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  • RegionJapan
  • TypeTV
  • English nameFate/Zero
  • Official nameFate/Zero
  • Chinese nameFate/Zero
  • Other namesFZ / 命运开始之夜 / 命运之夜前传 / 命运守护夜前传 / 命运停驻之夜前传 / 命运之零 / 命运初始 / フェイト/ゼロ
  • PremieredOctober 1, 2011
  • StatusFinished Airing
  • TagsFantasy / Combat / Source novel
  • Original authorTYPE-MOON / 虚淵玄
  • Directorあおきえい / 恒松圭
  • Scenarioufotable(佐藤和治, 桧山彬, 吉田晃浩) / 実弥島巧
  • Storyboard恒松圭 / 野中卓也 / 栖原隆史 / 近藤光 / 須藤友徳
  • Co-director恒松圭 / 小笠原篤 / 福山大 / 栖原隆史 / 野中卓也
  • Studiosufotable
  • ProducersAniplex / 星海社 / ノーツ / Nitro++ / ufotable
  • Copyright©Nitroplus / TYPE-MOON・ufotable・FZPC
  • FamilyFate/Zero
  • Official website
  • Rating12+


The Holy Grail War is a death-match between 7 magi (Masters) and their summoned heroic spirits (Servants). In this battle royale, the prize is the legendary Holy Grail, said to be an omnipotent wish-granting device which will produce any sort of miracle in order to bend reality to accommodate the wishes it grants.

The winning Master and Servant shall be granted one wish each, after which the Holy Grail will not be activated until the next War.

The 4th Holy Grail War is about to take place, and the 3 preceding Wars had ended without a victor.

In pursuit of their individual goals and ambitions, the competing magi congregate at a Japanese city called Fuyuki.

All the magi will do anything, rationalize away any atrocity, in pursuit of the Holy Grail.

All of them, but one.

Kotomine Kirei is a Master, but one without a reason to fight.

Unable to release himself from the threads of Fate, he is reluctantly drawn into the War.

To enter the War, he even had to stray from his path in the Holy Church and join the ranks of the Mage's Association, an organization with which the Church is not on good terms, but which it has to tolerate and sometimes even cooperate with.

However, as Fate would ironically have it, one of his rival Masters, Emiya Kiritsugu, is a man more merciless than anyone else, an assassin who killed many people and intervened in many conflicts, for reasons no one is able to understand.

Kirei's fight against this interesting yet strange sort of enemy might prove to be his most troubling task so far.

Kiritsugu is equally puzzled by Kirei, and both of them still have the other Masters and Servants to take care of.

— written by Hinoe


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      • EP1 - The Summoning of Heroes

        Seeking the power of the Holy Grail, something that can make miracles occur, seven different mages summon seven Heroes, and fight until the last man remains--a battle of epic proportions, the Holy Grail War. In preparation for the war, various participants are chosen from all over the globe. Eight years ago in Einzbern Castle in Germany, a girl named Illyasviel is born. Her father, Kiritsugu Emiya, embraces her knowing he will be part of the battle, as well.

      • EP2 - The Fake First Shot

        Kiritsugu and his daughter Illyasviel stroll through the Einzbern woods. As Saber watches the happy parent and child, she ponders why Kiritsugu has not spoken to her since she was summoned. And in Fuyuki City, the battle ground where the Holy Grail War will be fought, the seventh and final hero is summoned.

      • EP3 - Fuyuki City

        All the servants have been summoned and now it is a game of spy vs spy. Who will be the first to take the initiative in Fuyuki City?

      • EP4 - Spearhead

        As Saber and Lancer continue their battle, Kiri and Maiya continue the search for Lancer’s master. What they discover is shocking…

      • EP5 - A Wicked Beast's Roar

        Rider suddenly appears just the battle with Lancer reaches its climax, much to Saber's consternation. Undeterred, Rider calls out to the many people observing the fight from within the shadows...but it seems he's not the only heroic spirit drawn in by the battle.

