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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Isekai Shikkaku / No Longer Allowed in Another World
- Official name:異世界失格
- Chinese name:异世界失格
- Premiered:July 9, 2024
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Funny / Fantasy / Adventure / Time travel / Another world / Source manga
- Original author:野田宏 / 作画:若松卓宏(小学館)
- Director:河合滋樹
- Scenario:中西やすひろ
- Storyboard:今泉竜太 / 渡邊政治 / 石丸諒 / 川村賢一 / 河合滋樹
- Co-director:石丸諒 / 金元会 / 今泉竜太 / いとがしんたろー / 小野歩
- Character design:稲吉朝子&稲吉智重
- Music:KADOKAWA / 末廣健一郎 / マジックカプセル / 明田川仁 / 上野励
- Studios:Atelier Pontdarc
- Producers:「異世界失格」製作委員会
- Copyright:©野田宏・若松卓宏・小学館 / 「異世界失格」製作委員会
- Family:No Longer Allowed in Another World
- Rating:12+
Isekai Shikkaku
Just as the famous writer Sensei is about to accomplish his life ambition and commit double suicide with his lover Sacchan, he is hit by a truck and transported to another world.
Deemed an adventurer by the local priestess Annette, Sensei is given the daunting mission of slaying the demon king.
Refusing to play into his new role, Sensei decides his efforts are better served looking for Sacchan in the hope that she is somewhere in this new world.
Early on in his journey, Sensei crosses paths with the martial artist Tama and unexpectedly saves her from mortal peril.
Grateful for his actions, Tama decides to escort him.
The pair are soon joined by Annette who, seduced by the writer's strong personality, has sworn to protect Sensei's life.
As the unlikely trio wander the dangerous, monster-infested lands, they soon realize that human beings might be the true threats to the peace of the world—and Sensei might be the only one with the power to stop them.
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - I Must Commit Double-Suicide!
Sensei, a depressed writer, fails to commit double-suicide when he is instead hit by a random truck. He wakes up in another world, where he refuses to obey the trope and become a hero. Will he find another way to die or a reason to live?
EP2 - Shall I Tell You How It Feels to Sleep in a Coffin?
The group arrives in the next town. During an audience with the king, Sensei is asked to decide on the future husband of the princess. That night, he meets with the princess and has a serious conversation with her.
EP3 - I'm Always Ready to Die
Sensei, Annette, and Tama move on to the next city. Along the way, they meet a girl who can speak with dragons and harbors a great grudge against world-changers.
EP4 - Don't Kill Yourself
Suzuki tyrannizes the residents of Vale. Sensei finds his personality development extremely fascinating and decides to write a novel about him. For this purpose, he goes to Suzuki's new castle with Ysha.
EP5 - I Am Someone Who Wishes to Die, Not a Corpse That's Already Dead
Sensei and the others are tricked by a boy in a small village who promises to provide them with a hero for their journey but simply runs off with the money. They later learn from the innkeeper that this boy hasn't had an easy life either.
EP6 - Someone Who Wants to Be Eaten Has Come to the Castle
The group is arrested and imprisoned by soldiers in Tama's homeland—only Tama is taken to a different location. Then, they learn about her tragic past.
EP7 - Will You Sentence Me to Death Again?
Sensei's plan to be eaten gets them into the castle, much to everyone else's surprise, but but Sensei seeks out the queen's room instead of going straight to Tama. What story will he find... and is it worthy of being told?
EP8 - This Hole Stinks of Immorality
The team visits the famous World Tree, a place of peace and nature... or so it should be. Instead they find a depraved den of Other Worlders, a righteous hero , and a mysterious dancer. Worst of all, Sensei is missing something VERY important.
EP9 - Turn Me Into a Lump of Ash
Continuing into the desert, Sensei discovers at least two new ways to die... but alas, his plan is thwarted by Other Worlds bikers, a mysterious wolf, and Nir's untold secrets.
EP10 - Reflect on Your Failure to Kill Me Properly
Sensei's party is drawn into a war between the church, the dwarves, and the Fallen Angel of Misery. They are fortunate to have the great wizard Wolff on their side until a young woman shows up...
EP11 - I Cannot Die Until I've Finished Writing Your Story
Sensei's party is forced to continue fighting as the Fallen Angel of Greed exercises her power. Like all Other Worlders, this angel has a backstory, but is it good enough to interest Sensei? And where is Sensei anyway?
EP12 - Tonight I Shall Die, I Ride So That It Will Kill Me
The others chase after Sensei who sets off directly to the Land of the Fairies in his coffin car. But whoever wants to go there must first pass a test.