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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Crush Gear Nitro
- Official name:クラッシュギアNitro
- Chinese name:新激斗战车Nitro
- Premiered:February 2, 2003
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Hot blooded / Competitive / Source original
- Original author:吉田伸 / 矢立肇
- Director:アミノテツロー
- Scenario:岡田麿里 / 山口亮太 / むとうやすゆき / 木村暢 / 吉田伸
- Storyboard:高木茂樹 / ワタナベシンイチ / 小原正和 / 西村純二 / アミノテツロー
- Co-director:小野学 / 菱川直樹 / ワタナベシンイチ / 高木茂樹 / 小原正和
- Studios:SUNRISE
- Family:Gekitou! Crush Gear Turbo
- Rating:12+
Crush Gear Nitro
Story about a young boy name: Mahha Masaru, who dreamt of having a crush gear fight with the others even though he doesn't have his very own crush gear!
One day, a sudden chance came to him and he got the legendary crush gear which look similer to the one that was used by Kouya Marino and finally he can go and paticipate in his own crush gear fight with his friends and foe!!