      • EP6 - A Night of Schemes

        A car screams down the moonlit streets of Fuyuki City, with a very happy-go-lucky Irisviel behind the wheel and a slightly unnerved Saber sitting next to her. The evening takes a bad turn when a mysterious shadow darts in front of them. The person claims to be Saber's loyal retainer, yet Saber has no memory of them...

      • EP7 - Dark Forest

        The rules of the game have changed and the Masters have a chance to earn an extra command spell. All they have to do is find Castor and kill him.

      • EP8 - The Mage-Slayer

        Battle rages throughout Einzbern Castle: Kayneth's magical mercury sphere versus Kiritsugu's formidable gun arsenal, Saber and Lancer join forces against Caster in the forest, and Irisviel detects a new enemy as she and Maiya make their escape.

      • EP9 - Master and Servant

        Kiritsugu and company are wrapping up after the assault on their castle, and the Einzbern Master decides to ignore Saber's desire to pursue Caster, instead leaving on his own to finish off Kayneth. But Kayneth, after being saved by Lancer, has awakened to find himself bandaged and strapped to a bed. Sola-Ui explains the hopelessness of his current situation, and offers a shocking proposal...

      • EP10 - Rin's Big Adventure

        The mystery of the mass kidnappings in Fuyuki remains unsolved, with more kids disappearing daily. When Tohsaka Rin can't get in touch with her friend Kotone, she braves the darkness and enters the city on her own to search for her. That's when she spots a strange man leading two kids around and decides to follow him...

      • EP11 - Discussing the Grail

        Rider, Saber, and Archer sit down for a drink and discuss what makes a King. The talk turns to violence when Assassin interrupts…

      • EP12 - The Grail Beckons

        Hidden in a Fuyuki hotel, Kiritsugu tries plan his next move, but is still at a loss trying to understand Kirei's motives. Elsewhere, Iry and Saber have moved to a new hideout, a traditional Japanese manor. But while Iry seems excited about their new location, Saber senses something is amiss...

      • EP13 - The Forbidden Feast of Madness

        Rider and Waver make a trip into town, and stop in a bookstore along the way. There, Waver reads a biography on Rider's life and learns why he aimed to conquer the far east. Meanwhile, Caster and Ryuunosuke return to their destroyed base. A conversation with his Master leads Caster to an epiphany, and with insanity in his heart, the mad magician begins casting a certain spell...

      • EP14 未遠川血戦

        时臣和 Archer 虽到达未远河,可不论时臣如何劝说 Archer 都不愿再出手,这时 Berserker 出现攻击 Archer,二人开始在空中打斗,时臣找到雁夜,当雁夜问及樱的事时,时臣的冷漠让他恼羞成怒。Caster 的攻击越来越强烈,他凭借着无限再生能力的不死之身,让 Saber 等人陷入苦战,当龙之介被躲在暗处的舞弥杀害后,Caster 也愈发疯狂。

      • EP15 黄金の輝き

        Rider 等人对这个大家伙束手无策,便决定暂时撤退,再作商议,他用“王之军势”把 Caster 控制在固有结界以拖延时间,而接下来的行动就交给 Saber 等人了,这时,切嗣打来电话提醒 Lancer 解开 Saber 左手的诅咒,解除之后 Saber 使用宝具誓约胜利之剑将 Caster 一招击毙。另一边,雁夜被时臣打成重伤,暗中观战的绮礼本想杀掉他,可想到 Archer 的话,又改变了主意。

      • EP16 栄誉の果て

        肯尼斯从言峰璃正那里重新得到一枚令咒后,大肆斥责 Lancer 没能保护好索拉。这时,Saber 驱车前来,两人决定一决雌雄,专心迎战的 Lancer 没注意到,在另一边切嗣正以索拉为质胁迫肯尼斯签订强制咒文,Lancer 因肯尼斯消耗掉剩下的所有令咒而满怀怨恨的自杀离去,肯尼斯最终还是被舞弥射杀害。Saber 对切嗣万分失望,切嗣离开后,爱丽丝菲尔突然昏倒。

