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  • 魔偶马戏团 第4话
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Karakuri Circus EP4 - Swirling Tiger

Premiered: 2018-11-01

Duration: 00:24:05


Ashihana refuses Masaru's offer to work for him, but changes his mind when shown a diary detailing that the Slaughter Team were being used as lab rats by the Saiga. Ashihana uses Grimaldi to burst back into the villa, but Yamanaka trapps Narumi and Shirogane in the basement, so Masaru agrees to become Zenji’s son. However, Zenji still plans to kill them, so Masaru savagely attacks him. Meanwhile, as Shirogane tells Narumi about her sad childhood, Masaru and Ashihana use Grimaldi to rescue them. Yamanaka attacks them again, but Narumi and Shirogane cannot defeat him, however Masaru takes control of Harlequin, turning the tide of the battle until suddenly explosives planted in the villa destroy the building. Masaru, Narumi and Shirogane emerge from the wreckage, and Ashihana manages to help Shirogane escape, however Masaru and Narumi remain trapped in the burning building. The next morning, Masaru is alive, but all that remains of Narumi is his left arm.

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