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Bakuretsu Tenshi EP24 - Angels, Explode!
Duration: 24:00
While Meg and Jo wash up on one of the Red Ocean's beaches, Sei is told by her Grandfather to follow her own path to happiness. Taking this opportunity for what it's worth, she devises a plan to destroy not only RAPT, but the dominance it has commanded over Tokyo. All she has to do is reassembling the team to do it.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP7 - Black Heaven
Date: -
EP8 - The Wounded Outlaw
Date: -
EP14 - Wild Kids
Date: -
EP17 - Dueling Angels
Date: -
EP19 - 24-Hour Strategy
Date: -
EP20 - Blood Red Highway
Date: -
EP24 - Angels, Explode!