Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard (TV) EP25 - The End of the World
In mind of God device Ifurita except inspection. It is the actual key to the power of the eye that can serve in addition to extinguish the entire world. And exactly therewith it catches now at - to Jinnais horror, for if the world is destroyed, he can control himself no longer. There finally Afura, Nanami arrive and rune. Rune and Makoto transmittieren immediately to the eye of God highly, but at Ifurita also they bite itself itself the teeth from. It does not want to divert let herself of its actual determination: the world to destroy. Finally it gives way, for it recognizes the descendants of its builders in Makoto and rune. But it is too late: the eye of God is over the critical point out. There is another last possibility, but if Makoto activates it, it will disappear.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP5 - The Shrine of Wind
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EP8 - Reunion
Date: -
EP9 - House of Thieves
Date: -
EP10 - The Jungle Beast
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EP11 - A Child's Heart
Date: -
EP13 - Pure Evil Genius
Date: -
EP16 - Whirlwind
Date: -
EP17 - The Eye of God
Date: -
EP19 - Hive of Darkness
Date: -
EP21 - A Love in Peril
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EP23 - Escape
Date: -
EP24 - Destiny
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EP26 - The Eternal Dream