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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameEromanga-sensei / Eromanga Sensei
  • Official nameエロマンガ先生
  • Chinese name我的妹妹是黄漫老师
  • Other names工口漫画老师 / 埃罗芒阿老师 / 情色漫画老师
  • PremieredApril 8, 2017
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsFunny / Love / Harem / Daily / Source novel
  • Original author伏見つかさ
  • Director竹下良平
  • Scenario伏見つかさ / 雑破業 / 髙橋龍也
  • Storyboardあきとし / 山﨑みつえ / 上坪亮樹 / 許平康 / 斉藤哲人
  • Co-director石川俊介 / 若林信 / 門間和弥 / 川崎ゆたか / 竹下良平
  • StudiosA-1 Pictures
  • ProducersAniplex / KADOKAWA アスキー・メディアワークス / 木下グルトプ / ムービック / 日本BS放送
  • Copyright© 2016 伏見つかさ / KADOKAWA アスキー・メディアワークス / EMP
  • FamilyEromanga Sensei
  • Rating12+


Izumi Masamune is a high school student who loves writing light novels.

Having no artistic skill himself, Masamune always gets his novels illustrated by an anonymous partner using the pen name Eromanga-sensei who, like the name suggests, draws questionably perverted images despite being extremely reliable.

In addition to balancing his passion and school, Masamune is also stuck with taking care of his only family member, his younger sister Izumi Sagiri. A hikikomori by nature, Sagiri shut herself in her room for over a year and constantly bosses Masamune around despite his attempts to get her to leave her room.

However, when Masamune inadvertently discovers that his anonymous partner has been Sagiri all along, their sibling relationship quickly leaps to new levels of excitement, especially when a beautiful popular light novel author enters the fray.


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      PV EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • OP 『ヒトリゴト』

        ヒトリゴトだよ / 恥ずかしいこと聞かないでよね / キミノコトだよ / でもその先は言わないけどね / 掛け違えてるボタンみたいなもどかしさを / ほどけないまま また難しくしようとしてる / 伝えたい気持ちは今日も / 言葉になる直前に / 変換ミスの連続で / ため息と一緒に飲みこんだら ほろ苦い / ふとしたときに探しているよ / 君の笑顔を探しているよ / 無意識の中 / その理由はまだ言えないけど / ひとりでいると会いたくなるよ / 誰といたって会いたくなるよ / たった一言 ねえどうして / Ah~ 言えないその言葉 / 言えないこの気持ち Ah~ / 早く気づいてほしいのに

      • ED 『adrenaline!!!』

        単純な言葉重ねてゆく / もっと心は素直で / 何でもないようなその笑顔が / 明日を照らす光に / ずっと気づいていたんだって / この手に抱えていたんだって / 弾けた 声に 流した答えが今 / そっと きっと 願いこめた / ずっと回る回る夢の中で / 繰り返し君と踊った / 揺れる景色 道は続く / 通り過ぎる風にふかれ / 何度も越えて行けるから境界線 / 雲かき分け手を伸ばした / 涙は今 浮かぶ空に預けて 走り出すの / 並んで見つけた 輝く光を手に

      Main EpisodesTiles view / List view

      • EP1 - My Little Sister, and the Sealed Room

        Masamune Izumi is a high school student also working as a light novel author. He works with a mysterious illustrator who draws really erotic art for his light novels. In the midst of trying to deal with school and his shut-in sister, he discovers the identity behind this Eromanga-sensei!

      • EP2 - Class Rep with a Normie Life, and a Fearless Fairy

        Megumi Jinno, the class representative for Sagiri’s class, shows up at the Izumi residence with no prior warning. Her mission is to take Sagiri to school . How will Sagiri and Masamune handle the situation? Afterwards, Masamune runs into a mystical fairy in a pink dress…

      • EP3 - Buck Naked Mansion and the Fallen Master

        The Izumi House’s empty mansion next door has rumors of being cursed because of continuous misfortunes. But what happens when Sagiri starts hearing piano music coming from the supposed empty mansion?! And how will Masamune handle this Fallen Master?

      • EP4 - Eromanga Sensei

        After observing the younger and more popular author, Elf Yamada, work on her novel, Masamune and Elf become a little closer. Sagiri notices this, and gets suspicious of their relationship, despite Masamune saying that he and Yamada-san don’t get along at all. Regardless of their argument over this matter, Masamune begins working on his “ultimate light novel”!

      • EP5 - Let’s Plan a Light-Novel with your Little Sister

        Motivated by Masamune’s manuscript, Sagiri puts effort into getting a little closer to Masamune, despite the awkwardness. Both of them are now working towards making the manuscript into a book, starting with the project proposal. In the midst of all this, Elf sends an emergency text message to Masamune!?

      • EP6 - Masamune Izumi and the Nemesis of Ten Million Copies

        To find a clue for becoming friends with Sagiri, Megumi tries to gain an affinity for light-novels. Masamune suggests dropping by and asking if she could borrow books from Sagiri. At first, Sagiri vehemently rejects the encounter, but later presents Masamune with a certain condition…

      • EP7 - Little Sister and the Most Interesting Novel in the World

        Masamune, who is sparing no effort to publish his new title faster, immediately signs up for the light-novel competition, “Light-novel Tenkaichi Budoukai.” However, the super-popular author, Senju Muramasa, also signs up for the competition and declares to Masamune that she will crush his pointless dream! Why would she even do that?

      • EP8 - Dreaming Sagiri and Summer Fireworks

        Sagiri finds out what happened between Masamune and Muramasa. It’s not like Sagiri was happy about it or anything. In the midst of this, it’s crunch time at the editorial office as Masamune begins to turn his short story into a long novel. Elf-sensei also suggests having a wrap party at Masamune’s house as they celebrate summer in yukata outfits!

      • EP9 - Little Sister and the Fairy Island

        I’ll call it the 'Summer Data Collection and Writing Camp'! As a result of one of Elf’s ideas, the light-novel authors end up heading to a vacation house on an island in the “South Seas”. How far can Elf push the Data Collection card?

      • EP10 - Masamune Izumi and the Younger Senpai

        At the Yamada Family’s vacation house, Muramasa enthusiastically reads Masamune’s “shelved” stories. Even Masamune can’t hide his happiness when he sees someone reading his novels so passionately. However, within Muramasa’s heart filled with unhidden love towards Masamune, there was indeed a change occurring, and so Muramasa makes a certain decision.

      • EP11 - How the Two Met and Future Siblings

        Masamune comes home from his trip, and Sagiri is happy to see him return. They now await their new novel to go on sale. On the day of, an “Izumi Masamune Faire” is held in a store in Akihabara. While Masamune and Sagiri “explore” the area, they share their stories of how they got into writing novels and illustrating.

      • EP12 - Eromanga Festival

        Masamune and Sagiri’s new work, Sekaimo: The World’s Cutest Little Sister is now on sale. Sagiri continues to stream from her room wearing a mask as always, and declares the curtain rising on a Festival .

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