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- Region:Japan
- Type:TV
- English name:Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru / 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
- Official name:ループ7回目の悪役令嬢は、元敵国で自由気ままな花嫁生活を満喫する
- Chinese name:轮回七次的反派大小姐,在前敌国享受随心所欲的新婚生活
- Other names:Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuukimama na Hanayome Seikatsu o Mankitsu Suru / 轮回七次的恶役千金,在前敌国享受随心所欲的新婚生活
- Premiered:January 7, 2024
- Status:Finished Airing
- Tags:Love / Fantasy / For girls / Source novel
- Original author:雨川透子(オーバーラップノベルスf刊) / 木乃ひのき
- Director:いわたかずや(岩田和也)
- Scenario:待田堂子 / 武井風太 / 根元歳三
- Storyboard:吉川博明 / 杉島邦久 / 大原実 / 高橋幸雄 / 境宗久
- Co-director:岩田和也 / 梅本駿平 / 吉川志我津 / 高橋幸雄 / 田中貴大
- Character design:八美☆わん / 大貫健一 / [副]吉田和香子 / 田中穣 / 芝田千紗
- Music:ポニーキャニオン / アップドリーム / 宝野聡史 / 葛西竜之介 / ダックスプロダクション
- Production cooperation:エムケイ座
- Producers:ループ 7 回目製作委員会
- Copyright:©雨川透子・オーバーラップ / ループ 7 回目製作委員会
- Family:7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
- Rating:12+
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru
Rishe Irmgard Weitzner finds herself in a familiar situation: her fiancé is publicly breaking off their engagement, and her ducal family is about to disown her in shame.
However, Rishe is not distraught; she has already had six chances to rebuild her life and chase a different passion each time.
But she would always get swept up in a war and die, so now she wishes for her seventh reincarnation to be easygoing and uneventful.
What Rishe does not take into account is the presence of Arnold Hein, the crown prince of the Galkhein Kingdom.
He is destined to usurp the throne and become a tyrant who starts a large-scale invasion of neighboring countries.
To make their encounter worse, Arnold is the one who killed Rishe in her previous life.
That is why it is all the more shocking when he proposes to Rishe on the spot.
In pursuit of her desired life, Rishe must consider accepting Arnold's proposal and discover the reasons behind his brutal actions to stop the war from ever happening.
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EP1 - The Fiancé Who Killed Me
公爵令嬢リーシェ・イルムガルド・ヴェルツナーには、20歳で命を落としては婚約破棄される瞬間にループしてしまうという秘密があった。「7回目を迎えた今度こそ長生きしてごろごろしたい! 」と決心するリーシェの前に、6回目の人生で自身を殺したガルクハイン国の皇太子アルノルト・ハインが現れる。