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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Senpai wa Otokonoko / Senpai is an Otokonoko
- Official name:先輩はおとこのこ
- Chinese name:前辈是男孩子
- Other names:学姐是男孩 / 前辈是伪娘 / 学姊是男孩
- Premiered:July 4, 2024
- Status:Currently Airing
- Tags:Campus / Love / Lily / Daily / Transvestite / Source manga
- Original author:ぽむ(LINEマンガ)
- Director:柳伸亮
- Scenario:冨田頼子 / 高木聖子
- Storyboard:石倉敬一 / 宣子豪 / 柳伸亮 / 林映辰
- Co-director:林映辰 / 徐傳峰 / 合田圭佑 / 宣子豪 / 平山孝成
- Character design:新海翔斗
- Music:Aniplex / 橋本由香利 / ビットグルーヴプロモーション / 本山哲
- Studios:project No.9
- Production cooperation:レグリム
- Producers:「先輩はおとこのこ」製作委員会
- Copyright:©pom・JOYNET / LINE Digital Frontier・「先輩はおとこのこ」製作委員会
- Family:Senpai is an Otokonoko
- Official website:https://senpaiha-otokonoko.com/
Senpai wa Otokonoko
Much like the other students at her school, first-year student Saki Aoi finds herself captivated by the beauty of her senior on the school board, Makoto Hanaoka.
While she worries that Hanaoka would be uncomfortable receiving a confession from another girl, Aoi musters up the courage to tell her anyway.
However, Hanaoka's response surprises Aoi for a completely different reason—Hanaoka is actually a cross-dressing boy!
Fully expecting Aoi to be abhorred by this revelation, Hanaoka is shocked to find that she has no issues with it.
Though Hanaoka rejects Aoi's request to go out with her—citing his identity and the fact that he has never fallen in love before—Aoi insists that she will become his first love.
Taken aback by Aoi's determination, Hanaoka wonders if he can really fall in love with her if he cannot find it in him to truly love himself first.
PV EpisodesTiles view / List view
OP 『我がまま』
焼けるような、灼けるような、妬けるような / 日々、思い出に祈りを祝福を!なんて、、本当のことを言うとさ / あらかじめ決められたような / 息苦しさばっかでもう / どこにも行けやしないよ / 読後感のみを求めてしまう / 効率目当ての優しさで / こなしてく毎日ではたどり着けない / 特別な愛を注げるもの / 気づいたら夏が終わってそうな焦りで / 焼けるような、灼けるような、妬けるような / 日々、思い出に祈りを祝福を!なんて、、本当のことを言うとさ / あらかじめ決められたような / 息苦しさばっかでもう / どこにも行けやしない / 望んで産まれたわけじゃない社会に気を使いすぎて疲れる / 私たちのための答えはきっと / わがままの中に わがままの中に / 褪せるように、焦るように、過ぎていく / 毎日や恋に、祈りを祝福を!なんて、、本当のことを言うとさ / あらかじめ決められたような / 息苦しさばっかでもう / どこにも行けやしない / 言えぬような、言えぬような、癒えぬような、すれ違いばっかでうまくたどり着けない理想の / 関係も自分自身も、何もかも未熟の中 / 散文的青春をもっと我がままに生きてみようか
ED 『あれが恋だったのかな』
ウチら寝起きで映画とか行って / ぐだぐだ喋って笑って手を繋いで / 晩ごはんの話しながら帰って / 暇になれば頬擦りとかして / 寂しいとかもパッと忘れちゃって / 心も体も 自立どころか / スライムみたいにただ溶け合って / ただ、ただ、ただ、こんな毎日が続くと思っていた / 続くと思っていたよ / ただ、ただ、ただ、こんな毎日が続くと思っていた / 続くと思っていたよ / 本当だよ / 1人になってしばらく経って / ただいい人を演じればできる恋ごっこを繰り返して思う / あれが恋だったのかな / あれが恋だったのかな / 気まぐれで飽き性 / 甘えたがりで愚図で短気で / 忘れっぽいから音楽にしとくよ / ただ、ただ、ただ、あんな毎日が続くと思っていた / 続くと思っていたよ / ただ、ただ、ただ、あんな毎日が続くと思っていた / 続くと思っていたよ / 本当だよ
Main EpisodesTiles view / List view
EP1 - Senpai Is an Otokonoko
Makoto is surprised by Saki's confession of love and has to clarify that he is not the girl Saki thinks he is. However, Saki is undeterred and throws herself wholeheartedly into the mission of becoming Makoto's first love.
EP2 - Cute Things Pilgrimage
Now that it's summer break, Saki is saddened by the long separation, so Ryuji gives her a notebook he borrowed from Makoto. In high spirits, Saki goes to the Hanaoka residence with the notebook, but then...
EP3 - Goodbye, Me
Makoto decides to stop liking cute things so that his mother won't be sad. He starts going to school as a boy, and even asks Saki if she will go out with him...
EP4 - I Realized Something
Makoto and Saki have grown closer and Makoto has become friendly with students from their class as well, which makes Ryuji's heart uneasy. One day, on the way home from the aquarium with them, Ryuji notices something.
EP5 - Special
Saki and Ryuji attend a basketball game that Makoto is playing in. While watching, Ryuji asks Saki if she really loves Makoto. When she asks him the same question, Ryuji says...
EP6 - I've Got to Decide
The trio have stopped eating lunch together. Meanwhile the second-year students receive their career questionnaires. While each of them is agonizing, the school is preparing for the cultural festival.
EP7 - Like That
Ryuji has suppressed his feelings and watched over Makoto as a friend. Makoto also hides having seen the student handbook and continues interacting with Ryuji. However, Ryuji notices something off about Makoto...
EP8 - Wound
Saki rushes to the hospital because her grandmother collapsed. Her father also rushes back to Japan which means she can spend Christmas with him. Meanwhile Ryuji also proposes a promise for Christmas to Makoto.
EP9 - Christmas
On Christmas Saki happens to see a certain person get in a taxi. While she desperately chases after the taxi, Makoto is on the way to Ryuji's. Two people who weren't meant to meet still run into each other...
EP10 - Their Feelings
Saki devises a plan to help Makoto and Ryuji make up. While the two are working on that, Saki also has an unexpected encounter.
EP11 - Used to Be Friends
Makoto tells Saki and Ryuji of the he's set after the trip is over. In parallel, another person also gathers their courage and asks Makoto to Please come with me for the free roaming time ...
EP12 - The Real Me
Due to his father's work, Makoto goes to meet his grandfather for the first time.. While spending time with him, Makoto begins to sort through his own feelings. Then, with a hidden resolve in his heart, he decides to go home.