artemis Jin easily wins the Block A final to move to the Battle Royal. Block B begins where we are introduced to Masked J and his LBX Masquerade J, who have entered solo. In the first match of B Block Masquerade J displays amazing agility and stabs his opponents LBX's in the neck to allow him to advance to the quarterfinals of Block B. Ban is amazed by Masquerade J's moves, but he thinks Masked J looks familiar.
EP20 - The Troublesome Tournament
The B Block Finals begin as Masked J battles one Shou Kanzaki and his Gladiator who have finished off all their opponents in less than a minute. At first Shou and Gladiator make hit after hit on Masquerade and appear to have an overwhelming advantage. It has all been a trick though. Masked J was merely getting the timing of Gladiator's attacks. He begins to dodge attack after attack and when Gladiator gets cornered he finishes him with Storm Sword. After the match Masked J tells Shou he needs to start focusing on his defense and stop acting so immature. The C-block contestants include Ban, Kazu, and Ami. They are called to head for the waiting rooms. In the waiting room they meet John & Paul, the North American champions. Ban tries to wish them good luck in the upcoming match, but John & Paul refuse to acknowledge him, making Ami upset. John & Paul decide they want to finish the match before it begins, but Asia Area Champion Morigami Keita and his Warrior break it up and tell them to settle it in their opening match. Ban thanks Keita and they become quick friends. Keita and his teammates Nakabayashi Reina (w/ Amazonese) and Kunoshita Kouji (w/ Buld) let Ban and his teammates see the specs on all their LBX's, as long as they get to do the same for Achilles, Hunter, and Kunoichi. Shortly after the first matches are called. Ami wants to fight the North American champions because of their feud in the back, but she feels Achilles & Hunter provide the best chance for them to move on. John & Paul launch their Orteha & Titan into the ring, and we see the match that opens the series. Of course Ban and his team prevail, and we see quick snippets of their quarter and semi matches. In the C-Block final Ban and his friends face off with Keita and his crew. They open up with a series on head-to-head matches that make the teams appear even. However Hunter gets tricked into a trap, and Achilles and Kunoichi get damaged when they move in and save Hunter.
EP21 - The Explosive Super Plasma Burst
With Achilles and Kunoichi damaged, Keita and Reina move in to try and finish them. Hunter uses his stinger missile though and causes a smokescreen, allowing them to escape. Ami comes up with a plan, and the group heads towards the middle of the Industrial Zone. Keita group follows at a slower pace, and eventually they get flanked by Hunter and Kunoichi. Keita thinks it is a move solely to keep him from attacking Achilles and heads to a corner where he sees Achillies shield. It ends up being a laid trap. The shield is all that's there, and Hunter has moved into sniping position. Hunter targets Warrior, but Buld jumps in the way and is eliminated. Next Hunter provides supporting fire aimed at Warrior that allows Ban to move in. Amazonese decides to target Hunter, which allows Kunoishi to come out and target Warrior 2-on-1. Amazonese has a major speed advantage over Hunter, but Hunter is able to perform the same type of kick that Ban used to send John's Ortega flying in the previous episode. With Amazonese stuck in the air Hunter is able to use his pin point targeting and eliminate her. Hunter then moves down to join Achilles and Kunoichi in a 3-on-1 assault. Keita realizes if the attack hits he'll be finished, and he launches his finishing move Trident. It hits all of Team Ban's members, and while Achilles shield absorbs the damage Kunoichi and Hunter take the attack head-on and are eliminated. The battle becomes 1-on-1, and Warrior has a major speed advantage thanks to Achilles damaged leg. Ban switches over to his energy gauge, and after he has absorbed enough attacks and thrust enough spears at Warrior he is able to release his new finisher Super Plasma Burst to gain the victory. Keita's team congratulates Ban on his efforts and moving on to the finals in a real sign of sportsmanship. Ban and his friends then go to get their LBX's repaired while D Block begins. Daiki advances throughout D Block to the finals with ease. On the other side a solo entry known as Yujin advances to the finals. Yujin is known to be one of Otacross's disciples, but he insists on fighting the LBX battles as OtaRed, a defender of justice, Daiki scoffs at him and thinks his Joker Mk 2 will get an easy victory to advance to the Battle Royale just before the final battle begins.
EP22 - The Mysterious Player: Yuuya Haibara
Daiki battles Yujin in the Block D Finals. Most people think Daiki will get an easy victory thanks to his overwhelming speed and the 3-on01 advantage, but Yujin convinces Daiki to face him one-on-one instead. Afterwards Block F gets underway. The mysterious player Yuuya Haibara does not appear to have a lot of skills, but he keeps getting victories and advances to the Block F finals. Jin and Ban both realize Yuuya looks like he is going through a series of tests instead of fighting seriously, and when Yuuya advances to the Block F finals it becomes quite obvious his victories, which have been less than impressive, were all merely a series of tests. What's even more disturbing is the lack of communication from Yuuya. As Yuuya advances from Block F, a 30-minute intermission is held so the five finalists can all get their LBX's in tip-top shape for the upcoming battle royale.
