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Nisemonogatari EP7 - Karen Bee, Part Seven

Premiered: 2012-02-18

Duration: 00:27:00


Thanks to Shinobu, Koyomi manages to find Karen and after a serious fight between them, he convinces her to let him deal with Kaiki by himself. Later that day, he and Hitagi come face to face to Kaiki, but they hear from him, much to their surprise, that he is already leaving the city and Karen should recover in a few days. After letting off all anguish she harbored on him all those time, Hitagi lets Kaiki leave unharmed, and claiming she can finally move on with her life, she asks Koyomi to spend the night with her. In the next day, Koyomi returns home to find that Karen is already fully recovered, and both his sisters leave in a hurry, claiming that there is still work for them to do, due to all the damage Kaiki left behind among their classmates.

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