Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameMahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica / Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  • Official name魔法少女まどか☆マギカ
  • Chinese name魔法少女小圆
  • Other names魔法少女MADOKA☆MAGICA / 魔法少女圆香 / 魔法少女小圆☆魔力 / Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica / 魔法少女まどか★マギカ PUELLA MAGI MADOKA MAGICA
  • PremieredJanuary 6, 2011
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsFantasy / Lily / Combat / Campus / Healing / Source original
  • Original authorMagica Quartet
  • Director新房昭之
  • Scenario虚淵玄(Nitro+)
  • Storyboard芦野芳晴 / 笹木信作 / 小俣真一 / 七嶋典子 / 岩崎安利
  • Co-director宮本幸裕 / 向井雅浩 / 八瀬祐樹 / 川畑喬 / 小俣真一
  • StudiosSHAFT
  • Production cooperationARTLAND / diomedéa / C2C / SynergySP / MADHOUSE
  • ProducersMadoka Partners
  • Copyright©Magica Quartet / Aniplex・Madoka Partners・MBS
  • FamilyPuella Magi Madoka Magica
  • Rating12+

Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica

Having a loving family, close friends, experiencing times of joy and times of sadness.

These are the things that make up an ordinary life.

Kaname Madoka is a normal 2nd year middle-schoolgirl who lives such an ordinary life.

Until, that is, a strange encounter occurs.

She does not know if this encounter is coincidence, or the vagaries of fate, but two things are certain...

This is the moment when her destiny changes...

This is the start of a new magical girl story!

~ translated and adapted from the official site by Cranston

Note: Won the Television Award at the 16th Animation Kobe Awards (2011), 12 NewType Anime Awards, including Best Anime Series, Director, Screenplay, and Design, and the Grand Prize in the animation category at the 15th Japan Media Arts Festival.


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      PV EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • OP 『コネクト』

        交わした約束忘れないよ / 目を閉じ確かめる / 押し寄せた闇 振り払って進むよ / いつになったらなくした未来を / 私ここでまた見ることできるの?溢れ出した不安の影を / 何度でも裂いてこの世界歩んでこう / とめどなく刻まれた / 時は今始まり告げ / 変わらない思いをのせ / 閉ざされた扉開けよう / 目覚めた心は走り出した / 未来を描くため / 難しい道で立ち止まっても空は / きれいな青さでいつも待っててくれる / だから怖くない / もう何があっても / 挫けない

      • ED 『また あした』

        「それじゃ またね」って手を振って / 無理に笑って さみしくなって / 交差点 信号 遠くのクラクション / 知らない誰かの笑い合う声 / 今日はひとりで歩く 通い慣れた街でも / いつもよりなんだか / 自分はちょっと小さく思えるよ / 「それじゃ またね」って手を振って / 笑顔作って さみしくなった / ホントはまだ話足りないけど / 「それじゃ またね」って言葉って / また会えるって ウソをついて / いつも通りの笑顔で言うよ / 「また あした」

      • ED2 『Magia』

        いつか君が瞳に灯す / 愛の光が 時を超えて / 滅び急ぐ世界の夢を / 確かに一つ 壊すだろう / 躊躇いを飲み干して / 君が望むモノは何?こんな欲深い憧れの行方に / 儚い明日はあるの?子供の頃夢に見てた / 古の魔法のように / 闇さえ砕く力で / 微笑む君に会いたい / 怯えるこの手の中には / 手折られた花の勇気 / 想いだけが頼る全て / 光を呼び覚ます願い

      • ED3 『and I'm home』

        錆び付いた心 / 音もない世界、何を見てるの?またねを言える顔を探すよ / それを繰り返すだけ / 気付けばそこには / ひとりきりで泣く後ろ姿 / 辛いような / 寂しいような、場所 / 手を繋いでいたいんだ / 何度でも名前を呼ぶよ / 不確かな未来でも / 離せないもの、思うだけ心が痛いよ / ここにいるよ / ここにいるよ / 帰る場所はここだよ?いつだって変わらない / 思いを残すの

      Main EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • EP1 - I First Met Her in a Dream… or Something

        Madoka Kaname, an eighth grader who lives such a peaceful life, has a loving family and best friends. She laughs and cries from time to time. One night, she has a strange dream. It was supposed to be an usual routine day, but the arrival of Homura Akemi - a transfer student who came to Madoka's class, changed that.

      • EP2 - That Would Be Truly Wonderful

        While rescuing Kyubey from being attacked by Homura, Madoka and Sayaka lose their way in a mysterious space. They find themselves in a desperate situation and are rescued by Mami Tomoe, a magical girl. Afterward, Mami invites them to her room.

      • EP3 - I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore

        Madoka and Sayaka are getting used to Mami's witch hunting trial run. Yet their wishes remain undecided. Mami reveals her past to the anxious two girls. Sayaka asks, Does my wish have to be for myself?

      • EP4 - Miracles and Magic Are Real

        The day after the fierce battle between Mami and the witch was a normal peaceful day. After what they witnessed, Madoka and Sayaka fully realize the demands of being involved in the magical world, and give up becoming on magical girls.

      • EP5 - There's No Way I'll Ever Regret It

        As a magical girl, Sayaka rescues Madoka and Hitomi from a witch. Now that her wish has come true by signing Kyubey's contract, her mind is clear and she doesn't seem to regret becoming a magical girl.

      • EP6 - This Just Can't Be Right

        Homura appears suddenly on Sayaka and Kyoko's battlefield. She intervenes and knocks Sayaka unconscious with a single blow. After seeing this, Kyoko is on her guard against Homura, and leaves, putting an end to the battle.

      • EP7 - Can You Face Your True Feelings?

        Sayaka discovers the truth about her own body as a magical girl. She wavers between the wish that came true by accepting the destiny to fight and the high price she paid for it. Sayaka is in low spirits at home when Kyoko Sakura shows up.

      • EP8 - I Was Stupid... So Stupid

        Despite her own injury, Sayaka keeps shredding the witch in front of her. Thanks to healing magic, she wins without a scratch at the end. But she seems extremely exhausted.

      • EP9 - I'd Never Allow That to Happen

        Sayaka's Soul Gem turns into a jet-black grief seed, which hatches and a new witch emerges. Carrying Sayaka's body, Kyoko focuses on defending against the approaching witch's attacks. Homura cuts into the witch's labyrinth and leads Kyoko to escape.

      • EP10 - I Won't Rely On Anyone Anymore

        A scene depicting a female transfer student. The timid girl is so nervous and meek. She introduces herself shyly while feeling the eyes of all the students in the class. At recess, other girls gather around her and ask questions curiously.

      • EP11 - The Only Thing I Have Left to Guide Me

        Sayaka's funeral was held in the rain. Madoka returns home with vacant eyes. She barely says anything to Junko who met her at the front door, and goes into her room. Kyubey appears in front of Madoka, who is lost in her grief, alone.

      • EP12 - My Very Best Friend

        Homura challenges Walpurgisnacht alone and is seriously wounded. She despairs because she can't win no matter how many times she tries. Her actions are making Madoka suffer even more, and she becomes despondent. Her Soul Gem begins to turn black.

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