      • EP17 第八の契約

        言峰璃正被杀后,绮礼按照父亲留下的暗号将所有令咒转移到自己身上。另一边,爱丽丝菲尔答应了时臣发出的结盟邀请,但条件是让绮礼退出圣杯战争,绮礼虽口头答应但是他私下和 Archer 两人早有谋害时臣之心,在与时臣道别的晚上,绮礼用时臣送他的短刀了结了自己恩师的性命,并和 Archer 缔结新的契约。

      • EP18 遠い記憶


      • EP19 正義の在処


      • EP20 暗殺者の帰還

        爱丽丝菲尔的身体逐渐崩坏,只能静躺在魔法阵之中,切嗣从她身上取走剑鞘后便前往时臣的住所,在埋伏和潜入过程中,切嗣意识到时臣已死,这时,舞弥打来电话说 Rider 掳走夫人,切嗣使用令咒让 Saber 赶去仓库,而此时的舞弥已是奄奄一息,她拒绝了 Saber 的治疗并让她去追夫人,舞弥在见到切嗣最后一面,安心离去。

      • EP21 双輪の騎士

        Saber 追到 Rider 却没有看到爱丽丝菲尔,她用誓约胜利之剑打败 Rider 后离开。与此同时,伪装成 Rider 的 Berserker 将圣杯容器爱丽丝菲尔带到绮礼和雁夜身边,作为交换,绮礼安排雁夜和时臣见面,当雁夜到达教堂时却发现时臣已死,而这一幕被葵看到,误会了雁夜的葵戳中他的痛处,在精神错乱的状态下雁夜对葵发动了人身攻击。

      • EP22 この世全ての悪

        舞弥被杀,爱丽丝菲尔下落不明,卫宫切嗣又变成了孤独一人,可他必须为了拯救世界而坚持战斗。绮礼从爱丽丝菲尔口中得知切嗣的理想后将她杀害。圣杯之争接近尾声,绮礼发出最后决斗的信号,Rider 上阵前,韦伯一次下了三道命令将令咒耗尽,可 Rider 还是以朋友的身份,带着韦伯一起奔赴战场。

      • EP23 最果ての海

        在前方等待 Rider 的是 Archer,两人在短暂的酒宴后正式开始战斗,Rider 虽使用“王之军势”,可这回 Archer 也动了真格,他用能将世间万物破坏殆尽的初开剑打破 Rider 的结界,拼死一搏的 Rider,最终败在 Archer 剑下。与此同时,Saber 在和 Berserker 激烈打斗中,惊讶的发现 Berserker 居然是自己的圆桌骑士兰斯洛特,看到沦落如斯地步的兰斯洛特,Rider 话在她耳畔回响。

      • EP24 最後の令呪

        Saber 虽于心不忍但为了自己的理想还是将 Berserker 消灭。同时,绮礼和切嗣两人终于在战争末端迎来殊死较量,就在双方都要给彼此发出最后一击时,切嗣进入了圣杯的内部,并在和圣杯进行问答后拒绝了圣杯,Saber 眼看就要得到圣杯,可切嗣却使用了两道令咒让她将其毁掉。

      • EP25 - Fate/Zero

        在破坏掉圣杯后 Saber 含恨消失,而让切嗣没想到的是被破坏的圣杯所溢出的黑泥烧毁了整个冬木市,绮礼和 Archer 在黑泥中得到重生,而切嗣却因这样的结局难得救赎,在到处找幸存者的过程中,他发现了最后的“稻草”—— 士郎。最后的五年中,切嗣远离魔术平静的和士郎生活在一起,他正义使者的梦想也被身边这个少年所继承。

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