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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte / Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective
- Official name:天久鷹央の推理カルテ
- Chinese name:天久鹰央的推理病历表
- Other names:天久鹰央的事件病历簿 / Ameku Takao's Detective Karte / 天久鹰央系列
- Premiered:January 1, 2025
- Status:Currently Airing
- Tags:Inference / Suspense / Source novel
- Original author:知念実希人(実業之日本社文庫刊)
- Director:いわたかずや(岩田和也)
- Scenario:杉澤悟 / 柿原優子 / 知念実希人
- Storyboard:葉摘田緒 / 西森章 / 岩田和也 / 坂田純一
- Co-director:松本マサユキ / 吉村朝陽 / 河村彩 / 谷澤篤二 / 高嶋友也
- Character design:いとうのいぢ / 高品有桂 / 宮澤努 / ヒラタリョウ / みき尾
- Music:Aniplex / fox capture plan / マジックカプセル / 濱野髙年 / 和田俊也
- Studios:project No.9
- Production cooperation:スタジオ時雨 / Andraft / ラプラスアニメーション / 壹灵社
- Producers:天久鷹央の推理カルテ製作委員会
- Copyright:©知念実希人・いとうのいぢ / ストレートエッジ・天久鷹央の推理カルテ製作委員会
- Family:Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective
Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte
Nestled away on the rooftop of Tenikai General Hospital is the unconventional Department of Investigative Pathology headed by the eccentric Dr. Takao Ameku.
The tiny department, consisting of Takao and her sole resident Yuu "Kotori" Takanashi, treats complex cases that most other departments within the hospital cannot resolve on their own.
The mystery-obsessed Takao always tries to insert herself into cases that capture her fancy—much to the dismay of her colleagues and the police.
Even if her meddling creates more problems for the hospital and those around her, none can deny the brilliance that the young department head exhibits as she weaves a diagnosis together.
No matter the specialty, no case is impossible for Takao and a somewhat reluctant Takanashi to solve.
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
TVアニメ「天久鷹央の推理カルテ」■放送・配信時期 / 2025年1月1日(水)24時より各局にて順次放送・配信開始 / 初回1時間放送(1話・2話)■主題歌 / オープニングテーマ:Aimer「SCOPE」エンディングテーマ:ゴスペラーズ「will be fine feat. Anly」■メインキャスト / 天久鷹央 役:佐倉綾音 / 小鳥遊優 役:小野賢章 / 鴻ノ池舞 役:石見舞菜香 / 天久真鶴 役:水樹奈々 / 天久大鷲 役:立木文彦 / 成瀬隆哉 役:諏訪部順一 / 桜井公康 役:平田広明 / 墨田淳子 役:沢城みゆき / ■メインスタッフ / 原作・脚本:知念実希人(実業之日本社文庫 刊)キャラクター原案:いとうのいぢ / 監督:いわたかずや / シリーズ構成・脚本:杉澤 悟 / 脚本:柿原優子 / キャラクターデザイン:高品有桂 / サブキャラクターデザイン:宮澤努・ヒラタリョウ・みき尾 / プロップデザイン:秋篠日和 / 美術設定:SAKO / 美術監督:李書九 / 色彩設計:横井未加 / CGラインディレクター:濱村敏郎(ワイヤード)撮影監督:大出高士(project No.9)編集:渡邉千波(グラフィニカ)音楽:fox capture plan / 音響監督:濱野高年 / 音響効果:和田俊也(スワラ・プロ)音響制作:マジックカプセル / 医療監修:原田知幸 / アニメーション制作:project No.9 / ■イントロダクション / シリーズ累計発行部数350万部突破!!現役医師のベストセラー作家・知念実希人と、珠玉のイラストレーター・いとうのいぢが紡ぐ、最注目の医療ミステリー逆転劇、 待望のテレビアニメ化 決定!!天医会総合病院、統括診断部。ここには他の医師が「診療困難」とした 患者たちが集められる。さらには、警察すら手に負えない 原因不明の「殺人」や「謎」も……。天才医師・天久鷹央が解き明かす、摩訶不思議な「病」に秘められた驚愕の真実とは……!「その病気(ナゾ)、私が診断を下してやろう――!!」第1話/第2話は原作・知念実希人書き下ろし完全新作エピソード!!大きな獣に足を食いちぎられた、青い血の男に隠された秘密とは──?©知念実希人・いとうのいぢ/ストレートエッジ・天久鷹央の推理カルテ製作委員会
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - Dr. Sherlock
Ameku Takao is a genius doctor with a knack for solving all kinds of difficult cases. When a man with blue blood is brought to Tenikai General Hospital—where Takao is the vice-director—after having his leg bitten off by a large beast, she starts investigating the intriguing case with the aid of her colleague, Takanashi.
EP2 - Blue Blood Cells and Dragon Fangs
Takao comes to the conclusion that the large beast responsible for severing the man's leg was, in fact, a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Following this shocking deduction, the case rapidly develops, and she and her crew head to the place where they hope to get answers to the remaining mystery of the victim's blue blood.
EP3 - Into the Spell of Shimmering Light
Do you believe a video can be cursed? A girl walks in front of a train after watching a particular video and is subsequently admitted to a psych ward. Takao is the only one who believes her twin sister when she says it wasn't a suicide attempt but the result of watching a cursed video, and the genius doctor sets about investigating.
EP4 - Spontaneous Human Combustion
All who desecrate my grave shall be cursed to die. A university research team examining a grave reportedly linked to renowned onmyoji, Ashiya Doman, have started complaining about not feeling well, one after another. Takao is asked to investigate, but the case takes an unexpected turn.
EP5 - Crimson Curse of the Sorcerer
Takao's diagnosis seems to solve Enzo's Curse. However, due to a mysterious death by fire, the investigation is right back at square one.
EP6 - Fierce Blazing Finale
Despite another occurrence of the mysterious spontaneous human combustion phenomenon, the suspect arrested denies any involvement in either case.
EP7 - Prescribed Poison
Takao gets sued for malpractice! The hospital director uses the lawsuit to push for the disbandment of the Department of Investigative Pathology.
EP8 - The Night When the Angels Danced (1)
Several hospital staff report an angel in one room, and a pediatrician asks Takao for help with three children.
EP9 - The Night When the Angels Danced (2)
Takao reveals the true identity of the angel.
EP10 - Drowning in a Dry Room (1)
Dr. Takanashi is ordered to return to the university hospital.