EP23 - Deciding Match: Battle Royal
The finals begin with an all-out battle royal. Ban and Jin target each other from the start, but when Yujin also gets involved and hits Ban a few times he realizes he cannot target just one opponent if he is to have any chance at victory. The five finalist continue to go blow-by-blow until Yujin and Yuuya are seen attacking The Emperor Mk 2 and Masquerade J is seen attacking Achilles. While Masquerade J is attacking Achilles a file is transferred over to Achilles with a note, you'll need this in the future. Shortly before the file is completed the Innovators activate a special mode of Yuuya's control suit. The special mode ends up taking over Yuuya's brain and sends him on a rampage. He destroys Masquerade J and Bibinbird X, eliminating Masked J and Yujin from the competition. When his two teammates decide to run from the scene Jin realizes the only way to save Yuuya is by doing his LBX. Ban and Jin set aside their differences and team up together. Emperor Mk 2 causes a smokescreen while Achilles performs his Lightning Lance finisher, eliminating Judge and freeing Yuuya from the suits control. Yuuya collapses, so the competition is halted while he receives medical attention. Ban questions Jin on what the relation is between Yuuya and Jin, but Jin refuses to answer and announces it is time for their final battle to commence.
EP24 - The Impacting Last Battle
The finals of Artemis are held as Emperor Mk 2 and Achilles match each other blow for blow. The Emperor Mk 2 has an overwhelming speed advantage, and when Achilles shield gets knocked into the lava lake it looks like things will be over for Achilles. Achilles though is able to perform some acrobatics that Emperor is unable to match, and eventually Achilles gets behind Emperor and stabs him through the chest to finish him off. Achilles and Ban are declared the winners of Artemis. However The Emperor Mk 2 rises again. Jin loses all control of his machine, and Emperor Mk 2 grabs onto Achilles before self destructing. Achilles is destroyed. After everyone sees Achilles destroyed the power to the building is cut. Everyone is forced to evacuate, but during the commotion Innovator LBX's infiltrate the building and steal the Platinum Capsule and Metanus GX. Yagami learns that it was the Innovators red team that shut down the power at Artemis and killed the guards watching Metanus GX in the process. He goes to confront Kaidō about it and is told he is no longer necessary. Yagami leaves, and shortly after another man in a cloak walks in and stuns Kaidō with his appearance.
EP25 - The Start of a New Battle
Three days have past since Artemis ended. We learn that four guards were killed watching over Metanus GX, and that the police are looking for clues as to whom the culprit is. The kids practice with their LBX's planning to go on a rescue mission to reclaim Metanus GX, but they do not want to make a move until they are able to confirm the location it's being held at. Meanwhile Jin has taken over watching Yuuya and he begins to question his grandfather's involvement in the entire ordeal as Yuuya lies in a coma. We learn that Jin and Yuuya were both the lone survivors in their families in the tragic Tokio Bridge collapse that also took Yagami's family. Shortly after the bridge collapse Jin was adopted by Yoshimitsu and become a Kaido. When his grandfather refuses to answer why he programmed The Emperor Mk 2 to self-destruct and why he killed the guards Jin decides to rebel. Jin secretly goes to Cyber Lance to become a test player for their new generation of LBX's. He is given control of Proto Zenon, and the controller he will use has more memory than any other control. It also increases the combat range from 100m to 1 km. Elsewhere Ban visits the warehouse where Lex trained him on the Super Plasma Burst. Surprisingly Lex appears and gives Ban the Platinum Capsule. He reveals the Platinum Capsule the Innovators stole was a fake. Ban contacts his allies, but on the way to Tiny Orbit the Innovators surround the car they are traveling in hoping to steal the real Platinum Capsule.
EP26 - The Flash LBX, Pandora
Using LBX's the Innovators hack into Takuya's car system, but just before the car can be captured Pandora arrives and makes the save. Pandora then eliminates an entire trucks Dequoo's with an EMP while Hunter and Kunoichi provide support, Pandora eventually is able to hack into one of the trucks computer systems and power it down, allowing Takuya and the kids to escape, but Ami notices that Pandora has a hesitancy every 2 minutes and 40 seconds. When the group arrives at Tiny Orbit they learn that Tiny Orbit is developing a new Sparkbload system that will increase the usage of LBX's to 50 km and allow them to be used in space and on other planets. Ami realizes that Pandora had to be operated with this technology, and when she sees the railcar speeds through Tiny Orbit's station lasting 5 seconds she realizes it has to be someone there. Just then Yuusuke arrives and leads the group where they can try to decipher the Platinum Capsule. The group is not able to decipher the Platinum Capsule, but they find blueprints for a new LBX had been downloaded into the Platinum Capsule roughly 72 hours before, during Artemis. Ban reveals Masked J sent him the info, and then Yuusuke reveals Masked J was Professor Yamano. Ami decides to reveal Yuusuke's secret, and after he admits it he brings out Pandora for the others to see. Before they can get a closer look at Pandora though the Innovators attack Tiny Orbit with four Inbit's. One of the Inbit's self destructs, taking out Tiny POrbit's defense system, so Ami and Kazu go to fight the other three. Kunoichi gets destroyed during a massive bodyslam, leaving Kazu in a 3-on-1 battle, so Yuusuke sends Ami the start-up code for Pandora. Pandora arrives just in time to save Hunter and prevent the 3 Inbit's from moving past Tiny Orbit's elevator shaft.
