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  • 苍天之拳 第11话
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Souten no Ken EP11 - Ask the Dragon




As de Guise tells Mei Yu that Guang Lin is still alive, Kenshiro dons a steel brace for his broken arm and goes with Ye to rescue him. From the smells and other clues, they deduce the location as the Gongzhou Citadel on the banks of the Suzhou River. Kenshiro uses the Dragon Medallion given to him by a Taoist master of astrology years earlier to decide if he should first protect Mei Yu or save Guang Lin. The answer is to save Guang Lin, but Ling Wang appears and blocks their car with his broken arm encased in steel. However, they manage to avoid him and drive off in the now damaged car. Meanwhile Wu is at the Gongzhou Citadel preparing to drop Guang Lin into a vat of boiling oil to kill and cook him in a surprise meal for Mei Yu. At that moment, Kenshiro, Ye and his son arrive to rescue Guang Lin. Wu tries to escape, but Kenshiro dumps him in his own vat of boiling oil.


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