School Days
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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameSchool Days
  • Official nameSchool Days
  • Chinese name日在校园
  • Other namesスクールデイズ
  • PremieredJuly 3, 2007
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsCampus / Love / Harem / Story / R(L) / Source Gal
  • Original authorオーバーフロー
  • Director元永慶太郎
  • Scenario秋月ひろ(アンタンドガン) / 上江洲誠 / 名田ユタカ / 日暮茶坊
  • Storyboard元永慶太郎 / 中村憲由 / 阿宮正和 / 金澤勝眞 / 渡邊哲哉
  • Co-director元永慶太郎 / 則座誠 / 四辻たかお / 久保太郎 / 喜多幡徹
  • Studiosティー・エヌ・ケー(TNK)
  • Production cooperation動画工房
  • ProducersSchool Days制作委员会
  • FamilySchool Days
  • Rating16+

School Days

A shy and insecure teenager, Itou Makoto, has resigned to stealing glances at a cute girl as they ride the same train each morning on their way to their high school.

At least until Saionji Sekai surprises Makoto and chances a peek at a photo-snap of the beautiful Katsura Kotonoha on his cell-phone.

After evilly teasing Makoto about his hopeless crush, Sekai offers to support him in his romance.

So after many Makoto-pep-talks and lots of scheming, the three become close friends.

Close enough that Makoto braves asking Katsura out on a date.

And she agrees.

Later that day, Makoto finds a quiet moment to express his thanks for all support that Sekai has offered him, and makes clear his intent on finding a way to repay her kindness.

But he is totally unprepared and very surprised at the reward that Sekai has chosen.

Sekai steals a long kiss from his lips, before breaking away to run for the train.

Sekai turns and wishes Makoto well on his date...

Note: The DVD content differs from the TV content in terms of censoring.

The fog has been lifted.


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      PV EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • OP 『イノセント・ブルー』

        いつからか / 舞い降りた / 私の蒼い天使よ…Ah すれ違う微笑みに / うつむくしかできずに / 背中ごしに声かけたの / 今は心の中で / それは雪のように / 降りつもった / イノセントな痛み / たとえ遠まわりでも / この想いは / まっすぐ届けたい / いつの日か / 飛びたってゆけ / 私の蒼い天使よ…

      • ED8 『Still I Love You ~みつめるよりは幸せ~』

        Plastic Lies / 見詰るだけで満たされた / Paper Heart / あの頃には戻れないから…ひと目 あなたに逢いたくて / 声が聞きたくて / 立ちすくむ 永遠より / 長い一瞬 / いつも あなたの隣で / はしゃぐ私がいたよね / ひとつ またひとつ消える / 私だけの場所 / Plastic Night / フェンス越しの夜空に見た / Paper Moon / 冷たい月明りに嘆く / 打ち寄せるうねりより暗く / 揺れる想い 抱きしめて 叫ぶの / Still I Love You…

      Main EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • EP1 - Confession

        During the freshmen orientation, Makoto Itou met Kotonoha Katsura and immediately developed a crush on her. They would ride on the same train together every morning, and all Makoto could do was make himself look busy by looking at the standby screen on his cell phone...

      • EP2 - The Distance Between Them

        Makoto and Kotonoha go on their first date together, and Makoto's heart and mind are in a whirlwind of excitement and bewilderment, but it doesn't go as he had imagined it to go. The next day, Makoto later tells Sekai about the date, and she tells him to slow it down and not smother her. She gives him two movie tickets to take Kotonoha on another date...

      • EP3 - Missing Each Other

        When Kotonoha first started dating Makoto, they did not mesh well together. Makoto's thoughts were all over the place thinking about Kotonoha. He saw Kotonoha in the train in a bad mood and tried to hug her but she refused. Hikaru, who is in the same class as Makoto, happened to see this.

      • EP4 - Innocence

        Makoto wants to develop his way of expressing himself. He was on the school's rooftop with Kotonoha when he tried to get close to her, but didn't expect for her to turn him away. As that things didn't go so smoothly, Sekai turns to Makoto, and makes a proposition...

      • EP5 - Ring of Water

        Makoto and Kotonoha go to the pool for a date on the same day as Sekai and 6 of her friends. At the pool, it's clear that Makoto and Kotonoha are dating, however it seems as if Makoto has developed feelings for Sekai, hinting her that he wants to be with her instead. Sekai keeps reminding him that he's Kotonoha's boyfriend and cannot be with her, and tells him to forget about the practice .

      • EP6 - Relationships Passing

        Things have developed with Sekai and Makoto. From the outside, it seems like Makoto is still involved with Kotonoha, however his relationship with Sekai has accelerated. While, Sekai knows its bad to keep lying like this, she can't turn away Makoto. Gradually, Makoto starts avoiding Kotonoha by not answering if phone...

      • EP7 - Eve

        Makoto has put out the outwardly appearance that he is avoiding Kotonoha, as his relationship with Sekai has developed even more. Setsuna has noticed that their relationship together has changed, and tells Makoto to stay away from Kotonoha and cut off all communication with her, for Sekai's sake. But the web of lies and relationships starts to get tangled...

      • EP8 - School Festival

        Makoto hasn't told Kotonoha yet of his relationship with Sekai. However, one night Kotonoha bumps into Sekai outside of Makoto's apartment and an altercation goes down. And with that, begins the the school festival...

      • EP9 - Last Day of the School Festival

        Makoto makes a promise to Sekai to dance with her during the School Festival's folkdance; however, he also made the same promise to Kotonoha. As Kotonoha mans the front desk at her class' school festival activity, she ferverously texts Makoto and awaits for a single response back...

      • EP10 - Mind and Body

        As the school festival comes to an end and Makoto and Sekai dance at the bonfire, it finally seems like they're happy together and things have settled down. However, Kotonoha watches from the shadows, and obstiantly denies what has happened still believing that their still going out. Meanwhile, as Setsuna prepares to move to France she is doing some final preparations to ensure that her best friend - Sekai - will be taken care of...

      • EP11 - The Truth about Everyone

        Christmas is coming around the corner, and although Makoto is dating Sekai, it seems as if he wants out of it. So it appears as if he is haphazardly getting himself involved in other relationships, despite his promise to Setsuna. Now things are going terribly wrong, as Kotonoha loses herself, Sekai finds out about Makoto's infidelity, Setsuna's move to France and most importantly a sudden change to her body...

      • EP12 - School Days

        Sekai disappears, and Makoto is wandering around aimlessly until he meets up with Kotonoha again, under the town's Christmas tree. As they pass the night together and Sekai witnesses the two of them heading back to Makoto's place. Just to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, Sekai heads over to his place...

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