EP27 - Awaken! A New Machine
Pandora uses her speed to cut down one of the Inbit's camera eyes. She then leads the other two into a corner where she appears to be trapped in a dead end. As the two start to fire at her, Ami commands Pandora to dodge their attacks and then simultaneously strikes down their other camera eyes. The three crash into each other and then explode. With the Inbit's out of the way construction begins On Ban's new LBX Odin, and Takuya takes the time to show the kids that the Seekers new base is right in the center of Tiny Orbit. Elsewhere Rina decides to infiltrate one of the Kaido's secret houses. She waits until the leader of the red team has left the room before going in to face Yoshimitsu. Her goal is to force him to approve usage of Optima in the medical field to save her sisters life. Elsewhere on the base Yagami is given a file that contains all the data on the Tokio Bridge incident, but when the red team begins to hunt him he is forced to alter his escape route. Also in the base is Jin, who has pulled data showing that Yuuya was used as a science experiment by Yoshimitsu. Jin decides to leave Yoshimitsu's care for good and join Ban and his friends fighting the Innovators. Eventually the man who gave Yagami the data leads him into a trap room and traps him, but Jin frees him allowing him to escape. Back at Yoshimitsu's office Rina holds a gun to Yoshimitsu and demands he allows Optima to go forward in the medical field. Yoshimitsu grabs the gun and gets into a wrestling contest, accidentally forcing the gun to go off and shoot him in the process. As Rina flees the scene Yoshimitsu is seen rising from the gunshot, but he is no longer human. Instead he is some sort of robot who has taken over Yoshimitsu's spot. Yagami finds Rina crying in the halls and drags her along so they can escape. The group flees to the spy jet Eclipse and manage to escape within it. Back at Tiny Orbit construction is finished on Odin. Ban assembles him and places the Platinum Capsule inside. As the group gets ready to test Odin's capabilities an alarm goes off inside Tiny Orbit. One of the rail trains has been hijacked, and its barreling full speed toward Tiny Orbit with the intention of crashing into it.
EP28 - Odin's Sortie
As the train barrels towards Tiny Orbit the group learns two trains in the station are unable to start. If the train cannot be stopped, nearly 7,000 people will be affected by the wreckage. The Innovators red team hides in three locations nearby waiting to infiltrate Tiny Orbit after the wreck. Seeing no other choice, Ban asks if using Odin and the Sparkbload together might work to stop the wreck. Odin launches and infiltrates the train with roughly 20 km until impact. When he arrives in car 1 he sees that the LBX General Commander is controlling the train. Odin and General Commander fight, but Ban has a hard time using Odin's control functions because he is so much more advanced than Achilles. Seeing no other choice Ban runs headlong at General Commander and stuns him, allowing Odin to use his Gungnir finisher. General Commander is defeated, and Odin activates the brakes, However the brakes fail to engage. Yuusuke contacts the linear command and learns of a second way to stop the train. Ban destroys the trains control panel, causing the train to crash into the tracks and friction to slow it down. The actions appear to have taken place two late though as the train still has too much speed and will crash into Tiny Orbit. As things look their most grim Jin arrives and contacts them with the message, Let me finish the rest. Jin launches Proto Zenon and uses his rocket thrusters to create a reverse draft. the train is stopped with 1m left until impact. Afterwards Jin reveals he has turned against his grandfather. he manages to convince the group and is welcomed to the Seekers. After Jin leaves Ban's LBX is brought back to him. A message is hidden inside Odin. It's none other than Professor Yamano. He reveals the contents in Metanus GX can still be recovered by the group if they can hack into the world's most protected computer system. The group is disappointed when they learn even a team of hackers failed to do so, but Yuusuke reveals there is one man who could succeed, the legendary hacker Otacross.
EP29 - The Legendary Super Hacker, Otacross
Ban, Ami, Kazu, and Gouda head to Akihabara to look for the legendary Otacross. Little do they know that Daiki is also in Akihabara looking for Ota Red hoping to get revenge. When Ban and company get depressed because no one seems to know where Otacross is at, Otacross comes onto the overhead screen and provides a clue as to where he can be found. Ami solves the clue and leads them to the location the Ota Rangers are located at. In order to claim the legendary LBX Ami must battle Ota Yellow. Meanwhile Gouda stays behind to battle Daiki. Ami uses Pandora's speed, calculations, and the finisher Chaotic Fist to defeat Bibinbird X3 while Gouda sacrifices an arm to pin Joker Mk. 2 and defeat Daiki. As a result Daiki becomes his servant and Ami wins the legendary LBX. The group is taken into Otacross's office where Otacross reveals he can hack into the computer system known as God Gate, but he does not want to. Ami begs him to reconsider, and Otacross decides to help them if they can defeat him in a LBX battle. Otacross controls three LB'x known as RX-1, RX-2, and RX-3. He evades Ban and his friends attacks with ease to begin the battle, and when he begins to attack Ban and his friends are forces them to come together. Otacross then decides to show the true spirit of the Ota and combines his 3 LBX's into Grand RX.
