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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Fate/strange Fake
- Official name:Fate/strange Fake
- Chinese name:Fate/strange Fake
- Other names:命运-奇异赝品 / FSF
- Premiered:December 31, 2024
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Fantasy / Combat / Source novel
- Original author:成田良悟・TYPE-MOON (電撃文庫刊)
- Director:榎戸駿・坂詰嵩仁
- Scenario:大東大介
- Storyboard:榎戸駿
- Co-director:榎戸駿
- Character design:森井しづき / 山田有慶 / 滝山真哲 / 相音光 / 浜友里恵
- Music:Aniplex / 澤野弘之 / INSPIONエッジ / 土屋雅紀 / 小山恭正
- Studios:A-1 Pictures
- Producers:Aniplex / ノーツ / TOKYO MX / BS11(日本BS放送) / コンテンツシード
- Copyright:©成田良悟・TYPE-MOON / KADOKAWA / FSFPC
- Family:Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn
- Rating:16+
Fate/strange Fake
Fate/strange Fake centers around an imperfect copy of a Grail War based on the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki.
Following the conclusion of the third Grail War, a US-based organization with magi distinct from the London-based Mage Association, used data from Fuyuki's Grail War to plan their own ritual.
Seventy years later, they used the city of Snowfield as the Sacred Land for their own Grail War.
However, they were unable to successfully replicate every aspect of the ritual, resulting in it acting only as an imitation that has lost the Saber class and allowed for the summoning of strange Servants due to the blurring of the definition of a "hero."
Rohngall and his pupil, Faldeus, have been dispatched by the Mage's Association to investigate the city and the state of the war.
Faldeus, a US organization spy, has Rohngall sniped upon his arrival, despite knowing that Rohngall is a puppet.
He declares that their Holy Grail War has been in development and is real, causing a commotion at the Clock Tower, and that he wishes to "advertise" the project to the Association.
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EP1 - The Heroic Spirit Incident
Due to the anomalous battle taking place in the desert between Archer and Lancer, various factions become aware of the commencement of the Holy Grail War. As the situation unfolds into chaos, Faldeus, tirelessly acquiring information and manipulating the press, catches sight of a girl new to Snowfield. This girl is Ayaka Sajyou, who wanders the city aimlessly. A mark resembling a Command Spell is engraved on her body.