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  • 魔偶马戏团 第15话
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Karakuri Circus EP15 - Back to the Starting Point

Premiered: 2019-01-31



As Masaru visits the ruins of his family home in Karuizawa, he recalls past; from the time his mother died to the assassination attempts when he met Shirogane and Narumi. He is greeted by the caretaker who gives him a letter and a set of keys to an underground room, left by Sadayoshi Saiga 30 years ago. Masaru opens the room which triggers a recording telling Masaru that the room has been left in case the memory transfer failed and informs Masaru that he is in fact his father reborn. He exits the room and is attacked by puppeteers of Kuroga village with the ninja marionette, Shogetsu, believing him to be Sadayoshi. Masaru retreats, and with the assistance of Guri-pon, he activates the massive marionette, Goyellemes and defeats Shogetsu. The Kuroga attack again with another marionette, but Mararu counters with the lighter Captain Nemo and slices it to pieces. Masaru then activate the third marionette and tries to escape, but is captured by the Kuroga and brought before the remains of his grandfather Shōji which appears to be still conscious.

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Count: 0