EP30 - Break In, God Gate
After Otacross's LBX's fuse, they also see their strength and defensive capabilities increase. Hunter backs up and gets a few long range shots off. One of them hits Grand RX's chest, but it appears to bounce right off. Just as it appears our heroes are about to have their LBX's destroyed by Otacross, Grand RX shuts down. Hunter's long range shot may not have penetrated the armor, but it caused Grand RX to overheat giving them the win by default, Otacross keeps his word and agrees to help them hack into God Gate. In order to do so two LBX's must be scanned and sent in to fight any virtual LBX's that might stand in the way. After a conference Ban's Achilles and Kazu's Hunter are sent in. Otacross has no problem penetrating the many layers of God's Gate. When they reach the final stage they encounter the virtual Innovators LBX. Achilles and Hunter are overpowered with ease, and Otacross's avatar is in danger of being destroyed. Just them Professor Yamano's voice is heard and a new virtual LBX appears. Professor Yamano has hid Hunter's successor, Fenrir, inside God's Gate. Fenrir's data is downloaded into Hunter and he fully materializes. Fenrir has more power and can excel at hand-to-hand combat as well as long range shots, thus fully utilizing all of Kazu's skills. With Fenrir and Odin on the scene the Innovators LBX gets overwhelmed. Otacross begins to download the data to Metanus GX, but the Innovators white team takes drastic action and deletes all the files, scattering them across the web.
EP31 - Aim for the Akihabara Kingdom
Otacross reveals the only way to recover the data now is to gather together all the hackers of Akihabara. The only way to do that is to win the Akiharabar Kingdom title. Otacross reveals the current champion is a man known only as Master King, but every time he hears the name he starts to throw a temper tantrum saying that Master King cheated to gain the title. Otacross reveals the tournament will take place in one week and everyone should train until then. The team divides into sets of two, thinking it is a man-to-man tournament. Gouda trains with Daiki, Kazu trains with Ami, and Ban trains with Jin. During their first training battle Jin reveals that Yuuya has come out of his coma but he is having to go through rehab for the rest of his body. Jin and Ban reveal to each other how they first came to love and use LBX's, and Jin agrees to help the group win Akihabara Tournament. Over at Kitajima's Saki-san learns the kids are training for the tournament and seems eager to tell them something, but Kitajima cuts her off every time she gets close to revealing it. At the hospital Rina has returned to her sisters side. Yagami has agreed to be the culprit for Yoshimitsu's supposed death, but Rina is shocked when she sees Yoshimitsu is still alive and walking on the tv. Finally the day of the tournament arrives. Before the tourney can begin Yuusuke arrives at Akihabara Tower. He reveals that Tiny Orbit is the sponsor for Akihabara Kingdom and he reveals that Otacross saved Fenrir's data. With Fenrir's data saved they were able to produce Fenrir's armor frame, which Kazu gladly equips. Yuusuke leaves and Otacross reveals that Akihabara is a team battle, and that the teams will be Ban, Gouda, and Daiki as well as Jin, Kazu, and Ami. Kazu begins to protest saying they should be able to decide their own teams, btu he is overruled when Otacross reveals he has already registered these teams. On the way to the tourney the group runs into the Kitajima's, and Saki finally reveals she will be one of the participants in Akihabara's tourney. She also reveals she is actually a stronger battler than her husband, but it comes with some side quirks that none of them know about yet except her husband.
EP32 - The Opening of the Akihabara Kingdom
After a lengthy stadium reveal the episode opens with 8 teams competing in the competition. The first round matches are announced: Hacker Corps vs. Meteo Train, Sakai vs. Ban Team, Cyber Knights vs. Ota Rangers, and Kaido Jin team vs. Jason Kurosawa, and the round is announced to be a one-on-one battle. Jason Kurosawa insists on coming over and shaking each team members hand from his opposition. Meanwhile Gouda and Daiki argue which of them will battle in the first round. The wait is not long as the Hacker Corps stuns everyone with a quick knockout. Ban intervenes and decides to battle Saki since they are friends. Saki sends out her Kunoichi to battle Ban's Odin. Saki features a style that basically runs headlong into anything and does not evaluate her surroundings. Ban uses this to his advantage to get the win and advance to face the Hacker Corps in the semifinals. The Ota Rangers decide to use a rotational system where all but OtaRed will participate (OtaBlue goes in the quarterfinals), and Jin decides to go first for his team. Both of their quarterfinal matches are also featured.
