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Koyomimonogatari EP11 - Koyomi Nothing

Premiered: 2016-03-19

Duration: 00:11:25


Araragi finds himself at the North Shirahebi Shrine, training with Yozuru Kagenui, wishing to become stronger in combat without resorting to becoming a vampire. While training, Araragi asks her a question about Yotsugi, which she refuses to answer unless he manages to land a shot on her in combat. Knowing what a difficult task that is, he returns home and asks his younger sister, Araragi Karen, for advice. Upon hearing what she has to say, he decides to have Shinobu create a gun for him, which he plans to use to circumvent the rules she has set. Upon going back to the North Shirahebi Shrine the next day, he discovers that Kagenui is nowhere to be found.

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