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  • 提亚拉之泪 第8话
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Tears to Tiara EP8 - Rubrum




As everyone prepares to fortify the castle, Gaius returns to the Empire just in time to find out that Ludlum, the Senate's security force, has been ordered to take out the Gael tribe. Later back in Albion, Morgan stands watch at the beach and notices a ship approaching. Knowing the ship is filled with Rubrum soldiers, Ogam advises against taking the group lightly, but Arthur chooses to ignore his warning. As a result the Gael is forced to retreat to Avalon. Arthur falls into despair but Arawn brings him to his senses by punching him in the face. Rathty then says she has a good idea; at the Imperial Camp, Octavia discovers the Empire is collecting corpses but is knocked out by an Imperial soldier.


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