EP33 - Gouda VS. Sendou
Ban gets introduced to Yamaneko and the Hacker Corps. Ban asks them if they'll help them during a mission, but Yamaneko refuses unless Ban can become King of Akihabara. Gouda and Daiki's tensions with each other continue to escalate, so Ban sends them out together during the semifinals. Gouda tells Daiki if he does not like battling with him to just sit on the side. Both Gouda and Daiki debut their new LBX's during the semi's, Hakai-O Z and Nightmare. Yamananeko and one of the other Hacker Corp battlers counter with Red Ribbon and Green Ribbon. The battle begins and Hakai-O Z gets bombarded from both sides. Daiki refuses to move until the Hacker Corps decide to target him, but Nightmare's speed proves to be too much for the Hacker Corps. The two decide to leave Nightmare alone and go back to targeting Gouda and Hakai-O Z, but Daiki decides to intervene this time and stop the front-behind double team. The two use their finishers, Super Gaou Cannon and Death Scythe Hurricane, to defeat the Hacker Corps and advance Team ban to the finals. Before the other semi can begin OtaYellow once again confesses his love for Ami, but Ami ignores him and gives him the cold shoulder. Meanwhile Jin's cold attitude causes OtaPink to fall for him. The second semifinal features OtaBlack and OtaPink vs. Jin and Kazu. While OtaBlack and OtaPink have their Bibinbird's performing the Ota poses Jin uses his Break Gazer finisher to destroy OtaBlack. When OtaPink begins to rush Jin Kazu uses Fenrir's Hawk Eye Drive to finish off her Bibinbird and make the final Team Ban vs. Team Jin.
EP34 - Clash! Ban VS. Jin
The finals begin with Team Ban vs. Team Jin. Both teams come up with strategies before the match, but Daiki quickly rebels against Ban's strategy when Pandora does not move out. Daiki and Nightmare battle Jin and Proto Zenon in an epic speed battle. At the other end Pandora moves in for close range attacks on Odin and Hakai-O Z while Fenrir keeps them on their toes. Ban studies the terrain and sees a cliff he believes could finish off Fenrir if they can distract him. Odin and Hakai-O Z move to separate parts of the arena, and when Fenrir jumps up to the cliff Hakai-O Z launches his Super Gaou Cannon and buries Fenrir. With Fenrir supposedly finished Odin takes on Pandora while Hakai-O Z and Nightmare both move in on Proto Zenon. Jin's speed and strategy prove to be too much for Gouda and Daiki though as Jin finishes them off in a simultaneous attack and then turns and heads towards Odin. Ban realizes he's about to be surrounded, but making matters worse Fenrir bursts out of the rocks making it a 3-on-1 battle. Ban is able to dodge attack after attack and eventually gets all three of his opponents lined up. He fires off Gungnir and finishes off Pandora, Fenrir, and Proto Zenon simultaneously to become the #1 contender for Akihabara's throne. After the battle Maa, also known as Master King, appears and Team Ban challenges him for the throne of Akihabara.
EP35 - Shock, The Sun God Apollo Kaiser
After a brief time to repair their LBX's Team Ban faces off with Team Maa, the reigning king of Akihabra. Maa has hit LBX Apollo Kaiser sit back and watch while two members of the Hacker Corps, using Claymid's, battle with Ban's team. The field is an ice field, so it takes some time for Hakai-O Z and Nightmare to adjust to it. Eventually Hakai-O Z and Nightmare throw their opponent's Claymid's into each other and severely damage them with their finishers. Maa decides to intervene and uses his finisher, God Speed Sword, to eliminate his teammates LBX's while damaging all of Team Ban's LBX's. Before God Speed Sword hits Ban has Odin run in and try to deflect the rays associated with the attack, but it costs Odin his left arm. After a second God Speed Sword hits Daiki is able to throw Nightmare's scythe at Apollo Kaiser and hit it. Ban realizes that Apollo Kaiser powers down for a few minutes after using his finisher, and it allows Ban to formulate a plan. Team Ban has their LBX's rush at Apollo Kaiser, with Nightmare and Hakai-O Z serving as shields. he two LBX's are able to shield Odin and allow Odin to use Gungnir when Apollo Kaiser powers down. Ban becomes the reigning king of Akihabara with the win. Afterwards Gouda officially releases Daiki from being his minion, and the Hacker Corps uses their thousands, if not millions, of members around Akihabara to search the Infinity Net for the Metanus GX fragments. They are able to gather 99% of the data, but the remaining 1% of the data is stuck in a net storm. If the data touches the storm at all it will be deleted. Seeing no other choice Yamaneko uses Otacross's virtual scanner to scan his LBX. He then creates a mini storm around his LBX, causing his LBX to be absorbed by the larger storm. Once Red Ribbon is inside he grabs the data and uses his blasters to create a hole in the storm. With the hole created he is able to throw out the data, and Ban and his friends are able to gain the decipher key for the Platinum Capsule.
