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Bakuretsu Tenshi EP13 - Bloody Battle! Naniwa Motley Crew
Duration: 24:00
The city of Osaka is under siege due to Iriki's tyrannical actions, and Takane finds herself, as well as the people she needs to defend, backed against the wall. With Meg being held hostage, Sei finds herself on a short leash in dealing with Iriki, as any brash moves could spell a fatal end for her colleague.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP7 - Black Heaven
Date: -
EP8 - The Wounded Outlaw
Date: -
EP14 - Wild Kids
Date: -
EP17 - Dueling Angels
Date: -
EP19 - 24-Hour Strategy
Date: -
EP20 - Blood Red Highway
Date: -
EP24 - Angels, Explode!