EP36 - Humanity's Hope, Eternal Cycler
As Ban and his friends begin to return to Tiny Orbit they get surrounded by Innovators who want to steal the Eternal Cycler data. Takuya attacks one of the Innovators and tries to create an opening for the kids, but they end up being surrounded. Yagami arrives on the scene and surrounds the Innovators forcing them to retreat. As the group arrives at Tiny Orbit Yuusuke decides to trust Yagami and his allies. Yuusuke then demands they begin creating a rough draft on the Eternal Cycler because the prime minister has approved Yoshimitsu's Earth Crust Generation project. The Earth Crust Generation Project calls for energy to be harvested from underground volcanoes, but it would make Earth's crust unstable and lead to much destruction. Over at Cyber Lance Jin returns Proto Zenon with the data he collected from Akihabara Kingdom. The data will allow them to evolve Proto Zenon into Zenon's final form. Elsewhere Daiki is battlign at the arcades trying to get some sense of fun back into his life, but he feels there is something missing. Back at Tiny Orbit Yuusuke runs into Sawamura and brushes him off when he asks for a specific report. No one realizes that Sawamura is a spy inside Tiny Orbit. At the same time Ban and his friends head towards the Seekers base and run into Rina, who has been rehired by Tiny Orbit for her Sparkbload knowledge. Sawamura goes into Tiny Orbit's main security room and shuts off their alarm system. Outside Kirishima is hired to steal the eternal cycler when it is completed. If he succeeds, he will be given the funds to restart Asuka Manufacturing. Back at the Seekers base Rina tells everyone how she shot Yoshimitsu and he survived. She then tells how she met Yagami as he was leaving the Innovators. Yagami then tells them how his family was killed by the Tokio Bridge incident and how the Innovators were responsible for it. As construction begins on the Eternal Cycler Yuusuke and Takuya get contacted by Otacross. Otacross informs them an army of LBX's is approaching Tiny Orbit through a tunnel. Tiny Orbit does a scan and learns more than 25,000 LBX's are about to attack as the episode comes to an end.
EP37 - Fort Tank Bardoma
The Hacker Corps connect to the Infinity Net and send their LBX's to help out at Tiny Orbit. Gouda is sent down to work with the Hacker Corps; Ban, Kazu, and Ami will provide last defense on the staircase, and Yagami and his crew will guard the fourth floor vents. Roughly 1 hour is needed to finish the eternal cycler. As the LBX's begin to attack Gouda uses his finishing move, Super Gaou Cannon to take out nearly 1,000 LBX's. The Hacker Corps follow suit as Red Ribbon uses his Napalm Bomb, Gladiator uses his laser cutter, and Claymisha uses his trident. When the LBX's get past the first line Ami realizes the ones getting through are All Inbit's that run on AI's. With this new knowledge they are able to narrow down the attack patterns and use their finishers to take out more LBX's. Odin uses Gugnir, Fenrir uses Hawk Eye Drive, and Ami uses Chaotic Fist. When the LBX's are narrowed down to roughly 2,000 the Innovators send in their fort tank Bardoma as a last resort. Jin arrives with the newly completed Zenon, and the groups are reassigned. Ban and Jin will work with the Hacker Corps battling the tank while Ami, Kazu, and Gouda move up to the fourth floor to join Yagami protecting the lab. Zenon uses his finisher Break Gazer to cause a smokescreen, allowing Zenon and Odin to get onto the tank. The hacker corps try to follow suit, but Fort Tank Bardoma begins to fire randomly and takes out many of their LBX's. On the tank Zenon begins to hack into the tanks system while Odin takes out enemy LBX's. Odin uses Super Plasma Burst for the first time to finish off the enemy LBX's just before Zenon forces Fort Tank Bardoma to power down. News comes in. All the enemy LBX's have been defeated, and Yuuki finishes the eternal cycler test. However power goes off in the lab, and Kirishima steals the eternal cycler. Yuusuke goes in pursuit. Ban arrives at the front entrance to meet Jin and get back Odin when he sees Yuusuke pursuing Kirishima. Kirishima hesitates to use a gun he has, so the Innovators send another agent up which steals the eternal cycler. The agent then has a preprogrammed truck try to run over Kirishima, but Yuusuke pushes him out of the way and gets hit instead, ending his life right in front of Ban and Jin's eyes.
EP38 - When The Seekers Revive
Five days have passed since Yuusuke died, and Ban has not left his room since that incident. Lex returns and visits Tiny Orbit where he is shown the new Seekers base. However he learns the eternal cycler data has been deleted. Before leaving Lex informs Takuya that Sawamura is an Innovator spy. As Takuya makes his way to his office, he is given the research his brother did on the Innovators and vows to fight til the very end. Takuya calls a meeting for all of Tiny Orbit and dismisses the entire board. Afterwards he returns to the Seekers base where he introduces Yagami, Hosoi, Yakabe, and Mano as the newest Seekers. The group reveals they will be providing support from the Eclipse they stole from the Innovators. Takuya reveals the data his brother got and tells everyone that his father was also killed by the Innovators in a staged car accident. He also announces that Kirishima is being brought on to create new support weapons for the LBX's. Kirishima is hesitant about doing so until Ami thanks him for creating the fortified box they use for LBX battles. We move to Ban's house where Ban's mom tries to get him to eat. She admits that she is scared but knows a time comes that people must fight and that Ban must recover. As Kazu and Ami make their way home, they get a call from Yagami. They are being pursued by one of the Innovators. The group leads the Innovator to Blue Cats where Yagami ambushes the spy and defeats his LBX Assassin. At a nearby arcade Gouda sees Daiki leaving and invites him to join the upcoming fight against the Innovators. Meanwhile Jin questions his grandfather and gains evidence that he is an android. After learning this he decides to leave the mansion for good. At the airport Kamiya Corp's president welcomes back his son Kousuke, who has been studying LBX's overseas. He believes his son is what they need to cause the Fairy Tail project to succeed.
EP39 - Stand Up, Ban!
The Seekers learn the eternal cycle sampler is being kept at Kamiya Craft's Goliath. Lex sends Kazu the infiltration route, so Kazu, Ami, Gouda, and Daiki decide to go in, not knowing Lex is watching them from the shadows. The group makes it into Goliath fairly easily and arrives at the control center where they see mysterious controls known as acorns being made. The group is forced to hide when Yoshimitsu arrives. Shortly afterwards Kamiya Craft's president arrives with his son, who informs them they have a rat problem. Yoshimitsu and the President leave the room and Kousuke faces the others four-on-1 with his LBX Lucifer. At Ban's place Jin arrives to confront Ban. Ban admits he's afraid he'll die or his friends will die if they continue. Jin tells him loss is a part of life and reveals that his parents were killed in the Tokio Bridge incident. If that were not enough his grandfather has now been killed and replaced by an android. Ban gets more rebellious and tries to destroy Odin until Jin reminds him how Odin connects him to his father. This, plus some wise words from his mother, cause Ban to rebound. Jin is notified that Ami and the others have been captured in Goliath, so Ban and Jin decide to rescue them. At Kamiya Corp Yoshimitsu tells the Innovators to hand over the Eternal Cycle sampler when the Seekers arrive because he is changing up the final phase of their plan. Ban and Jin sneak in with the help of the Kaido's butler, but the Yoshimitsu android comes into the hall to battle. He launches his new LBX Kaiser to battle Odin and Zenon. Kaiser gains Odin and Zenon's battle data using his AI and then begins to defeat them. However Ban's determination causes Odin to unleash his Extreme Mode. Odin overpowers and destroys Kaiser. The destruction causes the Yoshimitsu android to short circuit. Ban and Jin move past the android and continue looking for their friends as the episode ends.
EP40 - Exposed Conspiracy
Kousuke watched Ban and Jin from the control room and opens and closes doors that will lead them to the others. Jin realizes they are being led into a trap but feels there is no choice but to continue. Ban and Jin make it to the control room where they see the acorns being made. Jin realizes they could be a weapon that is run by the eternal cycler. Kousuke arrives and promises to let them go if Ban and Jin can beat him in a battle. Odin and Zenon are sent out to battle Lucifer, but Lucifer has incredible speed. Ban is eventually able to analyze Kousuke's speed and jabs Lucifer in the side. Before Kousuke can retaliate his father contacts him and says it is time to go. Kousuke returns the groups CCM's and provides an escape route. Before they leave Jin asks what the acorns are for, and Kousuke reveals they are miniature megaton bombs. The groups escape route ends up being the trash line, but they are able to make it outside. Good news awaits them as Takuya reveals that Zaizen has agreed to postpone the Earth Crust project. The good news is short lived as Lex sends Ban the data on the Innovators target. The Innovators plan to destroy the worlds energy at the Tyrant Press Energy Plant. Mano is able to track down the Innovators research base only to learn they have a missile that is being loaded with Fairy BX's, LBX's with artificial intelligence. Each Fairy has an acorn at their core, and the group only has 21 hours to stop them.
EP41 - When the Devil Takes Off
3 hours before Saturn is scheduled to launch the Seekers begin their attack. Yagami outlines Saturn's defense system known as Fencer, a dangerous laser beam system that can short out any and all electronics. The goal is to stop Saturn before the launch, and the only time they can sneak into the base is when there are only 30 minutes until launch. Ban is given the Beam Garter Shield by Kirishima, and then Takuya leads Ban, Jin, Ami, and Kazu through the hidden research lab lake entrance. The group gets on the control room elevator so they have the quickest route possible, but in the hallway before the control room they run into a Fairy. The Fairy has not AI on its side, but it also has the ability to cloak itself. Fairy takes down Fenrir and Pandora before Ami realizes that Fairy cannot hide its shadow. Ban and Jin team-up and use Gungnir and Break Gazer on Fairy's shadow to finish it off. They make it into the control room with 4 minutes remaining and begin the shutdown process. Before they can finish though the system locks them out and the control room doors shut, locking them inside. Lex comes on the monitor and reveals he is the real mastermind behind Fairy Tail. We see him shoot Yoshimitsu in a flashback, and when Saturn launches Lex reveals his plan will reset the entire world, but it is not destroying the Tyrant Press Energy Plant. As Ban and company try to get out the door opens from the outside and in walks Professor Yamano to face off with Lex.
EP42 - The Final Mission with Everything on the Line
After Doctor Yamano opens the doors Yagami also enters. He reveals they've traced the route of Saturn and that it is headed for N-City. Lex reveals he is targeting N-City because of the International Group Summit taking place there. Lex reveals an explosion 18 years earlier cost his father his job, but his father always claimed he did not cause the explosion. Lex traced the explosion back to Yoshimitsu, which is why he took his life, but now he sees the world falling for the same trap from politicians, economists, and developers because of their greed. The group leaves the lab and boards Eclipse and Lex and the anrdoir Yoshmitsu use a jet plane to board Saturn. Eclipse catches up with Saturn and launches a desperate attack with LBX's to try and lower fence's defenses. Six LBX's make it on board Saturn using their new umbrella shields, but they quickly encounter a fleet of Innovator LBX's waiting for them. Ban and Jin manage to make it to the fence control room where they once again encounter Kousuke. Kousuke refuses to believe they are headed for N-City and insists on fighting. Seeing no other choice Ban activates Odin's Extreme Mode and Jin activate Zenon's Alternative Mode to battle Lucifer. Lucifer tries a quick finisher with Devil Sword but fails to hit them because of the increased speed. Odin and Zenon get in many quick hits and appear to finish off Lucifer, but Lucifer rises and enters the deadly Seraphic Mode to finish the battle.
EP43 - The Great Decisive Battle in the Wide Open Skies
Lucifer uses his finisher on Odin and Zenon in Seraphic mode and begins to celebrate his victory. When the smoke clears neither Odin nor Zenon have been harmed. Ban uses Gungnir and Jin uses Break Gazer in their powered up modes to finish off Lucifer and cause Kousuke to collapse. Before their LBX's can go any further Lex raises a plasma field to block off the sparkbload signals. Eclipse launches an anchor into Saturn and the Seekers infiltrate Saturn with two missions: 1) regain their LBX's and 2) shut down Saturn. Only two places can have the route changed: the control room and the cockpit. Professor Yamano and Yagami's subordinates head toward the control room while Yagami holds off Innovator LBX's. Ban and Jin head for the cockpit. Along the way Gouda, Daiki, Kazu, and Ami recover their LBX's, but they are forced to stay behind to help eliminate Innovator LBX's. After regaining Odin and Zenon Ban and Jin arrive in the sat room where the plasma field is being raised. Jin powers down the satellites just before android Yoshimitsu returns. He challenges Jin to a battle, and Jin accepts while sending Ban ahead to deal with Lex. Jin sends the camera signal to Professor Yamano allowing him to show the battle to the entire shiop. Yoshimitsu easily handles Zenon until he cuts off his left arm. The loss of the left arm throws Zenon's weight off kilter and allows Zenon to begin dodging attacks. Zenon once again enters Alternative Mode, causing Yoshimitsu to start short circuiting. Jin unveils the final finisher for Zenon, Omega Explosion, and destroys Gekkomaru and Yoshimitsu. Seeing that Yoshimitsu is an android the Innovators recheck Saturns coordinates and learn the plane is headed for N-City. The Innovators stop battling and surrender. Meanwhile Ban arrives at the cockpit and finds Lex waiting so they can have the final battle.
EP44 - Those Who Change the World
After Ban makes it to the cockpit Lex reveals Saturn is run by the Gravity Pump, and there is no way to shut it down. Jin also arrives at the cockpit, but before he can breakdown the door to where Ban is Dr. Yamano arrives and stops him saying they have another mission they need to complete first. Lex brings out Ifreet to battle Odin. Ifreet is armed wit Angel's AI capabilities and quickly destroys Odin's shield. Odin counters with Gungir but ends up missing Ifreet. Ifreet activates his Inferno Mode, and Lex says Inferno Mode contains all the hatred he has, meaning Inferno Mode is Lex as he is today. He knocks Odin through part of Saturn, but Ban retaliates with Jet Striker and then enters extreme Mode. Professor Yamano and Jin arrive back at the control room where Professor Yamano enters a self destruct sequence, but only Odin can activate it. Back at the battle Ifreet uses Prominence Raid, but it fails to stop Odin's Extreme Mode. Ban pierces Ifreet through the chest and appears to defeat him, but Ifreet's AI accepts all of Lex's hatred and starts firing wildly. Odin counters with Lightning Lance and follows it up with Super Plasma Burst to defeat Ifreet for good. Odin then activates the self destruct, and Ban helps Lex head back towards Eclipse. On the way back to Eclipse Lex reveals the words he wanted the world to know to Ban. Those words are, Humans aren't beasts. Humans aren't Gods. Humans need to take the time to think what humans should do. Ban makes it onto Eclipse's escape hatch, and then Lex pushes him up further and tells Takuya to detach. Lex goes down with the ship and gives Ban yet one more friend to mourn, but Saturn and the Fairies are stopped permanently and N-City is protected.